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Everything posted by CrazyCholeBlack

  1. 1. Skittles mom's chili & a root beer float 2. a surprisingly steep dirt path 3. Rats! 4. Captain Sterling (must remember to ask tailoring question)
  2. ^ NOT! And they keep getting closer. Eeeek! < I either have to learn to hand sew faster or give in and use the machine more. Neither is happening in the near future, unfortunately. V what can you do really fast?
  3. ^ sleep < If I'm going to get everything done this month that I need to get done, I just might have to give it up all together. V how long is your "to do" list?
  4. ^ nope, keep meaning too but never get around to it. < oh my head aches. Partly from frustration I'm sure. V Get headaches from stress, over work, frustrations &c?
  5. excellent work Silkie. And it's my favorite word, FREE!
  6. ^ Sounds strange but SLC punk is prophetic for me. < Maybe I was nothing but a mother ****ing poser. V best movie quote?
  7. Coffee!!!!!! All kinds of Fun things that can be modified to be little parts of my kit. The interlibrary loan librarian who I think is sick of seeing me. William Red Wake
  8. Salty, try this link to make modern shoes look like latchet shoes. http://www.luckhardt.com/ecwsa53.html The style is very out of style for 1720 but you can do something similar by cutting down a boot more around the ankle and tying with ribbons (still very popular for the ladies & less expensive than buckles) plus, this way, you can make sure they are "modern" comfortable, but on the cheap.
  9. ^ summer definitely. < I have one of those huge calenders on my fridge (takes over the entire lower half) and May-October there almost isn't enough room for all the events, activities, concerts, parties &c. that happen. V Hermit or social butterfly?
  10. Mr. Red Wake, most people need more hours in the day, you, I think have a few too many.
  11. ^ Nope, but my ex wore my jeans for a whole day once & didn't know they weren't his until I pointed it out < should be sewing, really. V Are you a "should" or "could" kind of person?
  12. ^ washing stuff. How the little swabs petticoats gets dirty while sitting in a box I will never know. < making a common mans kit in a month. At least my friend doesn't care if it's machine or hand sewn. V Take short cuts to get something done on time or do it right regardless of how long it takes.
  13. Simple solution to the screaming kids Ransom, fly in kit. It'll either shut the kids up from shock and awe or make the parents give you a nice W I D E berth.
  14. When you spend the entire Monday after an event bitching about having to wear modern clothes again.
  15. ^ Nah, right now I really want a banks dory. although the batoes from the mid 18th C are nice too. < batoes, that's a french word but the english version for those of us who don't spell using all those extra letters. V learn the original word or the version that's easier to spell?
  16. and what about that Queen Anne! I was even drooling over it Oh and really good black licorice, that beautiful blue wool that I *have* to find something to do with and Chappy the horse whom the little swab loved. I whole heartedly agree about how great the main house is for photos, as is the back garden & the riverfront. Really it's an amazing preserve, we're lucky it's so close. Yes next year, camp. Then you boys won't have to choose between dinner & pretty girls.
  17. Riff Raff! Watch it, I've got a spoon & I know how to use it! Actually I do, thanks to a great suttler & nice long sword lesson. I can keep the boys in line & serve a meal. We had*so* much fun. The only way it could have been better is if it never ended. I'm already starting the count down to the next one.
  18. Here's the info for anyone locally that might want to stop by http://www.macktownlivinghistory.com/event...s.htm#girlscout MacTown Gathering Sat. April 28th, 9-5 Sun April 29, 9-4 Cost, $5 per person, under 6 years old free We're looking forward to it, as always!
  19. ^ proper pottle baskets I can find ok ones, but nothing perfect. i want them perfect blast! < wow, it's neat that other people have secret bits with them too. V good at keeping a secret or tend to blab.
  20. 1. mashed potatoes with butter & salt 2. the rolled hem foot on my sewing machine (after hunting for it for 20 darned minutes!) 3. Jessie, again & then again! 4. Paul, who I'll hopefully run into tomorrow.
  21. ^ I always carry a couple of old skeleton keys in my pocket. No one ever sees them but they are there. They came from my father's key collection. Along with a lot of old car keys < they are tied together with hand dyed silk ribbon, my second favorite detail piece. V Passing it on again, Favorite "Little detail" in your kit
  22. ^ 20 yards of fabric. The next is fabric too. It's always fabric for me < actually fabric is about the only big thing I'll ever purchase. Everything else is just little detail bits. No one else probably even notices them but they are there. V favorite "little detail" in your kit?
  23. 1. Three Sisters Pie 2. a blockade of grocery carts in font of the out door. 3. J. Had a rousing conversation about Hamlet. 4. Robbie Red Locks
  24. um sorry, the debate on that one goes the other way IIRC. They would have worn shoes unless they absolutely positively couldn't get any. Something 'bout the lines being tough on the feet and such. One thing to think about when putting together "low level" ie deck hand (or street person really) clothes, think about the wear. These aren't going to be brand spanking new items. Don't feel afraid to put some patches on your slops as if they've been worn out & repaired. Don't be afraid to get your shirt filthy dirty & for the love of Pete, please don't bleach the thing after all that hard work. If you need inspiration, look at the clothes that modern construction workers wear. Look at how worn out, stained, ill fitting & patched up they get. Imagine that, only 300 years ago.
  25. ^ Wisconsin Dells in January. < Everyone goes during the "season" but they have indoor water parks & indoor attractions too. Plus in the off season it's about half price & not crowded. That's my secret vacation spot. V off season, during the season or when ever you can regardless?
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