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Aurore Devareaux

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Everything posted by Aurore Devareaux

  1. A couple of the sister ships from Scarborough will be there Oct. 14 / 15. (Which is Buccaneer's Weekend if you didn't already know.) Monsuier Nash!!!! You should try to make the date, it will be grand to see you again! We shall trade tales of cognac survival tactics learned from Scarby!
  2. Christophe nodded acknowledgment to young Davis, " It was my pleasure, Monsieur." Turning to Abbi, he negated her words, "Non, Madame....You gave blessings when God seemed to turn blind eye and we shall forever be thankful to you." Retrieving digarded coat, he glanced to Lilly and Reiley momentarily before fixing on Davis again, "If there is any sign of problems, you will roust me, Monsieur." The Frenchman moved to the hall which lead to structure's rear door, "Madame Crane...I will be out back in the old place."
  3. Christophe stepped forward from silent vigil, "Non...." The ladies and boy turned to watch with puzzlment gracing their expressions. A flask was produced from inner pocket before the Frenchman disgarded woolen coat. The slate gray eyes regarded Abbi momentarily, then the knife in her hands. "Non Madame Crane...I shall attend."
  4. The old outbuilding lay shouded in obscurity beyond the Mill's more prominant placement. Dismounting, Christophe glanced towards mother structure to catch a barely visible hint of the carriage. Turning away to outbuilding's attention, one sagging door was pulled sluggishly open to reveal the dark yet dry interior. Horses three were lead inside and door pulled to, a barrage of semi stale scent hanging the air. Mounts were attended to then ushered to rear corner which offered ramshackle containment. Christophe moved to structure center pausing there as memories took hold. Ghosts of days past pulled like needy children for acknowledgement. Here, this place that had acted as sanctuary and hidding five years before. Frenchman shook the memories from his mental facalties, then slipped out the way he had entered. With soft step, rear portal of main structure was entered and he navigated familliar interior towards where voices drifted to hearing. The scene that lay before him seemed over familiar as Christophe came to rest near hearth warmth. Abbi glanced up from current attentiveness and the Frenchman offered courtly bow in return.
  5. rogues and scoundrals....( God bless 'em)
  6. Christophe lingered long enough to follow the carriage's swaying form dissapear into a copse of trees. Soaked thru, he ignored the cling of loose hair to his face and remounted the Bay. Once again surveying the surround, the Frenchman was grateful in ways of the weather's foul turn of temperment. The round of heavy tropical rains would make most change plans of dirt road trek, buying him time to deal with the matter at hand. With a light touch, the Bay was eased to where lone stray mount had been join by a second; fourth was nowhere to be seen. Gaining near proximity, Christophe dismounted slowly and approached duo carefully with soft words. Sorrel was caught by rein dangle, his companion shying slightly to the left. Frenchman held his spot, continuing to speak in soft tone to nervouse other while reaching into pocket concealment. Ripe mango was produced and offered with extended hand. Dun pony eyed the spash of color with ears pricked forward, then took hesitant steps forward with a loud snort. Christophe stayed stock still with unsinkable patience and the Dun stepped a fraction closer to sniff portly red sweet. Acting disintrested in quary's actions, Frenchman looked away as if ignoring the other's presence. The warm moist breath of opposition bathed upturned palm as mango weight left its' mid-air support....bridle was deftly snatched. The Dun danced backwards briefly then held position, retrieving dropped offering from muddied ground. Securing Dun resistant to Bay's more tranquile keeping, the Sorrel was led to carnage ground. Watching the road, eldest Allister was hefted with effort over Sorrel back, then first was joined by second. Christophe gave subtle whistle to Bay's hearing then lead beast of burden to near distant overgrowth of scrub bush. Leaving the Bay under foliage cover, a return trip was made for the living and the dead. Allister accomplice was loaded first, then surviving lone bounty next and the trek was repeated. Each was stripped of anything to be counted as worth and their features marred beyond recognition...except for the survivor. The last of Allister clan was given reprive in the form of tongue sacrifice, followed by the rendering of sight forever lost. Christophe wiped gore soaked blade on finale composition then turned away to gain Bay seat. Steering the trusted transportation beyond underbrush barrier, Christophe lead newly aquired horses parallel to unseen road and followed stream to where the Mill lay snugged in tranquile setting. Word would be sent to The Port and what had occured would vanish from sight and mind; as though nothing had transpired at all....
