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Everything posted by Rats

  1. Let's make a deal.... I'll buy you a round of rum if you don't buy it! The red makes my eyes burn and my teeth ache when I look at it... :) Kass darlin' I wish you would offer some simple white shirts, slops and or breeches for folks to buy. It really is the basis for any outfit. If nothing else maybe a picture tutorial of the different "correct" or even acceptable variations of shirts, slops and breeches as were common. This could include the variations as worn by a common man or whom ever. This way folks can compare and see the big difference between a correct repro and a costume shirt. As far as hats go, buy a blank for $30 and form it your self. You can make a tricorn or run it over with your car and shoot a hole through it. I just got a blank from these folks on a whim and have no complaints http://www.bradleycompanyofthefox.com/main.html Take care and remember, there's noting worse than regretting a hasty made purchase. Rats
  2. While preparing for the Lockhouse event, I began wondering what firearm accoutrements were carried by not only seamen, but also the military and militia groups. I'm sure we all have seen the cartridge boxes with the white leather straps as worn by Her Majesty’s troops. But what else was common? Powder horns and ball pouches? Pre-rolled cartridges? Canteens would have been correct for a militiaman. But a seaman?? Just wondering about useful equipment for cross over personas should a story line require it. Take care rats
  3. Well after running the gambit of pistol or longarm, then musket vs. blunderbuss. 'ol Rats is placing an order for a doglock musketoon. I'm told it's about 10 inches shorter then the musket and if requested I can get the brass fittings, which is apparently quite common for nautical issue. I'm told they should have it to me before I leave for the Lockhouse, so I'll be keeping my fingers crossed. I'm also told the flashhole is already drilled, which will save the hassel and $. Just thought I'd pound me chest Rats!
  4. I knew it was just a matter of time!!! Very nice!! :) 1 Greatcoat please!! Rats!
  5. You have to be there for RF2 Pete! Or else you're going to miss the Siege of Chicago 2007!!! Rats!
  6. "Absolutely mistress...?" Replied Reiley, as he offered Lady St. Claire the door. "If you need anything, feel free to..." "I will be fine doctor." Interrupted Lilly, as she closed the door. As Reiley began to walk away, he began to feel as though something was not right with the mistress's reaction and the look in her eyes... It was the look on a person's face as they walked to the gallows. "Excuse me sir." interrupted a young voice. As Reiley turned, he found the young serving girl whom young Mr. Davis had troubled earlier. "Yes my dear?" Smiled Reiley. "I don't wish to be forward, sir." the young girl continued. "But the young man in your charge?"
  7. "Very well then..." Replied Reiley, with a painful smile. "Mistress?" called Reiley. "There is a young lady out here to speak with you. She says she is a great admirer of your work... Perhaps if you???"
  8. Reggie was actually a very good character!! Something tells me he'll be back............Not! BTW: "Damnit Jim! I'm a doctor, not a PEACOCK!!!"
  9. Clearing his throat at the awkward moment, Reiley have a somewhat embarrassed smile of reassurance. "Mistress Mckinney?" Called Reiley. "If you would be so kind..." Smash! Went another article of furniture. "Is everything alright?" Asked the young lady, attempting to dismiss the obvious tantrum on the other side of the door. "I'm afraid not, m-lady..." replied Reiley, as he was interrupted by another loud crash. "I believe that was a chair... Perhaps another time, when the mistress is in better.... Sorts?"
  10. "Very well then m-lady." Smiled Reiley, as he stood and slightly bowed. Still trying not to make obvious his wayward glances. "Would you like to accompany me now or should I arrange a meeting at a later time? Either way, I'm sure Mistress McKinney would be glad to accomodate such a meeting." However, a sudden crash of tankards and raised voices, quickly caught Reiley's attention. "I beg your pardon m-lady." Insisted Reiley, as he noticed young Mr. Davis about to be pummled. "I believe that young man is in my employ." “Mr. Davis! Shouted Reiley, as he interrupted the tapster Haggarty. “You young man are more trouble than you are worth! Why I keep you around is beyond me!” Surprised by the additional scolding, Haggarty was taken aback. “I suppose you’re responsible for this disaster!” Continued Reiley, allowing a nod of confidence to be seen by young Davis. “Yes sir…” replied Davis, as he lowered his head. But not before catching a reluctant smile appear on the young girl’s face. “I fear my clumsiness has plagued me again!” “Very well then!” Snapped Reiley, as he grabbed Davis by the back of the collar and whispered in his ear. “Give her a smile before you go, lad.” “Out with you now, you little upstart!” Added Reiley, as he shoved Davis toward the door. “And see to those damn animals!” As Reiley began to talk circles around the dullard known as Haggarty, he couldn’t help but catch a brief glimpse of young Davis, as he stopped at the door and gave a gentle smile to the young girl as she collected the fallen tankards. It was a smile that was happily returned... But as Reiley finished calming the tapster Haggard, he returned his attention to the lovely creature he had spoken with moments earlier. "M-lady?" Offered Reiley, as he returned to the table of the mistress's mysterious admirer.
