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Everything posted by CrazyCholeBlack
I feel like rubber. I've been up since 5:30 (am, yuck!), spent an hour in the car & 4 hours on the train taking the little swab and two of her friends to the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago. Plus 5 hours in the museum, on my feet trying not to loose two extra kids. My feet hurt, my legs hurt, my back hurts and worst of all my shoulder hurts from carrying around all their "stuff" all day. I feel like roadkill!
^ Black bean & Sweet potato burittos. no, wait, sweet potato corn chowder. Or maybe spinach lasagne. < should have gone grocery shopping today. Now I have to squeeze it in painfully early tomorrow morning. V what should you have done today that you didn't?
The smell of my grandparents old house in Michigan. I can't describe the scent, it was a mix of everything from old wood, dust, the beach & the old man smelling soap my grandfather kept in his bathroom cabinet. It reminds me of summers spent trying to get the "good" radio stations from across the lake. The way a coffeehouse smells. It's not like coffee fully, there is a bit of the burning smell from the beans being roasted. Wet wool sweaters. It must remind me of something becuase really, it's not that great of a scent!
Declare Sumthin' About Th' Hearty Above Ye
CrazyCholeBlack replied to Captain Booty's topic in Beyond Pyracy
^ has enough costume clothes to dress a small army! -
birds the neighbors truck the cats collars jingling oops, now it's the cats fighting birds again oh my neighbor just slammed their car door now their dog is barking the wind chime on my porch more birds It's finally nice enough to have the windows open!
1 The last of the bread for a while 2. 2 male mallards following around a female 3. The girls at the coffeehouse 4. my mom
^ *blush* I've done both < no, I won't admit what story the fan fic was for. I've got to keep some credibility around here! V skeletons in your closet?
^ Writing with a hand cut quill. & lucet cord. & making my own rush lights. I'm full of odd little skills lately. < most fattening thing today, salad dressing. How sad is that I don't know who's idea this healthy food thing is but I don't like it. V most healthy thing you've eaten today?
^ Spain, the beach & tapas. < 15lbs lighter please. Stupid thyroid wont let me let go of the weight. V have an internal organ you'd rather live without?
^ yes, but not intentionally. Only get PBS here without paying for it. < Been in a band, actually 5, all of them bad! two bad jazz bands, Bad classic rock cover band, bad metal band, bad wanna be punk band. I was one of only two bass players in my high school so there was a lot of "demand". V what are you in the minority of?
^ the bed in the the 4 star club level hotel in Toronto. < we were there for a yoga convention. Maybe I was just so worn out it felt great but man was that the perfect bed. *sigh* V Gumby or Pokey?
^ Does the little swab count? < Can't justify mocs sadly, we're city folk. V City, country or the great middle; the 'burbs.
^ the vet to make an appointment for one of the cats. < Would love to make and don't have the skills/patience, period shoes for the little swab. I might have to suffer through learning though if I don't want to sell the farm trying to keep her in the right shoes! V More shoes or more coats?
ohh, just happened on this one. Crossing my fingers that my library loan system has it Ivinski, Patricia, and Harry Payne and Kathryn Calley Galitz and Richard Rand. Farewell to the Wet Nurse: Etienne Aubry and Images of Breast-Feeding in 18th C France. Guide to the 1998 exhibit at the Clark Art Institute in Williamstown MA. ISBN 0-931102-41-3.
Ahh yes, sorry. Most everything I know is relegated to 1690-1720 middling and lower women. Sorry 'bout forgetting to mention that. About children's clothes. There is an substantial reform in children's clothing in/around 1770. From what I've read the change was heavily influenced by the English publishing of Rousseau's Emile. There was also a component of reform encouraged by teachers and education theorists at the time, going against the "repressive attitudes towards children" (History of Children's Clothes Elizabeth Ewing p45) Up until that time children went from infant "sack" style clothes like in the link above, into miniature versions of adult styles. In fact its in the late 18th C - early 19th C (outside of the GAoP naturally) that we see the first garments for children that don't have any baring on adult styles of the times. Some other good book references for Children's clothes Clothes and the Child Ann Buck Children's clothes Claire Rose and the previously mentioned History of Children's Clothes Elizabeth Ewing
^ Fell into my parents brick fireplace when I was 5 & cracked open my forehead. Also fell down the unfinished basement stairs when I was 13 and cracked open the back of my head. < maybe all the head injuries explains something V I'm going slightly mad, and you?
the only problem is that 1760 & 1786 are pretty far out of period. In the 1786 image you can see that the general clothing style has moved to the higher waist, short sleeve regency gown which is completely removed from the mantua of 1690. Although there is a very natural evolution from the mantua to the jackets worn in the middle of the 18th Century, Regency is a whole different kettle of fish. I wish we could zoom in on this more. It sure looks like the lady in the lower right is nursing but she's too small to tell for certain. In a totally, not supported by history thought, I can't see a woman, who's worn stays all her life, going without support while nursing (remember that stage probably lasted significantly longer than it does now). Plus if women were pregnant & nursing as frequently as was believed, when would a woman have had time to wear stays at all if not during both? I'm still working on getting the 2 pregnant women from the Cries of London up. Both are in profile and both are wearing front closed mantuas. On one (the mop seller #28) you can see pretty clearly that the front of her skirt is higher than the rest, as if she's wearing it tied over the bump.
^ Certs! especially obscure period terms. < I've been told I have an extensive vocabulary. I blame it on my mom. Every time I got in trouble as a kid (lots) she'd give these lectures where half the words were 3 syllable or longer. V short simple words or long complex ones?
^ don't know, send it to me & I'll figure it out. < Roysters! I'm going to have to add that to my vocabulary. V Added any new words to your vocab. lately?
Now I've moved on to re-reading the 1735 canting dictionary. Apparently I'm also sending Mr. Tar & Mr. Red Wake on Googling escapades
Ohh Mr. Tar, didn't mean to send you off googling at this hour. Coining offences: This category includes a number of offences in which coin or paper money (the king's currency) was counterfeited or interfered with, or individuals either used or possessed such false or diminished currency. These include the specific offences of: * coining (counterfeiting coins) * possessing moulds for the manufacture of coins * manufacturing counterfeit paper money, banknotes or bills of exchange * filing, milling, colouring or "diminishing" coins (in order to use the filings to create more coins or to sell the metal) * possessing counterfeit money or putting it in into circulation ("uttering") Although included here, counterfeiting gold or silver coins was a form of Treason. From The Proceedings of the Old Bailey the single best place if you really want to read about crimes tried in London starting as early as 1674.
Surfing the Old Baily archives. Man there were a lot of women convicted of "Crimes against the King" (mostly coining) between 1674-1700.
^ Apparently I can sword fight left handed. It's actually easier than right for me. < Left eye dominant too. I have to shoot long guns left handed which means no long flint locks for me V left or right EYE dominant (or don't know)?
"pff, sew," Jane huffed at the man. It never failed, there always had to be one crew member who just drove her crazy. The last sailor that made her want to tear her hair was Ioan, now this Spoons fellow. Maybe it was something about the Rakehell. Did she just attract irritating men? "'bout as well as ye ken cook I'm 'fraid but I'll do wot tha captain thinks's best." Jane replied, throwing her shoulder into an over sized crate to knock it into place beside its neighbors.
Would, but I don't have your number