  7. Devon Burke lounged against one of the towering shelves that occupied shop walls. This time of day usually brought a warm cast of sunlight to the particular spot which the young man of Cork origins relished when able. The grey overcast brought on by recent weather had done well to dampen normal lighthearted manner and reminded him overmuch of the land he had fled. Such notions brought further rankle to his temper as he watched traffic on the lane though window view. A nudge of feline heralding drew his attention away and downward to accosted shin. Bright amber eyes surrounded by motley calico stared intently back with demanding airs. Devon shook his head chuckling as small bookstore habitant was lifted from floor planking, generating rough purr in response. Raising back to full height, movement from shop exterior caught the young man's focus. Moving away from favored place of leisure, he called to elder gent who was busy dusting a section of shelf occupants. Stockton paused in duty at hand to watch agile movement of Irish lad slip from the lamp lit front chamber to more private sanctuary in the back. The feather duster resumed stroke, and continued thus as the front door opened then closed with stubborn creak of hinge.
  8. **blink blink** Salome'
  9. At first glance, Christophe credited sluggish step to exertion of fight, but as he followed Reiley's train of sight a new revealation came to foreground. Attempting closure of distance, he lay witness to the sudden give of leg support. Carefully lifting fallen comrade, the Frenchman draped unconscious form over the Bay's saddle then mounted the mare. The carriage lay not too far ahead on the road and he weighed options carefully. It was further to reverse heading back to the cottage then to continue foreward. Unwanted attention would be drawn in the Port....Then, as if the sun had broke dispersing cloud and rain hinderance, a secure and near location came to mind. Reiley was removed from Bay support and placed into the dry comfort of carriage surround. Quick words of instruction were issued to Mistress McKinney in regard to staunching bloodflow. She nodded as if in numb state as the door was closed securely. Mare was tethered to luggage platform then Christophe walked to the front of vehicle looking upward to young Davis. "Stay to the right where the road forks, you will see a millhouse just beyond the bridge. It is there you need go..."
  10. Leaning to Bay support, Christophe watched with aloof air the final stages of struggle. Morehouse's cumbersome attempts of attack brought an expression of severe dissaproval to swarthy features. Each ill calcultated thrust or slash was deftly manuvered from harmful wishes and it was only when the two men locked closely, that the Frenchman stood to full height with closer regard. Foul mannered ruff's eyes grew wide in reaction to Reiley's checkmate, body growing stiff than limp. Christophe looked away to inspect the carrnage left behind after attempted coup d'etat. Brushing away mud that had splattered woolen coat, note was made of an Allister mount grazing near field. He considered the bodies that lay where fallen, all but one robbed of breathing prowess. They would have to be disposed of...
  11. As the melee unfolded on slippery square, Christophe urged mare into unwilling close proximity. Reaching to concealed gauche hibernating under woolen legnth, disarming ring was used with careful calculation as Allister point was captured, bending opponant's arm to backward angles of discomfort and loss of footing on uncertain slop. The mare was circled back then reined in just enough so that the remaining one of three could focus on antagonist as he shuffeled to regain full standing. Once again, mare's girth felt the dig of heel command her ears laid back to the goading. A hint of fear crossed Allister's expression with the fleeting thought of being trampled under shod hoof, but as the sloggish thunder of four striking surface near steadfast, course was altered a degree. It was not the the pound of metal formed "u" that laid blow, but that of riding heel planted firmly to upper chest. Bounty was spun hard, landing without grace to earthen embrace. Mare was brought to full stop as the Frenchman watched Allister's feeble attempt of belly crawl retreat. Survey was cast of the surround, companion seemed equal match to the one he opposed, Christophe would keep the situation in peripheral sight to ensure the scale not tipping to undesirable course. Not far off, the Bay had stopped with ears pitched forward to the commotion, tail swishing in aggitated manner. Christophe issued a sharp whistle which brought equine comrade near. Dismounting, the mare was teathered to larger brethren then Christophe strode to where fallen antogonist still worked at retreat of the square. "I warned you, monsieur..." The statement was punctuated by hard kick to Allister's head rending him unconscious. The rain began to slack....
  12. Chasing the Dragon
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