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Everything posted by Aurore Devareaux
Perhaps I may be of assistance here.... The current time would be around noonish....the day after dear Molly Shea was laid to ground. (May her soul rest in peace.) Reg was penned up overnight then taken to the isle in the grey hours of dawn, left then rescued and Sabastian has returned home with a side trip or two....So, noonish sounds about right by my calculations...
I don't think that narrows things down much! But thanks. Have a wonderful hiatus, my dear....And don't do anything that I WOULD do.
Sabastian stepped from incline to foyer's level ground and paused further progress as a glimmer of pale blue framed in soft daylight caught his eye. Not being cruel at heart, he felt a pang of sympathy for the lone woman at window's side. What had been viewed in not overlong ago past was a contrast of day and night in comparrison to the now. The proud and defient stature but a shadow of former self cast in an aura of defused afternoon sun.Conscience of the fact that she might turn away and glimpse his slight vouyeristic placement, Sabastian moved onward to the kitchen. At entrance archway, he found another semi-familiar face and there seemed more to the familliarity that could not quite be narrowed down at current time. Bent hard to task, Reiley continued assult of pistol to mortor concave, seemingly unawares of the other's looming until glance was cast towards parlor and occupant. Noting that the view expected was not what was presented, cylindrical shaft slowed to stop. The two watched each other curiously for a moment, before Sabastian moved into room's boundries with a nod of greeting then on to a dim alcove beyond. A few minutes passed then he returned bearing a nondescript bottle which was placed on table's surface. Retrieving two pewter tankards from cabinet keeping, both were filled with bottle's amber content and one offered to Reiley. Sabastian sampled aged amber fire and smiled with relish at it's warming, while watching the other with veiled interest. Reiley's recognition flitted just out of grasp, but Sabastian knew it was only a matter of time before all would settle into alignment and bring forth the enigma's banishment. Sitting down with liesurly manner, gitan glanced to kitchen entrance then back to the other man, "I might suggest a serving of skull cap tea with a drop or more of honey to aid madame's nerves....Or perhaps chamomile. Either would suite, thought the chamomile is more pleasent to the taste. Both are in containers directly behind where you stand." His attention was drawn to near windows and the visage of younger sibling in conversation with Christophe in the clearing just beyond. Sabastian stood and begged leave of current company, aged bottle moved to where Reiley worked. Mischievous glint played Sabastian's eyes as he inclined chin towards bottle placement, " Partake in as much as you desire, Monsuier. But, be warned that though it is pleasing to the senses...Overmuch of its' enchantment will assult the very same, at a later time..." Advice given, Sabastian left for outdoor vista.
"Very well, Capitaine. We shall abide by her choice then...." Sabastian's words cease progress as he cocked head minutely to the left in concentration. Motioning for Sterling to stay quiet, he moved with stealth to the door; listening with one hand hovering over the knob. With flash of movement, combining two motions into to one, the door was thrown open and young boy retracted from post just outside wooden barrier. Held tenatively by neck scruff, young Davis wiggled like shocked fish drawn from water safety to air above. Struggle ceased as he looked to Sterling with a bloom of color gracing rounded cheeks. Sabastian gave nonchalant inspection of capture then refocused on the Captain's expression. Seeing recognition play the other's eyes, boy was released. "Well, it seems the guest list ever increases..." Sabastian chuckled with proffer of smallish bow. "I shall leave this matter to your discretion, non?" Stepping into hallway's dim, Sabastian's low laugh echoed back to final chamber, disturbed only by footstep rythem towards stairwell existance.
I was enroute to work, about two block from pulling in and the tape I had been listening to played out. When I went to change it, I caught the tail end of a news broadcast and was unclear as to what had occured. When I made it into the building, no one was up front, which I thought a bit odd. I went back into one of the other sections and found everyone gathered around a television that we kept around. I remember thinking that what I was seeing on the monitor could not be real. That it had to be a mock up like "War of the Worlds" was when first broadcast on the radio way back when. As the reality set in, I remember just feeling numb, like my mind was unwilling to accept what had just happened. I cannot recall any event in my life that has shaken me as deeply as that morning.
Sabastian opened his mouth to speak, then closed it with a tierd head shake of incredulous negation. Thinking back to first glimpes of the parties involve at Three Crownes encompassment; and Aurore's secrective motivations induced by curiosity in suite, he was quite in tune with what notions might be rattling around sibling's head. Aurore had shown signs of snide behaviour in regard to the woman in question and that had been but a prologue to Sterling's first arrival at the cottage. The thing that intregued him most at the moment, was why Aurore had not rebelled harshly at the Actress' second appearence. Younger sibling had been known, though not often, to display a cruel retaliation of extreme measure when inclined to do so. Sabastian was at a loss, and decided that the wisest thing to do was sit back and only step in if things reeled out of control. Temperance was Aurore's strong suite, perhaps she was testing the elasticity of said characteristic....Sabastian's sight centered on Sterling inquisitively...Or perhaps it was something more. Beggar Prince exhaled heavily, giving in to the realization that craved rest would have to be placed secondary once more. "If you wish, I might be of service to your needs. Aurore would be accepting of such, but I will leave the desicion to you. I can send Christophe up, if you deem that a better choice. Either or...discretion shall be adheared to. You might say that such quality is a hard set and profitable standard here abouts."
Mademoiselle Guillotine
extreme predjudice
Sabastian offered a sad hint of smile, "I had thought to do so...But it is too late for such now. Instead she lay sleeping adorned in silk and pearls and I will sorely miss her." Gitan straightened posturing with fluid shift and laughed at some private musing, " Dear Mol would have thought it just another pretty bauble, I am sure." A glance was cast to decanter then back to Sterling, "Now Capitaine, you will forgive me if I beg your pardon, but I am in need of food. If you are hungry, I will be most willing to have something sent up." The familliar smirk played wolfish features as he turned for the door then paused, " Should I assume that the doctor belonging to waiting carriage below shall be staying for mid-day meal, as well?"
Beggar Prince chortled at Sterling's confusion good naturedly, " Think to your more Southerly cousins, monsieur...."
Sabastian watched Sterling with faux aloofness, the entire time measuring words and sincerity. He finished final rouge existance captured in crystal cage and stood reaching within the recesses of hidden coat pocket with secretive smile. "In our ways, it is always if they will take us and I think she has already made up her mind, Capitaine." His hand withdrew from coat hidding and within its grasp hung a legnth of brightly colored silk. Sabastian proffered cloth to Sterling with a knowing wink, "There may come a time when that may be of service to you, ami. Now, is there anything to which I might be of further aid?"
First Degree
mortal sin
"Keep her safe? Oh there is no question of it and this is not the only rabbit hole in the warren to be occupied." Sabastian leaned back into the chair's giving support and fixed Sterling with a speculative eye. Another draught was consumed, "If living is what you would wish to call it....I myself would not." The goblet was set aside, " Tell me, Capitaine...You strike me as a man of noble intents and I cannot express to you how kindly I appreciate your concern for my sister...But truly, you must not feel obligated to protect and worry for her well being so..." Sabastian allowed the words to hang in the air and casually refilled wanting crystal.
A slow smile crossed swarthy complexion as he reached for crystal decanter on bedside table, " One could say as much." Pouring dark fluid into waiting goblet he handed it to Sterling, then filled another savoring deep draught. "You need not thank me, Monsuier. My sister seems happy and her happiness is my only concern." The goblet was refilled and Sabastian looked upon companion, contemplating if he should query matters that were suspected.
coup d'etat