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Everything posted by CrazyCholeBlack

  1. Fear, I don't care about you. Matches my mood, that's for sure!
  2. What PM's? So far the only PM I've ever gotten from you, Captain Sterling, is the one recently asking whether my Spaniards were before, after or on the same day as your characters. As I've tried to explain before, if the characters are not interacting, as ours aren't, then it does not matter if they are on the say day or not.
  3. humm, none of you feels like answering my question then. Figures
  4. ^ same answer, still in my PJ's < hum a holiday you say. Does that mean I can sit around & do nothing? V holidays, preprinted on your calender or have to add them yourself?
  5. ^ Inconceivable! < Woh, just a little punch drunk there. Better get to sleep soon. V ever laugh at your own writing more than the people reading it?
  6. ^ nope. Can't do it & keep a straight face. < Plus if I did, I'd have to do it "right" and that cliche pirate one is just *so* wrong in *so* many ways. V could you spell Cliche without checking the dictionary/spell check?
  7. ^ yes. At 6 flags, with a fake British accent that convinced a couple of other kids I was really a Brit, until I swore in american doh! < and then of course there's my infamous "Ch-ka-go" accent. V passing that one along...
  8. ^ I can still sit & read a Spanish children's book out loud although anything longer makes my head hurt & my tongue gets all twisted. < playing with the speech accent archive is fun! I think I'll talk like I have a senagalees accent tomorrow for fun V have a favorite "silly accent"?
  9. Quick opinions all. It was just pointed out to me that my darling Spaniards speak an awful lot of, well, Spanish and that not every reader either speaks enough to read their conversations or wants to sit with Bablefish open. What I'm wondering is, would it be easier for everyone (else ) if I included a translation at the end of each passage? I've done this before so it wouldn't be a hassle. I just can't have them speaking English, sorry. Have to put all these years of Spanish to use someplace besides Taco Bell
  10. “Hizo él dice lo que pienso?” The younger stopped mid stab to raise his dark eyes to the shabbily dressed man across the room. The elder paused as well, brow furrowed thoughtfully as he translated the heavily accented English. “Creo que si.” His reply held the hint of genuine surprised. He turned in his chair, sight following his companions though the shadowy space. The skittish barkeep had disappeared again, leaving only the gentleman in his faded robe and battered hat. Small eyes glared back at the Spaniards. “Pienso que no le gustamos nosotros.” “Piensa?” The younger nearly laughed. The knife blade was wiped clean on his dark breeches before vanishing into his waistband. The youthful Spaniard then rose, intent on the source of the insult, hand instinctively shifting from knife to the pommel of his short sword. He was stopped only by the elder’s bulk as he also stood. A heavy hand rested over the younger mans, preventing the blade from being drawn. “Un momento chico. No necesitamos más problemas que nuestro capitán se crea.” The elder philosopher smiled, a shining white glint compared to the dimly lit room. With his head held high he turned, striding across to where the boisterous man stood. The younger Spaniard followed closely behind, tanned palm still cupping the steel handle, his urge to gut the insolent Anglican barely contained. Elder smiled at the newcomer as the two men drew near, the expression never reaching past his lips. “Pliz don let uz baver yor, eh, drix, zur.”
  11. ^ I started writing in cursive a few months ago when I discovered that the style of cursive I was taught in school is almost exactly the italianite style of writing taught to girls in the early 18th century. < otherwise has standard "kindergarten teacher" handwriting. Medium sized, clear & looks like it came from a text book on D'nelion. V small, medium or large sized handwriting?
  12. finding period appropriate wool stockings for a 6 year old stinks! I'd really rather not have to scale a pattern to make cut cloth ones 'cause for once I'm feeling too lazy about it. I'm wisely not talking about shoes. That's an entirely different rant!
