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Everything posted by Rats
Skittles chewing the Capt. out! Gunner Billy Beach Brethren Recruit March talking with locals Young Josh Merriweather Our very cheeky Cheeky Actress (Now I know who took my mug!! )
And I also have a very impressive............................... musketoon! I mean er 'ahm, Aaargh! So you hungry for more?? March checks the stew Skittles cleaning the pan Why do you think we call him Mad Dog?? Mad Dog's best side
Alright then..... You asked for it CAMP PICS Our very dapper Capt. Sterling and young Josh Merriweather Our Cheeky and the Capt. Jim gets the point! :) Rats takes a break from behind the camera Members of our gracious hosts the Pirate Brethren
AAARGH BUCKET!!!^*&%&^$&($! Hey looks like I figured it out!! Now the pics can flow like free Guinness!!!!! Rats
"Damnit John! I'm doctor, not a carpenter!!!"
Just got back from Lockhouse and already looking forward to RF2! Rats
Thanks again. But the pleasure was all mine! When you have such good folks that fit the parts it's really easy.... Well sort of. But fun just the same! And to think this is just the start!! Here's to us all Rats
Half way through all the pics! Only 300 more to go! :) Rats
That's what I thought until the chew session by his girlfriend!! Better him than me! :) Rats
Some yahoo who called himself "the pirate" and was wearing an old navy T-shirt, came over and said he'd buy me a drink, well I said what about my mates, so he brought over a guinness for the boys. He was drunk as a monkey and got screamed at by his girlfriend and the waitress... I don't think he even worked there. But it was free and went down like a harlot at high..... Well you know what I mean. :) Rats!
I saw it this last weekend. Unfortunately, you'll have to wipe off the drool I left on it! No hard feelings! Here's to ya! Rats
I agree also about the dressing ups and downs and the need to be flexible. Our 1st two skirmishes had a horde of pirates and about 5 militia. which is why I went civie. I know we all want to be the glorious pirates. But the truth is we have to do the scene so it looks plausible. I know everyone (even the guys) want to be the bell of the ball and wear their best. But when you dress down and can switch personas, you become more flexible, plus you don't have to worry about ruining your "good" stuff. But I also think the common dressed folks are much more versitile and easier to cast for character roles. I also I'm sure the ladies had no clue they would be recruited to participate. But I'm glad they did, because their screams and their presence greatly helped the presentation. OK gotta go eat and feed the the triplets! Rats
The walking stick is most likely Black John's.... from the pic of him at officer's call. That's the stick that was found unless someone had basically the same stick? Yes we have finally gotten back from 14 or was it 17 hrs of travel Yes I'm dead tired but was having a blast! I have about 600 pics to work on now........ No rest for the wicked! Here's to ZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzz....... (sleep) Rats!
And with the temp dropping.... So starts my trip to the home of the good Mister March and his darling wife Skittles. I'm told our plan is to leave at about 2am in the morrow, thus beginning a 12 - 15 hr quest for the Lockhouse... I'm sore, tired and recovering from a snout full'o pepper spray. But the good guys always win and I have the next 8 or 9days off to recover!!! Note to self: If you encounter someone standing on top of his sink and having an argument with someone or something down the drain.... They're generally "a no person" Here's to you all and I can't wait to drink to........ well anything!! RATS!!
Now I'm actually looking to see if they would swap a doglock onto a dragoon or early sea service.. Yeah it would be sort of a mutt. But with the correct lock, she should work... Shouldn't it?? Rats!
2ff bad juju?? I've seen folks use prerolled cartriges and pour barrel and pan from the same cart??? Not good?? or use 3fff all around and save the probs. Loyalist suggests 2ff only they don't mention priming??? Rats
I also use the real BP, only it's the elephant brand. Which has been what my CW unit buys in bulk. It's 2f though... 2F for the Pan??? And what size of flint should I get for a musket?? Rats
Not bad I geuss??? havn't much to compare it to??? I put her together last night after back to back 12 hr shifts and then tonight more hell-oween antics and another 12 hr shift. so I'm beat!! I'll have a better look in the next coupe of days.... I need.... sleep....ZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzz........... Snore! RatsZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz..................snore!........ burp!
