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Everything posted by Rats

  1. You mean a good BLEEDING DRINK! Rats!
  2. Here's to you darlin! If you ever get tired of yer own prosperous business, we're always looking for toughies in the Shire Reaves! Can't we all just get along, or at least drunk!! Take care! Rats!
  3. Thanks Kass! I have always been advised the typical weakness in an impression is usually in the shoes. (Here I though my bucket boots and or red pumps would have worked) Just kidding .... or was I?? I personally went with the concords, because they were inexpensive, I needed them very soon, and the real deal would have cost more than my entire kit for starters. Did I mention they come in EEE sizes and I have the widest feet known to man..( you know what they say!) Once the rest of my gear is purchased however, I will attempt to find a better shoe. But until then I will have to make do. :) Unfortunately there is little choice until someone makes a correct shoe for less $$. However I am making the attempt and since I have a pistol and possibly a musket in the works, I'll take my lashes for the short commings. :) Here's to us all! Rats!
  4. A very nice "attitude adjuster"! I doubt if my dept. would allow such a thing. I take it, it's your own making... How long did you put into it? Once weathered in the years to come, she'll look even better! Well done! Rats!
  5. Did that post actually make sense??? Truthfully.... I was so doped up and out of .... sorts. I didn't even remember writing it til the boss, told me how I barely said two words to her and went right to the computer I got hit by the severe chills and sweats. I thought I was going through withdraws from the morphine. Doc says thats normal for the meds. But you can't keep agood Rats down! I give it another day or two and I'll be my most wretched self again! I will mention, I was told by hospital staff and family "You take your work seriously" having yelled at and "adjusted" people in my sleep. Interesting?? But I thank you all for the kind words Take care and we'll talk to you soon! Rats!!!
  6. God this hurts! Well, I just got back from the ER! Thurs, I had some pain in my midsection, (1 two many situps or I ran too hard??) maybe even gas??? Wake up at 2am with more pain... Go into work by 3pm, and by 7pm have spasems and mucho pain only now down the right side of the groin. Hernia???? But you can't keep a good Rats down and I finish up my shift then drive like harlot at high-tide to the hospital. So now I just got home after being hooked to a morphine drip and having all kinds of pokes and prods!!! I'M tired, sore and doped up! Man this hurts!! Rats
  7. My main drawback is that's also Morgan's B-day. I might be able to pull fri sat and sunday??? But more than that???? Rats!
  8. Just like the post inquires! Anyone know of a good source or advice on how to make a correct version??? Any Pics?? Rats!
  9. Grappling hooks?? That was my next search! WIll have to start a new post Rats!!
  10. Morning Greg! And thanks! I hate to befuddle ofcoarse, It's just I hate to spend$$$ and have it not be or look right. It's my goal to have a few good size coils tied and kept for props. (folks can sit in them for all I care) but it would be good propage. Let's face it, ropes were part of the business I'd also like a few yards for grappling hooks. I was thinking that maybe a fun demo would be to toss a small float or raft in water (or land)and for crewe to try to snagging it with the grapples. Kind of pirate horse shoes?? I'm also planning some promo shots and let's face it, the more props the better!! Rats
  11. Doglock account on PB forum? I'll be taking a look then! Thanks to all! Rats!!
  12. Well then HM let's hear about it?? Here's my three choices again so far http://www.loyalistarms.freeservers.com/br...t1778model.html http://www.loyalistarms.freeservers.com/dogblund.html http://www.loyalistarms.freeservers.com/do...oglockmusk.html Here's to ya! Rats!!
  13. This might be a no brainer for some.. Hell man I doctor not a mariner! But what is the correct rope that would be found on ships? Such as the big coils always seen or the ropes used for grappling hooks and such??? Yes I'm looking to invest for props and such, so I'm looking for good stuff that won't cost more than my entire kit! Thanks again and here's to ya! Rats!!
  14. Had no idea there was as many revwar events in the Wisco territories Maybe I should get that musket after all! Anyone have one already?? Rats!
  15. "Hope you join us!" They have no clue what kind of floodgate they just opened. Kinda like when you invite a vampire into your house! Damn good foot work Capn' Pete! Here's to ya! Rats!!
  16. I'm in Wisconsin. I'm just considering the cross over and the practicality. I want one of the dog locks! But perhaps it would be more practical to pick up a musket before. I plan to go with a pistol very soon, but the next purchase is up in the air. Thanks again Rats
  17. Ok, since we're going for the correct look and plastic sporks won't work. (God I luv a good spork!) so what are correct eating goods? Pewter goods? clay works? Wooden tankards? Cast iron forks?? Rats
  18. A great idea! Plus they're here in the states, so less shipping?? Thanks again! Rats
  19. "Is that fresh bread I smell?" deflected Reiley, as he tried to change the subject. "You know Abbi makes the best bread in the Port. A shame she dosn't sell it at market."