  13. not to be a downer but this "booklet/newspaper" is intended as a purchase item for the public correct, not a give away. Personally I lean towards smaller, simpler, cheaper broadsheets. half page, single image (wood cut esque). If there is one thing to remember about "the public" is that they want the info quick & dirty & aren't going to necessarily read more than a headline & look at a picture. Oh and Michael, jobs for women aren't in short supply, not on my watch at least you boys need fresh food stuffs (oranges, limes, lemons, fresh rabbit or chickens) you boys might need fresh dry goods, or fresh cleaning supplies (mops & brooms for deck cleaning) Some of your officers might need fancy things like paper, ink & wax. You boys might need new rope or be interested in purchasing some second hand clothes. Those are just off things off the top of my head that hawkers sold during the period. Trust me, the ladies won't be without jobs
  14. too cool! I've actually been there. Have fun Matusalem!
  15. Does that mean I can't eat this chocolate easter bunny either?
  16. viola, Happy Cake :)
  17. ^ Nope. I'm a floater < my favorite trick is to prop my feet up (on the edge of a pool, on the edge of a dock) and fold my hands behind my head & just float. V Know any fun tricks?
  18. “Pienso que el capitán ha perdido su mente. Pegamento y cañones por qué?” the younger of the two Spaniards muttered. They had wandered through Port Royal for most of the morning, sent on a wild chase to collect their Capitan’s much needed supplies. As the noon hour had approached the men found themselves at a dim table near the back of The Royal Grace. “Es el capitán Striker que lo ha hecho este camino” The other mused, swirling the thick ale in his mug. He sneered at the concoction, wishing it were a glass of Spanish wine instead. How the English not only drank the swill, but enjoyed it was beyond his comprehension. “Si no para El Danes estaríamos de vuelta en España ahora mismo” The younger was obviously more annoyed than his companion. His hatred of the English, and now the Danish was barely contained behind the veil of military discipline. The short knife in his hand stabbed relentlessly at the chunks of beef on his plate. He could almost imagine they were La Maligna’s crew, impaled on the sharp tip of his blade. The image brought a haunting smile to his tanned face. “Más rápido terminamos este, más pronto seremos de casa.” The philosopher sipped at his drink finally, dark eyes watching his cohort eat. He’d seen the younger man in battle once, the manor with which he dissected his meal frighteningly similar. Skewer of meat slipped between glistening white teeth as the youth considered the comment. “Más rapido matamos a aquel capitán maldito, mas major.” He replied with a grin.
  19. I heard someone the other day say "I wouldn't trust myself (in that situation)" which makes me wonder, how can you not trust yourself. Other people, yeah I can see that. You can't ever really know what is going on in their heads so it's hard to trust them fully. But yourself? Is not trusting yourself (in a tempting situation) a lack of willpower, a lack of self confidence, something else? I just can't imagine not trusting myself. If it weren't for trusting myself, I'd trust no one & that is a sad thought.
  20. ^ That would be the one where Kas, Bob, Foxe & I steal a turquoise and chrome 1960's esque speed boat from the basement of a hotel on a hill. < Don't let it be said that my dreams aren't interesting. V Dream about people you know or is it always fictitious characters?
  21. ^ what, you mean this *isn't* a wild day? < wild days now consist of hanging out as someone else's house, having a few beers while the kids play and if we get really crazy, talking about guns & blades & historic clothes (with show & tell the later it gets). V what do *you* do on a "wild" day?
  22. Unlike the others, who's instincts had led them to the deck during the storm, Jane had dropped into the hold. Now she was nearly waist deep in murky water, struggling to keep what provisions and munitions she could dry, while the ship slammed against each wave. Thankfully the Rakehell's hull had proven stronger than her previous vessels. Despite the beating, it remained largely intact. The majority of the water that worked its way into the hold had come from above. Jane cursed their luck as another wave knocked the ship, a crate jerking against the ropes securing it. "Mother o saints!" Jane exclaimed as the line snapped, the box crashing onto the barrels below it only feet from where she stood.
  23. ^ depends on the weather. Big storms & snow spoil it a lot. < Lots of rain here lately. The bridge only had about 2 feet of clearance yesterday, when it's normally 10 feet or more. < Ever been in a flood?
  24. ^ rum, sword practice, plenty of food, hanging out with other pirates. Sounds like the last work weekend, minus the work part. < heard a nasty rumor that we might get *snow* this week. That's just no right. V Ever had a run in with unexpected weather?
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