Yep, she arrived in two pieces, (The doglock yesterday, the stock and barrel today), took me five minutes to unwrap and ten seconds to put together. Needless to say ........ Did I mention I'll get some pics and try to shoot her soon. Here's to you! Rats!
Oi Capn'! Even if we don't do it for the crowd, we have to at least hang Billy!! :) Even if it's just to poke at him with sharp sticks!! I mean for photos that is! Rats! Did I mention I just got me doglock???
"Come mistress!" Insisted Reiley. "We need to get you out of harm's way" "But I can help.." insisted Mistress McKinney, as she was quickly ushered away from the blaze by the doctor. "My dear, if the wind shifts and the fire turns, this crowd will become a blind stampede." added Reiley, as he helped the Mistress traverse the crowd. "The farther you are away from this epic the better."
Good ideas! With the trashing and weathering I plan to do, I could care less where I get it from so long as it fits!! Thanks again and take care! Rats!
He had seen the mistress arrive and hurry to the ceremony. Yet Reiley couldn't help but feel for the young beauty as ser composure began to drift. "Stand tall son and make your presence known." Reiley advised, the smartly dressed Davis, then began to slip through the crowd. But as he neared Mistress Mckinney, he couldn't help but hear her comment of wanton personal doom. A comment which to Reiley was far from acceptable. "Unfortunately my dear," interrupted Reiley. "I fear such an event would be most unpleasant, to more then just yourself." For a moment the young actress looked startled, then cross, then somewhat grateful at Reiley's thoughtful interruption. "Perhaps I could offer something that might take the edge off??" added Reiley, as he produced a small flask from his coat pocket.
With the docks and the Archangel in sight, Reiley insisted to stop into a nearby tavern for a predatory drink. “Now sir.” Instructed Reiley, as he turned to young Mr. Davis. “This day there is to be a wedding, “Bar keep one ale!”… and the best behavior will be expected from you…. Do you understand?” “Yes sir.” Insisted Davis, as he attempted to straighten his haphazard uniform. “That’s good, lad.” Added Reiley, as he slapped some coin on the bar top and took a pull from his tankard. “Because once I become slobbering drunk, I will probably make a complete ass out of myself and you will surely need to ensure I don’t insult anyone important..” “Sir?” questioned Davis, surprised at Reiley’s outburst. “Just kidding lad.” Insisted Reiley. “However, I am afraid there is no way you will be allowed to attend this ceremony dressed in those rags!” “Yes sir…” Agreed Davis, lowering his head in embarrassment. “I wouldn’t want to embarrass you or the good Captain…” “Which is exactly the reason why you need to get you changed.” Added Reiley, as he cut open one of the boxes and handed it to Davis. “You’re a good man Mr. Davis.” Added Reiley. “.. and I’m damn proud to have you working with me…” As Davis opened the box, which he originally thought was a wedding gift, he found a new and never worn hat and various other articles of proper ware. “Unfortunately, it’s not all new.” Insisted Reiley, with a shrug. “But it’s a good start for a young man making his way.” As young Mr. Davis stared at his new clothing, it was obvious he was at a loss of words. “Well, what are you waiting for lad?” Insisted Reiley. “Go on! Get yerself changed and let me finish me drink! You don't want us to be late do you!?” “Aye sir!” grinned Davis.
“If you ask me lad?” Insisted Reiley, as he slapped Davis on the back and almost caused him to drop the packages he ws carrying. “When I talked to her, she seemed very interested! So the question now is, what do you plan to do about it?” “Well, I …” Stammered Davis. “You do know what “to do” about it…. Don’t you?” Paused Reiley, as he stopped in the middle of the street and gave Davis a questioned look. “Well of coarse….I.. ahm” Stammered Davis. “I mean, it’s not like I’m some kind of….” “That’s a relief!” sighed Reiley. “Here I thought I’d have to give you the talk…” “Yeah the talk…” replied Davis, with a hesitant chuckle. “Because I haven't even started drinking enough to give that lecture!” Added Reiley. “But just the same lad, at a wedding like this, there is sure to be many a bonny lass. So you’d be wise to keep yer eyes open.. ” "After all," Added Reiley. "You never know what might happen!"