  11. Young Mr. Davis held the door as Mistress McKinney entered her room, only to have the door slammed shut the moment she cleared the doorway. But as he hurried to return to assist Doctor Reiley, he suddenly found himself colliding with a young serving girl. “Blast!” cried the young girl, as the tankards tumbled to the floor. “I’m terribly sorry!” offered Davis. “Let me help you…” “A lot good that’ll do!” Snapped the young girl. “Me uncle will ‘ave me hide for this!” “What the bloody hell!!!” Bellowed the tapster Haggarty, as he poked his head out of the kitchen. “You can’t do anything right, can you girl!!” “Actually sir, it was all my fault.” Insisted Davis. “In my haste to help with the mistress’s luggage, I wasn’t watching where I was going….” “Is that a fact now!” growled Haggarty, as he redirected his anger to Davis. “Perhaps I should be teaching you the lesson for not…”
  12. Ok I'll chime in!! Had some inservice training on Tuesday. The senario was I had to respond to an assistance call for a DNR agent. Only when I arrived (turned around), I found perp on top of the DNR repeatedly stabbing him. (sad fact is all senarios were based on real and recent incidents). Running to assist and drawing my pistol, I fired on the badguy, who fled to his car. After putting about ten rounds at the badguy, I dragged the dnr out of the lane of traffic of the perp's vehicle. The dummy was about one hundred to one fifty pounds in weight. I then put more rounds into the perp as he began to pull away. Now in reality, there is no way this person could have possibly lived through this. But in the process of saving "the dummy", this dummy (myself) tweaked my back. Of coarse I put it off. But last night stunk and I couldn't sleep. But a trip to the "crack doctor" popped me back into place. "Yer on ice!" I was told. But you can't keep a good Rats down. Funny thing is, I was told by the trainers, that I was the only person who cared enough to drag the DNR dummy out of the line of the badguy's car. When questioned about my actions, I told em, "Christsake, the man was just stabbed! I'll be damned if I'm gonna let him get ran over too?" But now I'm sore and tired!! Gotta luv it when the good guys win!! Rats!
  13. As the carriage came to a hault, young Mr. Davis quickly climbed down and opened the carriage door. "Mr. Davis." called Doctor Reiley. "Be a good lad and see the mistress to her room." "I believe I know the way to my own room, Mr. Davis!" Snapped Lilly. "But I thank you for your vigilance." As Davis helped Lilly from the carriage, he looked to Reiley for further instruction. "Eyes open lad.." Cautioned Reiley, as he jestured Davis to follow the mistress to her room. "Yes sir." nodded Davis, as he hurried to catch up to Lilly. "Perhaps," Thought Reiley. "by the time the captain returns to the port, the mistress will be in better spirits... Perhaps things will return to the normal level of insanity... Perhaps?"
  14. Wool greatcoats or boatsmen cloaks? Treated (or untreated) canvas greatcoats or cloaks? That's our captain, always thinking about the crew! :) Rats!
  15. “You sir, are getting lazy!” Snapped Mistress McKinney, after having corudually walked Reiley out of the cottage. “We have been her for days, my dear doctor. And unfortunately the only convelesence of which I have seen you perform is eating, drinking, telling of tales, and a barbaric tutelage of a young man who would be better suited to be sent off to a proper school, rather than learn how to disembowel his fellow man. And though I am very thankful for all kindness to which our sweet hostess has provided, I feel it very necessary to continue our journey to Port Royal!” As the words stung true, Reiley couldn’t help but agree with Lilly’s words. It was obvious he could have easily spent days doing nothing but living off of sweet Abbi’s kindness. But he knew the simplicity of such a life, would need to be exchanged for the various responsibilities of which all of them possessed. “You are right of coarse.” Answered Reiley. “Perhaps the ease of life here, along with the enchanting company….. I will have Mr. Davis ready the carriage at once.” As Reiley turned to have the carriage prepared, he could sense there was a far deeper reason for the Mistresses unexpected lecture. “I’m sure he will be fine, dear mistress.” Offered Reiley, as he stopped to offer consolement. “As I’m sure all will be put into order once we have returned to Port Royal.” However Mistress McKinney did not reply.
  16. Rats deported! Again we're being kicked out of every good country! Not to worry! I'll just hide in your carry on! Then if you can drop me a couple of those airline bottles now and again I'll be fine!! Rats!
  17. When I was in the service, I went to Seattle on a Friday night. I woke up in Vancouver B.C.... On Sunday! Rats!
  18. A rat with rabies shots??? Unfortunately my dear, that kind of defeats the purpose of being such a rodent?! Besides, I'm squeemish around needles... ....or was that really big mouse traps? ...or perhaps hungry cats? I forget! rats!
  19. Very nice indeed!
  20. I can just see the look on the X-ray tech's face when the see "the Rats" in your suitcase!!! "Gee Phil, did you see that? "Ahm no.." Looking into his coffee cup "Did you???" "Ahm no....?" Says Bob, now looking into his cup? "Should we say something?" "Why, I didn't see nothing!" "Yeah, yeah... Neither did I..?" Rats!
  21. I agree, a good move! Would luv to see those pics! Rats!
  22. Forget Scrounger and the Lockhouse! Take me to the UK and to TORM!!! :) Rats!
  23. "What the hell is wrong wit' you?!" Reiley could hear the ghost of 'ol Grady Lords. "keep yer eye on yer business, less she's for the time-being or for turning a profit!" But as he looked into the Mistress's eyes, he remembered that sudden kiss, to which she had mischieviously ambushed him with. "God, luv her!" Reiley grinned, "Nothing but trouble." But then Reiley noticed her eyes began to drift once more and her quizical smile turn solemn as he realized what and whom she was thinking about. "Damn fools both of them...."
  24. Rats


    There you are Pete! I knew you were gonna say that! :) Infact that's why I bought the Guinness! Alot more stout than I remembered! Maybe it just tastes better at Bristol! Maybe it's also the scenery!!! :) Here's to ya! Rats!
  25. BTW: I know we're there for the show. But with the Photo opportunities, I hope get plenty of pics for all crews to use and promote! Bring what you can for extra props and such! Rats
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