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Everything posted by Rats

  1. Rats


    Watch out them cows can stampede! No after taste! Rats!
  2. Rats


    What de hell else could a title like that be about! Now I'm tyically a Capt. Morgan man... I also remember my hunchpunch, ta-kill-ya, screwdriver, mad dog, thinderbird, rollin rock, PBR and what's on tap days. But typically it's been a morgan an coke, aside from a spotted cow or a good cider. Alright. so I just opened a Guinness "Extra stout" and I discover "man that's kinda stout". So what is the big differences in such beers? Rats!
  3. I'm outta here! You had to start trouble, didn't you! Next you'll be talking poli-ticks!! Rats!
  4. So yer basically talking about that which = the GAoP equivilent the all purpose apron of coarse with the cute little dairy maid hats with the occasional lock of hair sneaking from under, thereby extenuating the curves of her pretty little face...... See! What did I tell you?? It's the girl next door thingey and yer feeling like the 'ol Big Bad Wolf! A huffin' and a puffin and such! He was a helluva a pirate.... Coarse til he got hacked up by that woodsman fella! Oh well his bad luck! Here's to you! Rats!
  5. I've seen Klingons, starship crews and Jedi. :) If I pay to get in... So long as I behave me self, don't get naked, goose the queen and or shock the crowd by saluting with me mainmast... I figure they'll be happy to count my money at the gate. Not to mention, I'm a good tipper for me drinks! (Ding Ding Huzzah!) Rats!
  6. After expending an ample amount of shot and powder, Reiley and Davis returned to the mill. “Just remember what I told you.” Insisted Reiley. “But if you move in quick and get in close, they won’t ‘spect it and they’ll be forced to deal with you. So be ready.” Upon entering the kitchen Reiley poured two mugs of water for himself and Davis. But as he turned to hand the cup to the young sharpshooter, he noticed Mistress Lilly as she entered the room. Suddenly he found it somewhat difficult to drink. “Dr. Reiley.” Smiled Lilly, as she stopped close. “Mistress..” nodded Reiley, as he found himself straightening up. “I trust you shoulder is better?” questioned Lilly, placing a soft hand on the location of his injury. “Ahm, yes. Yes mistress.” Reiley stammered. “I thank you for all you done. And I’m very sorry to have placed you in such a situation. I would have never be able to live with myself if you were to..” “Well now, since we’re all here,” Bellowed Abbi, as she entered the kitchen. “If you could place the dishes, I look to a fine lunch for us all. How would that be?” “That would be wonderful maam!” replied Davis, noticing the awkward moment of which his mentor had found himself surprisingly at a loss for words. “Here, let me help you there.”
  7. “Now you see how silly this is!” Demanded Reiley, as he repeated for Davis the typical stance, handling and commencement of a pistol duel. “They say it’s a matter of honor. But who in their right mind wants to stand in the open, for another idiot to shoot him?! I say the hell with it! Turn, get your pistol up and drop the bastard!” Without another word, young Davis had raised the long-barreled dragoon with two hands, as if holding a musket and fired. With a flash of powder and curtain of smoke, the bullet struck one of the glass bottles. “Was that your target?” asked Reiley, surprised at the young man’s accuracy. “Yes sir, it was.” Shrugged Davis, as he looked down at the pistol. “It’s just it’s kind’o big and clumsy for one hand. Me thought I’d steady ‘er with me other. Then I just did the target and the trigger thing like you said…” “And it worked?” grumbled Reiley, as he loaded another weapon. “Here try this one!” offered Reiley, as he handed Davis one of the blunderbusses. “She’s got a bit of a kick, so watch your self.” Again young Mr. Davis faced off at his target and without hesitation, raised the gun and fired, causing several of the glass bottles to shatter. “Well done lad!” cheered Reiley. “I should have let you have at the lot of em. But just remember, it’s not so easy when the bottles decide to shoot back… Right?” “Yes sir..” Nodded Davis, as he wiped some powder from his face. “You’re a natural, boy-o.” nodded Reiley, as he slugged Davis on the shoulder. “Why don’t you try loading all the muskets this time, like I showed you, only quicker. I'll set you some targets…. Ready go!” As Reiley walked over to the old log, Davis methodically took to loading each of the muskets. By the time Reiley had set bottles and returned, young Mr. Davis stood with musket at side. "Mr. Davis?" Grinned Reiley, as he put his fingers in his ears. "Ready? There they are!" The lad never missed a shot....
