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Everything posted by CrazyCholeBlack

  1. 1. Root beer fresh from the keg & a giant turkey leg 2. a man in full armor, 5 cannons and a very nice 16th century pistol grip cavalry sword. 3. Chris, Bob, Carlos, Jay, Rachel &c &c &c (I was a chatty cathy) 4. Everyone that wasn't there to talk to in person
  2. ^ I have a green fuzzy mohair sweater that I've had since I was 17. < I also have a mustard yellow cropped pea coat. No I don't wear the two together. V What's the loudest color piece in *your* wardrobe?
  3. 1. peanut butter chip granola bar(s) 2. math, math & then some math 3. the lady at the grocery check out who had no idea where the health food isle had gone. 4. my sewing friends
  4. Lucky Silkie, glad to see you on the mend. I feel like crap, physically & emotionally right now. Everytime I swallow my ears crackle, which is an improvement over yesterday where swallowing at all was painful. Now my head is congested and it's still hard to breath but at least I'm not coughing any longer. The bad thing is that I know exactly *why* I'm sick. It's stress. I always get sick when I'm under stress. I usually anticipate & stock up before hand when I know something stressful is going to happen. This time I was blind sided with three things at once. Not fair I say! The worst part is that it's beautiful outside finally. I want to be out there having fun darn it.
  5. ^ No I can usually figure out *how* I got there, it's the why that sometimes escapes me. < The rule is, don't get me chatting when I'm driving anywhere near my home town. More often than not I end up on auto pilot and you never know where that means we'll end up. V do you have an auto pilot?
  6. Oh Mr. Red Wake & Miss Red Cat, I could use some Plague-water & a bowl of China-broth, if I may. Maybe that will kill off this cold before it knocks me down for the rest of the month.
  7. 1. kombucha with cranberry, my new addiction. 2. a sign that read "Budweiser sale, Telfer Park May 12-15". Took me a while to realize they weren't talking about "Budweiser" the beer, but the local car dealership "Bud Weiser" 3. The new guy at the health food co-op who obviously doesn't get a lot of people bringing their own bags. 4. The Fantastic Mr. Foxe of course.
  8. only 1:30 here & I'm just about to get started on my sewing for the evening after watching Helen of Troy while cutting out fabric. Here's to the extra hours between sunset & sunrise.
  9. ^ well not directly to me but, the little swab received a very scary, very large, ceramic clown doll for her first christmas. She was a whopping 3 months old at the time. Talk about giving kids coulrophobia < I hid the thing in the garage till I could think of a place to destroy it. V Pass that one along, worst give ever?
  10. The little swabs dad made me this for mothers day. It was too cool not to share with my pirate friends. The outside: The inside: The "M" is totally inspired & the "P", as hangmen is my personal favorite. The pun is still making me giggle. I'm a huge "punster". I can't believe he managed to pull one on me! Happy Mother's Day to all the other pirate mom's out there!
  11. looks good Cheeky! Hike up that under petticoat so we can see your shoes and get the apron dirty and you'll look darned authentic!
  12. I was up, but I was, get this, sewing! I watched a couple of terrible movies as well. Didn't knock off until about 4am but I got lots done. Now back to the grind.....
  13. ^ sewing, but that dovetails with the reenacting/pirate thing pretty well. < I learned to sew as a kid, but it never *clicked* until 3 years ago. It was like a light bulb, just one day it all made sense when a day before it didn't. I had the same experience with math in school, and later went on to teach it. V what was your biggest "light bulb" learning experience?
  14. I'm sorry I've slacked on this swab everyone. I've got supplies. Come June (when things *should* settle down again ) I'll get to making & sending again. Thanks for understanding!
  15. "It's rather like being drunk." "What's wrong with being drunk?" "Ask a glass of water."
  16. ^ because of the clothes of course! < I do love clothing, although I'd be a nudist if I had a pool with an 8 foot fence around it. (& darn it, I was hoping to hear more "fiberglass statue" ideas ) V what would it take to make you a nudist?
  17. I can't take credit for the photo, it's from Port Washington last year (if Mr. Last or Mr. Calin see this & can chime in with the photographers name, I'd appreciate it). Now granted this isn't a human head, but it's a good look at what close range shots, with even just powder, can do to a semi soft object.
  18. ^ any manner of fiberglass animals, cow, giant ox, dinosaur &c. < every road trip in the mid west has to be marked with the viewing of some kind of fiberglass statue. It's like a tradition around here. V what would you like to see immortalized in fiberglass?
  19. All the neighbor kids playing pirates in the back yard. They've got the upturned canoe for a ship, my chest of plastic necklaces, every hat & bandanna they could find in the house & cut off plastic carpet tubes for cannons. Give them a few years & we'll have a nice sized crew!
  20. ^ no sewing to do, no chores to do around the house, no kid nagging me every few minutes, no errands to run. < Yeah, like all 4 of those *ever* happen on the same day. V what is your dream day off?
  21. 1. strawberry daiquiri juice 2. beautifully made pockets! Hurrah! 3. the little swab. Had a great conversation about A Midsummer Nights Dream (she read a children's version all by herself!) 4. Toria
  22. oh man, keep those germs over there! I've got too much work to do to get sick now! Speaking of, back to the dungeon....
  23. bumping since this opens this weekend (how'd it get to be May already?) I don't know my plans for the weekend 100% yet, but I'm seriously thinking of popping up to the opening & calling it my present. Anyone else?
  24. ^ fiber arts < used to work primarily in dyeing, batik & shirobi. Now I'm doing more sewing and dimensional construction. But I still love fiber the best. V Passing it on again, What type of artwork do you like to DO best?
  25. ^ Junk, no. Occasionally "stuff" but never junk. < the little swab on the other hand, that kid picks up every tiny little piece of scrap. She'd better be a "found object artist" when she grows up, or a garbage collector V what kind of artist do you wish/want to be?
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