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Everything posted by CrazyCholeBlack

  1. ^ beautiful! 80's+ sunny, cool in the evenings. < is it tomorrow yet? V Ever have a hard time sleeping at night when you're excited?
  2. You scored as a Neo, the "One" Neo is the computer hacker-turned-Messiah of the Matrix. He leads a small group of human rebels against the technology that controls them. Neo doubts his ability to lead but doesn't want to disappoint his friends. His goal is for a world where all men know the Truth and are free from the bonds of the Matrix.
  3. I won't even touch that Otherwise, where do you get such authoritative information? Sources? Painting references? First person accounts? Kindly share with the class.
  4. the Lockhouse event is twice a year Mr. Hand. July & November. Try logging in over at the Pirate Brethren's forum again, Captain Sterling. That is where they discuss "Upcoming Events" after all.
  5. stone ground corn chips with flax seed from a local mill one of the top five elk in the country (along with his 68 friends & 11 babies) William Karen
  6. We went up to Madtown to Ella's Deli tonight. I had a meatloaf sandwich, fried pickles, fried cheese sticks, coleslaw & a banana split with a mug of root beer. Then, of course because it's the *real* reason we go up to Ella's, the little swab got to ride on the vintage 1920's carousel.
  7. There is an on-line printable archive of all the Playford songs, someplace. I know I've posted it before & I know it's in my endless favorites list. Unfortunately I'm having a poor *finding* week and can't spot it amongst the hundreds of other links. Perhaps someone more organized can help out here. If nothing else, those of us in the vicinity of the cheesehead state should get together, music, dancing, dare I say a few rounds of the Passtime of Memory (yes, I'm determined to get others to play this game already!) Should that happen, I'll toss my print copy in the bag.
  8. Welcome Mr. William! Good to see you here. Ah, yes, Down among the dead men is one of my personal favorites. Although I'm also partial to Mr. Playford's Childgrove and Jamaica. Then of course there is Mr. D'Urfey's volumes, which are hard to beat in their sheer quantity. But I digress, back to the drinks! Even though I know you're not much into gallivanting, this *is* a special occasion. How about a round of Rum Flips for everyone.
  9. ^ pragmatic < there isn't a romantic bone in my body V what's the least romantic thing you've ever done (or had someone do to you?)
  10. just the buzzing of the fan In my head I'm singing Buffalo Soldier by Bob Marley. Man I hate that song!
  11. to you and that's all well and good. To each their own. But for some of us (there's more than just me right?) those "irrelevant" details are why we do this. They are what makes this fun, the researching, the trying things out, the pouring over books and paintings and antique diary entries to find one little reference to one little thing and then discussing (usually civilly) with others about that tiny little detail. Oh, I'm getting all excited just thinking about it And by the way, there are people who get just as obsessive about emulating their Hollywood movie icons (*cough* Johnny Depp impersonators *cough*). Just because one is modern and one is historic, doesn't mean that the mentality is any different.
  12. actually that was my thought looking at the actual pants as well. From what I can tell Good: the waist band looks OK the over lapped fly arrangement the fact that it buttons all the way down possibly the gathers, although pleats might be more period (?) bad: can't see how the bands of the legs are closed. Are they buttoned shut? can't see the back. Does it have the eyelets for adjustability along the waistband? Does it have the lovely "square butt" look? they look a little long
  13. 3 kinds of mead (mango, blackberry & apple) and a rather large glass of 4 year old barley wine with a side of jalapeno flavored locally hived honey.
  14. 1. shelf stable Indian food that was actually really tasty. 2. a ford escape hybrid. The most excessive, gadget filled car I've ever been in. Just imagine the mileage it would get without it's satellite navigation system, heated seats & power rear window opener. 3. my old friend A, owner of said car. "bad hippie, no patchouli for you". 4. my bro, who I haven't talked to in a while.
  15. 'L'emons and 'L'imes of course.
  16. Lunch/dinner was microwaved chicken tikka masala over rice and a bottle of water with lemon. Indian food..... drool.....
  17. ^ projects, not many. Sew a tent of some kind, maybe 2. paint the sewing room again (I'm sick of the color) maybe something else on the house yada yada yada < huge fan of all alternative non-petro based forms of energy. Currently using "foot power" most of all. V what's the furthest you've ever walked in one shot?
  18. ANYWAY, back on the subject of CARPENTRY (which is a different craft entirely from cooperage and anyone that does a good old google search will find several coopers making PC buckets but there aren't many PC "build your house" carpenters) I agree that ash is nearly impossible to find these days. That ash borer is doing some serious damage. I'm looking forward to seeing if that place pans out. It would be nice to see something in ash, wax finished, with square nails. Have you read A Museum of Early American Tools by Eric Sloane? It's pretty good and readily available at most local libraries. I like that it has sketches of the tools, being a visual person and all.
  19. 1. some sort of suposed sweet potato mashed thing from the freezer that wasn't very good at all. 2. an old bus for sale. Wonder if it would run on biodiesel? 3. Andy 4. Sterling
  20. Sorry, should have been more clear there. The Cries & Hawkers of London. A series of etchings of street hawkers and other folk, drawn after life by Marcellus Laroon. There is a compilation by Sean Shesgreen available on Amazon or through interlibrary loan. It's a must read for anyone doing a common person impression during the GAoP.
  21. ahh yes the "pilgrim" hat. It can be period correct, depend of course on your class and how early in the GAoP your portraying. We see tons of them in the Cries of London, well worn of course. Unfortunately so far the only place I've ever seen one for sale is on an English site, and it's not a cheap hat. Let me go digging through the enormous list of links and see if I can find it again.
  22. 1. cold pizza 2. industrial sewing machines & new paint for the sewing room 3. Matt *waves* 4. People with bad Italian, or were those suposed to be Portuguese, accents?
  23. 1. a lemon head candy 2. Mantelet patterns and fabrics, fabrics, fabrics 3. The cats 4. William, it's his fault I'm looking up clothing in nouveau France after all!
  24. found some good photos on Flickr for those that want to live (relive) the event via computer. http://www.flickr.com/photos/celticman/set...57600302324800/ It was a good event. It's sometimes hard to remember that it's only the third year too. The organizers did a fantastic job of dealing with the tornado emergency. I can't imagine how stressful that was for everyone, bravo!
  25. ** today ** 1. a cherry lollipop 2. a big pile of stuff that needs to be put away 3. said pile of stuff. "can't you put yourself away. I don't wanna" 4. Little M because I know my little swab is going to be missing her friend today.
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