  8. Still trying to work out two days for travel. But I have the 4th and the following four days off. So I should be there, with a bit of luck! Rats!
  9. 10 year shooting commercial gigs and I can't believe I never jumped the gun on that one! God I luv the ladies! All shapes and sizes, you gotta luve em! Maybe that's the cider talkin' Did I mention AAAARGH! Rats!
  10. Here are some of the choices I have found / kicked around for the last few months. Hope they all paste correctly! Rifles GAoP http://www.loyalistarms.freeservers.com/do...oglockmusk.html http://www.loyalistarms.freeservers.com/16...;sfrmarine.html http://www.loyalistarms.freeservers.com/dogblund.html http://www.loyalistarms.freeservers.com/bl...tractstyle.html http://www.loyalistarms.freeservers.com/Fr...lunderbuss.html http://www.loyalistarms.freeservers.com/br...t1778model.html Pistols http://www.loyalistarms.freeservers.com/br...ragoon1730.html http://www.middlesexvillagetrading.com/NEW...Wbritdrag.shtml http://www.middlesexvillagetrading.com/ger...man_dragoon.htm http://www.loyalistarms.freeservers.com/do...oglokpistl.html http://www.loyalistarms.freeservers.com/17...h%20pistol.html http://www.dixiegunworks.com/product_info....770e07457e5c70d Just trying to help! Rats!
  11. Then she won't be alone next door for much longer! Truthfully though, I've always kinda been the badguy that likes a good girl. I thought it was a fun challenge trying to change em, now I'm the one finding a heart in the rough! So I'm either getting old and wise or just getting lazy. But if nothing else, I figure the ladies love a fella who knows when to be a gent, but also knows how to be a scoundrel. I think bathing plays a big part also! Here's to em! Rats!
  12. Just stumbled on this thread and thought I'd add me own thoughts. Seems that though I've always had an appreciation for a shameless siren, my heart has always been stolen by "the girl next door" . Perhaps it's the soft voice and those innocent eyes... Hell, they probably just see me and put on the "Good Girl act" for show. You gotta luv em! Here's to the girl next door! Rats
  13. Heck you could easily do it with the pirate bit! Hell, you could be robbing two pirates blind, who would of coarse blame it on each other and have at it, while you walk away scott-free! Just an idea! Rats!
  14. "Get away from there, you scamp!" Bellowed Abbi. "Yer to be healin' and such! Not prancing around me kitchen!" "I can help you with my dishes, if I have the mind!" protested Reiley, as he was swatted in the backside with Abbi's trusty broom. "I should have left the bullet in you, You no-goodnic!" Snapped Abbi, as she continued to oust Reiley. "Very well then madam!" Announced Reiley in a false bravado. "If my services are not appre-ciated... I will take my leave!"
  15. UNSANDED? Not that the rest wasn't shocking enough.... What are friends for!! Hey Lilly darlin! You should really think about that Jenny Diver angle! I would love to see us work something like that out and it really wouldn't be that difficult! The jacket bit would be great, say for instance if you have two gentlemen sitting next to Jenny, each of them working for her affection as she robs them blind and hands things off to her passing gang, disguised as say a priest or burly nun, a mother and child, blind man?? It would be good! See already back to my Fred and Barney schemes! Rats!!
  16. Much better me darlin! Though I took an extry day off, followed by my three day weekend, I should be able to shake these agues afore long! Thanks for asking! Yes I actually feel great compared to or Here's to ya! Rats!
  17. Somewhere in between: (In his best Mad Max, Aussie impression) "..I was a cop, a driver." (Then drastically changing to a southern drawl) "What we have here is... failiar to communicate!" Actually I'm one of the guys, who dosn't feel it nesessary to pound my chest and shine my badge on someone's nose every five minutes! :) Yes I'm far from normal, but I can sleep at night!! Here's to you all! Rats!
