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Everything posted by Aurore Devareaux
Aurore's eyes shifted subtly within her immediate surround, finally falling on sibling. She trusted Jean's counter arguments to be true, and though the whole situation stirred certain discomfort in the esscence of her soul, it was the mention of the child being in threat that bothered Aurore far more. The whole rapid sequence of events caused a numbness to creep slowly over her being, and the deep tincture of olive sights followed the flow of rich burgandy silk to the flooring below. The thrum of conversation which sounded in manner of steady buzz fell deaf to her ears and a single tear rolled the perfection of high cheeckline to fall in spiral, mute and unseen to the world around.
That was not a"happy face" at the end of that libation request
**sigh**More champagne!!!....Better make it cognac.....
LOL!!!!!!! It was last night's champagne.....went straight to my head.
I thought it was St Paul's......**sigh**....my bad
Aurore gave no reaction to the announcement, she simply kept her center where it had lay before the jaggernaut of verbose echoed high pitch of beam and frescos above. After a beat in time, she glanced to where Sterling stood then to her brother who had risen from pew seating. Sabastian's expression was unreadable to what meandered the corridors of mental realm, then he turned slowly to focus on accuser and the nuetrality gave way to something else. Dark eyes narrowed upon transgressor, a deep fire of predatory nature smoldering in angelic features. Thresh hold lingerer, removed the crown of wide chapeau, then leaned on near door support to speculate the ocurance. Crossing arms over chest, the slate tinctured eyes roved slowly over the tow headed beaute, then away to settle on the English Captain at alter's proximity.
If you go to the first page of PR....you will find a map. The church in question is near the end of the pennensula...towards the water....Not the Old Church
With twin oaken barriers thrown open to main room beyond, nothing prevented the light from exterior world from flooding in as front entrance was drawn open. Glare of tropical sun shrouded two figures, late to arrive, one of female outline...the other lithe and tall. The doors swung to and the companions seperated at archway, she to nearest open pew...he to linger at the thresh hold, wide brim of chapeau casting penumbra to aquiline features and crowning the fall of unbound hair that lay over shoulders in deep brown cascade. Isabella motioned for his attendance and was belayed by waving off motion of subtle nature.
Lofty double doors dividing main chamber from foyer were pushed slowly open on large iron hinges. A hush fell over those present, a still giving impression that angels above held their breath collectively for this blinking moment in the passage of eternity. Aurore stood there, framed by carvings of saints and holy host rendered in English oak, her heart racing at hunted stag's pacing as attention was turned to church rear section. This was so far beyond anything in her comprehension, such massive gathering in what seemed too far small a space and she drew deep breath, eyes fliting place to place like sparrow trapped. Exhaling slowly, deep olive pools narrowed in focus to fall on Sterling, his placement at far end seeming half the distance of world's trek from thresh hold proximity. A tenetive step was taken forward, as if testing the waters, then another with more confidence, as Aurore centered on the smile that formed on his face. Late morning sun rained down through stained glass to cast an aura of multi hue mantle about russet tress and liquid flow of bordeaux silk. With quiet dignity, she continued towards destination and safe harbour at opposit end.
The Night the Lights Went Out In Georgia
Isabella gently shook her bed partner, which promptly gained a frown in response. Shifting slightly, she whispered into his ear, which gained the hint of a smile. Whispering again, Christophe pulled her closer and made effort to focus full attention to Dove's ample blessings and was swatted playfully. Ignoring her actions of deterant, he continued his attentions until she scolded affectionately. Exhaling heavily, the Frenchman roll over to his back, closing his eyes again. Issabella left the well worn bed to pour water from waiting piture into wash basine and called softly to him. "Tristan...You must leave that bed, it is getting late." "I feel no desire to do such, madame...What I do desire is your warmth in this bed and a bottle of cognac." She scowled, hands braced on hips, "And you shall have niether, Christophe Tristan Lambert....Now do get out of that bed!!"
Sabastian eyed him curiously, "Truly Monsieur...You worry entirely too much. And one would wonder what would inspire you to such traits." He winked knowingly, "Perhaps I should bring her inside, it is a rather bright and balmy morn."
Sabastian fiddled with the overflow of lace portruding from azure velvet cuffs distracted, then looked to where Sterling eyed him expectantly. "Comment?....Oh....Oui. She is waiting in the carriage safely." The familiar impish grin spread over swarth features, "Pour quoi? Is there some raison she should not be well?" He chuckled, "She is a little nervous, but other than that she seems well enough."
crossing one's palm
Leaving the carriage under watchfull eye, Sabastian entered the church by choosen entrance. The thrum of conversation, muffled by the seperation of rear and front divisions, reverberated to his hearing. He moved forward, assuming he would find Sterling in the Rectory and finding the proper door, laid a knock to its' stately surface.
horse and carriage
"Birds do it, bees do it, even....." ahem sorry...stupid song running in my head... Love