  20. He had tried to control his anger and leave well enough alone. However after being pressed by young skinner and “his lads”, young Jacob had initially let his fists do the talking, but suddenly found himself on the receiving end of a severe thrashing. In the days that followed, rather than attending St. Bartholomew’s as a surgeon, young Jacob was forced be treated there as a patient. Still, his dear Sarah made it something of a daily vigil, spending every stolen moment at his side. But after several days of which she failed to show, Jacob knew something was wrong. “Mr. Reiley?” said Vicar James, as he woke the young man from his sleep. “… son, I fear I have some terrible news.” In the days that followed, Jacob Reiley felt his heart grow cold as the rain on that funeral morn. In the days that followed Teddy Burger was the first to meet an unfortunate accident. Thus losing an arm in result of a break, caused by a fall from a toppling scaffold. Teddy was followed by Adam Geoffrey, who was severely burnt in a fire that of which engulfed his father’s blacksmith shop. One by one all of the young Skinner’s “lads” met with terrible, disfiguring and near fatal accidents. “You know I’m not afraid of you!” snapped the young Skinner. “Then choose a pistol, you pathetic little coward.” Insisted Reiley. “Lest I forget my attempt at propriety.” Looking around at the rubble of the deserted building, then to the back-alley mediator, who was chosen to preside over the duel, young Richard Skinner began to realize he was very much alone and there was no money in the world that could save him. “If my father were here…” taunted Skinner, his eyes beginning to glass over. “If your father was here,” interrupted Reiley. “He would make every effort to ensure that the “Good Name” of his rapist son would not be tarnished… Then again, perhaps the reason he’s not here is because you were afraid to tell him. Perhaps it would be you he would hang from the gallows…. And since I’m the only person who know the truth of what you and your “Lads” did to my Sarah... All you have to do is kill me and your secret will be kept. ” “If you think..” started Skinner. “CHOOSE!” hollered Reiley, as he restrained himself from diving over the table and choking the life from Skinner. But as Skinner made his selection and start to walk from the table, Reiley also secured his option and stood with pistol at his side, waiting for the command. “She was a whore.” Whispered Skinner, as he made ready his pistol. “And WE treated her as such…” “I’ll be taking ye to hell now, Richard Skinner…” Growled Reiley.
  21. Very good and straight forward advice! Again exactly what is needed! I will look to the small sword and see what we have mentioned from Black John. My thanks again! Rats!
  22. To be honest, this is exactly the kind of input I was looking for. My crew is infact working toward a period correct persona and the last thing I would hope is to spend $$$ where it is not needed. Capt. also have two very good and serviceable hawks, yet after seeing various movies (remember the cut away scene in Master and Commander?) I did see similiar axes, but that was a much later timeline. Though my persona would generally avoid such a chopper, I am thinking about alternative personas and also for living history displays, props and such. Perhaps the Godwin model will work then? I thank you all for your advice! Here's to us all! Rats!
  23. “Read it aloud once more.” Begged Jacob, as he kissed the back of her neck. “Very well,” whispered Sarah, as she cleared her throat then attempted a deep voice of propriety. “Rubbish, rubbish, rubbish, Medicines! Rubbish, rubbish, Surgeries! Diligent and studious! Rubbish… rubbish…(then kissing him softly) rubbish…” “I’ll show you rubbish!” Jacob laughed, as he tickled her, then playfully wrestling her to the mattress. “What say you to that, Mistress Reiley?” “I couldn’t be more proud of you.” Cried Sarah, her words like a song to his ears. Yet there was something in her tone, something in her touch that warned young Jacob there was more to her tears. “What is?” he asked, as he allowed her to sit up. “Was it “The Mistress” part? With my appointment, perhaps now your father would allow…” “He won’t have it!” Sarah interrupted, Jacob’s professed daydream. “He is indebted to Magistrate Skinner and that jackabite son of his.” Jacob knew well the hold of which Magistrate Skinner had over the local merchants. And having studied with his son, he was also familiar with the spoiled and cruel antics of Richard Skinner. “Has he been bothering you again?” Jacob asked, as his eyes became narrowed and an anger take holds of his heart. “Again?” Asked Sarah, as she expressed her distaste. “He hasn’t stopped! Just because my father is indebted to his, he feels he can paw and gloat with his lads, ever they come around.” “Well then perhaps I should deal with him my self!” insisted Jacob, as he showed a humorous attempt at fist to cuff. “Don’t be silly.” Insisted Sarah, as she pulled him close and holding him tight. “Magistrate Skinner would have you in the guardhouse! And that my Doctor Reiley will not do well for your career.” “A marvelous voice of reason!” Jacob insisted, as he kissed her again. “Perhaps that’s why I love you so much? That and the way you…” “Jacob!” threatened Sarah. “You’ll mind yourself!” “Or?” pressed Jacob. “Or never again….”
  24. “Do you miss your family? You’re friends…your girl?” The words seemed to echo in his head. Over and over, as a multitude of places and faces suddenly flashed by. “This is impossible!” Yelled Jacob, as he threw the book onto the ground. “There is no way I can memorize the whole chapter in one weekend! I have no name, I have no position, I don’t even know what I’m doing here!” As the young girl allowed a knowing smile, then calmly retrieved the cast away book, he realized just how childish he had been. “Are you done with your tantrum, little boy?” Asked Sarah, as she returned his book and sat directly next to him. “If so, I suggest you keep to your task at hand...” “I would much rather keep to this task at hand.” Insisted Reiley, as he playfully tugged at his dear Sarah. But rather than giving in, she quickly stood up slapping his greedy paws away. “Not a clip, ‘til you’ve finished the chapter!” Sarah ordered as she pointed a parental-like finger at Reiley. “If you want a name or position good sir, you will have to earn it!” He knew she was right. Given the opportunity to attend the school, it was his responsibility to make a success of the privilege. “Sarah!” called her father from the street below. “I have to go and help clean up…” Sarah sighed, as she straightend herself. “I’ll see you tomorrow then?” Asked Reiley, as he stood and helped the young lady with her shawl. “Tommorow?!” the girl corrected, with a smile. “We have a lot of work to do Doctor Jacob Reiley… You’ll be seeing me tonight… To study!” Then following a small peck on his cheek, Reiley watched from the window, as she cross the street to the tavern below. It was then that he suddenly realized, just how in love he was.
  25. Just got an E-mail and sounds like they got em in stock and I might send for one. Anyone got one? Was it worth it? Burried the hatchet yet?? Rats!
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