  18. I didn't know Loyalist has a US dealer! New York you say? Good to know! Who would you fellows look to for your Queen Anne if one was to buy one? Dixie? They have great customer service? Cherry's Thunder Ridge? Take care Rats!
  19. Is that the Brass Annie? I agree my friend! Looks very tasty! Rats!!
  20. Your from the Chicago area! I'm sure youve seen the warning signs in the alleyways English Ababic And Spanish warning "Ratas" Rats!
  21. The point well taken, Reiley found himself almost embarrassed he needed the frenchman's assistance. Still, having given such help in the heroic fashion demonstrated and without the option to refuse, the frenchman had found a friend in Jacob Reiley. "I tell her she should take this to market... Ouch!" Added Reiley and gesturing toward the bread, as his elbows were slapped from the table. "Perhaps I could make enough to sell, if the likes of you wouldn't eat it all." Clucked Abbi, as she refilled the pitcher. "There's that bakery shop on water street!" Interrupted Davis. "The one 'use t-be ouned by Mr. Howard 'fore he got hit by that s'hitewagon." "You see! It would be perfect!" Demanded Reiley, as he looked to Abbi's approval. But as he looked to her for approval, he noticed a look of apprehension appear hidden by a playful kindness that brought commonsense to all of his idiotic schemes. "And leave all of this!" Demanded Abbi. "I don't think so Mr. Reiley! Besides, a town like that couldn't handle me!"
  22. Alright here we go! 1st will be a pistol: Dragoon or Queen Anne (probably the Anne because it's perfect for our time and it's easy to handle). But its also hard to get the dragoon out of my head as the typical look for a pistol. 2nd I'll be calling for the Dogbus just cuz of the ease of transport, handling and loading. 3rd The doglock musket Maybe I'll just get the dogbus 1st and forget the pistol!!! Rats!
  23. Taking notice of Christophe's entry and the common friendship he obviously held with his dear Abbi, Reiley stood and offered a welcomed handshake. "Mr. Christophe, it's good to see you again." grinned Reiley. "And I believe a thanks is also in order."
  24. None of that sounds like anything I want to be a part of! Think I'll just drop into the fetal position and yell nursery rhymes until all bad things go away!!! Ratas!!
  25. "What's the matter with you lad?" Demanded Abbi, as she nudged young Mr. Davis. "You've barely touched your meal?" "..nothing like that maam. I'm fine..." As Reiley greedily devoured his meal, he couldn't help but notice the change of character in the young Mr. Davis. It was obvious to Reiley the lad was far from a child. But at the same time perhaps such a skirmish was not what he had expected from "the good doctor". As Reiley watched Abbi walk from the room, he took the opportunity to address young Davis and put to end any issues the young man might have. "Not what you were expecting. Was it?" Started Reiley "Sir?" Asked Davis, surprised at the sudden confrontation. "You havn't said two words in the last day." informed Reiley. "Either you're sick or you have something on your mind... I figured it was probably something to do with what happened on the road." "I'm glad your well, sir." Replied Davis, after a moment of silence. "I just wish.... I could have.. Helped." "What's that?" asked Reiley, surprised at Davis' reply. "Yes Sir," Added Davis. "I think if I might 'ad pistol o'me'own and knew how to use it right, I could 'ave save you." "What a good lad." thought Reiley. Here he was worried he would have to have a long talk about "the terrible world" only to have the young man show a rare kind of loyalty. "You think you could have saved me aye?" asked Reiley, kicking Davis under the table, til the youngman stopped pouting. "Yes sir I do!" Davis snapped with a grin. "You got lazy and forgot to duck! I 'ad me a gun, I could have dropped the bastard afore he pulled his pistol and shot you!" "Is that so?!" snapped Reiley. "That it is!!" Demanded Davis, pounding his fist on the table. "Very well then, Mr. Sharpshooter!" Announced Reiley. "Looks like I'll be having to teach you a thing or two then."
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