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Aurore Devareaux

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Everything posted by Aurore Devareaux

  1. Sabastian rubbed his chin in thought, what played out before him being taken in with acute observation. He said nothing in reply, but seemed to take his time digesting and evaluating Sterling's words measure by measure. There was a fire of cunning that played his eye as center turned to younger sibling. "Renard, leave us s'il vous plait..." She glanced to Sterling as if uncertain to follow brother's wishes then gave smallish nod of acord. Release of Lover's hand was hesitant, then moving to doorway's gape she looked to Sterling one last time before retreating to the hallway's surround, door closing quietly behind. Sabastian raised a brow slightly, "It apears there is far more here than meets the eye, non? You are free to remain here for I was informed of the seriousness of your injuries. Have no concern for us, Capitaine..." A secretive smile crossed wolfish features. "I do not think that the man named will be so bold to cross us again." Sabastian chuckled. "I will only assume that you have some idea of our origins by now. And I will tell you that there is an old belief amongst the Clans that God has blessed us for stealing the spike ment for Christ's heart on Calvary....Perhaps some of that luck has rubbed off on you?" He moved to the chair near bedside and sat down heavily.
  2. Aurore caught Sterling's glance and reached for his hand, giving a small squeeze of reassurance. It was obvious to her that Sabastian was exhausted and the worry that currently haunted his eyes made her feel pang of guilt. The room was deathly quiet and a tension hung the air with a cloud of all extream emotions having transpired there in odd mixture. With observation that all was at calm, Sabastian's tense stance relaxed a degree and he managed a ghost of smile towards the other two. Dark sights, so much like sibling's in near distance, centered on Sterling and a hint of smug nature came forth with verbose. "I see you have cheated the Collector of Souls, eh Capitaine?"
  3. Sabastian and Franklin cleared the gates at main entrance and allowed mounts leisurly pace. As the clearing was entered, no thought was given to the carriage the occupied side yard; Sabastian assumed it had been hired by the doctor tending Sterling's injury. But as they neared the paddock, passing coach proximity, he noted that the was not at total rest...its' means of movement still harnessed ahead when no animals would have been left in such a state overnight. The realization spread a deep scowl over wolfish features, followed by quick dismount. The only focus that existed in the world was domocile entrance, Sabastian moved with urgency from yard to foyer leaving door agape. He paused there as if scenting the interior's mood then looked to the stairwell. Steps were taken two at a time, the hallway's legnth conquered quickly. He paid no mind to first chamber's being, but continued onward to final door without pause. Knocking protocal was barely issued as heavy oak was moved into open position. Beggar Prince stood thresh hold framing, quick eyes surveying the room's being before coming to rest on sister and injured lover.
  4. Aurore's expression gave a fleet shadow of concern as she replied,"Faire confiance a qu, qch?...Oui." Regaining full standing she backed a pace and watched him carefully before speaking again. "I do not wish for you to become worn out by all of this for you need rest, but I will do as is requested. Do you wish for me to send up someone to be by your side while she is here?" She queried cautiously.
  5. It took a moment for his words to gain full impact and Aurore drew back slightly to read Sterling's expression. A smile tickled the edges of her mouth with the total realization of what had just transpired and she leanded forward to bestow a kiss as a sealing of accord. Drawing back just enough to speak, she whispered with silkened smooth.... "And I you, mon amour."
  6. Sabastian swung wearily onto equine comrade and gave one last glance to Bookseller's second story. The temptation to return upstairs and sleep for a handful of hours played his mind, but the thought of having to answer any queries presented by elder sibling made the notion unappetizing. Andre' had left word of venture across the way in Kingston; a messege that gave some comfort to Sabastian's senses. A nod was given to Franklin who had recovered Old Tucker from local livery, and the two riders set out to cottage destination. He mused lightly as the edge of town gave way to more unsettled panorama. With the incidents of morning's requirements settled, some of the tension he had carried slipped away. Returning home would allow the rest of tension to leech away and Beggar Prince looked forward to a long rest in four poster surround. Word had been received at land's reachieval, and all seemed to have regained some semblence of even keel. Sterling had survived and was doing as best as could be expected in the aftermath. Readjusting his seating, Noir's sides were dug into causing increase of speed. Soon Sabastian would be able to gain some visage of relaxation and put ill events into the past with so many others..
  7. mirth for the masses
  8. Toes in the sand and a drink in hand!! Welcome to "Bone Island"! LOL! ( Or Key West, if you are not familiar with the history) And yes....I HAVE seen the Southern most chicken/ rooster.
  9. I should have my Bio's up within the next couple of days which should be of some aid. Steady the course, mes amies....
  10. red neck amusement
  11. The Man In Black
  12. She listened closely to his words with no inkling to interrupt, though his confession regarding the woman waiting downstairs stirred mixed emotions. It was with great concentration that Aurore kept neutral expression at the words concerning the other's sway, but a flicker of upset rose to betraying soul windows causing her to glance away and recompose. Further comments involving Christophe gave the slightest hint of confusion to raise then depart controlled expression. But the one thing that remained constant within her through it all, was the comfortable feeling conjured at his nearness. It was as if he had in some way reached within the deepest regions of her soul and laid calm the restlessness stirring there. For reasons Aurore was unable to comprehend, this man gave her a feeling of wholeness and until he had come into her existance, she had never realized that part of her to be amiss. As the room grew still with last words spoken, she reached forward with free hand to lay caress along the line of his cheek. And as if one revelation had catalyst another, harried thoughts became abruptly calm. All of the upheavals of passing days faded to peripheral afterthought and a strange clarity arose. Without further contemplation, or need to do so, Aurore leaned forward to his near hearing. She might have spoken in his native English, secondary language of French could have been put to service; but, the words that Aurore proffered him were not given purvey by either. Rolling forth from the depths of her soul in native tongue, came self confession that she could not deny... "You are the air I breath; the water that quenches my dying thirst; my sanctuary within the storm...And if there is one thing I know, it is this. From now until I draw my last breath, no matter what Fate deems right or wrong... that will never change."
  13. Her tawny hand lay into his keeping as she moved nearer, waiting quietly without mention or stirring of the storm that they currently sat in the eye of. With ever patience, she would remain silent in regard to the calamity of circumstance, allowing him to bring up issue or not.
  14. Aurore drew near, her expression riddled with concern at his palor and labored breath. The request was a simple one to give binding accord to, but inwardly she struggled momentarily for in ways the promise would clip her wings of freedom. Aurore's dark eyes looked intently to his own and though her nature pleaded for opposit decision, she replied softly in hopes of aiding to his comfort level. One word of binding properties... "Oui..."
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