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Jacky Tar

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Posts posted by Jacky Tar

  1. But that he can provde, protect and proposition all to yer liking! Plus that ye'll stand by his side makin him feel like Captain..

    What say ye men?

    (Of course there is that pile of dirty socks that can be a problem)lol

    "Aye a woman who makes ye feel like a Captain even when ye have galley duty, are swabbin' the decks or are dealin' wit' that pile of dirty socks."

    "Bein' the Captain ain't what it use t' be!"

  2. Jacky looks at Ransom and thinks to himself, in the right gown and for the proper occasion you would put Tess to shame.

    "No, of course not, can't have ye paradin' around the Rakehell in a dress!" But, he thinks again, that doesn't mean she can't wear a dress aboard the Relentless.

    "Striker will be able t' dress like an baron, once he has made a few smart trades. Plenty of work supplin' those here and in Port Royal." Jacky wonders did Striker bet his pistols, too?

  3. Gives Jacky a penetrating look and a wry smile. "And since when have you appointed yourself dressmaker to the Pub ladies—or should I say, dress provider?"

    Looks over at Striker, still wearing clothes also provided by Jacky. Sighs. "Okay, I guess you're an equal opportunity clothes provider."

    I pick up a cracker and toss it into my mouth. Trying not to spit crumbs, I ask, "Anything to wash this snack food down with?"

    Jacky gets up to find a bottle of port, cups, and a pitcher of water. He places them on the table, "Alas, I have no champagne on board. But, if ye becomes a regular guest, that will have t' change."

    Scans Ransom's current dress, "Few dress shops here, and too often the lasses dress like lads. Silks and ladies dresses command a good price here!"

  4. "No refining  of anyone . Jane is a free spirit and that she always should be ....

    Turns to Ransom, "Perhaps Jane will keep the Terrier busy?" Again to Striker, "Yer both right lady Jane needs no refinin', and she should be made t' feel welcome here. Do ye know her dress size yet?" Pauses and thinks he should reword that, "I only meant perhaps a dress as a gift, would be in order." Jacky sees that Spoons is chuckling, "Good nite, Spoons. That will be all."

    Striker still looks like he is without a friend in the world, "Ye are always welcome here. Eat and rest, ye no good t' anyone like this. By the Bye, yer ship is ready to make sail, and the Relentless is not. I have cargo on the docks which needs to be else where, I could use yer help."

  5. "I am telling you , she is the Devil Incarnate .... cheated me of everything I had on . Which was not much. Since I only had a couple of coins wiyh me for tonight " said Striker while looking at Spoons prepairing a meal.

    "Perhaps we can refine the lass Jane, fer ye. I saw ye sup wit' her, her table manners could use some improvin', but she seemed fond of ye. Besides, Ransom sez Tess is not t' be trusted and she is a better judge of her character than I."

  6. Turns back to Spoons. "If you're going to fix us something, you don't need to make a lot. We've been eating and drinking for about three pages, so a light snack will be fine."

    Pauses, thinks a bit, then turns to Jacky. "My apologies. Force of habit. It's your ship, you give the orders."

    "No apologies necessary, Captain Ransom. As long as ye keep yer orders t' the cook, and aren't lookin' t' start yer own fleet, pirate!"

    "Striker I can't believe ye lost more than the shirt off yer back t' Miss St. Claire! Was she pourin' ye drinks, too?"

    "Spoons layout some nibbles in the galley, before ye retire, thank ye."

  7. Next faire, I'm just playing. I plan on bringing a big cask of rum and putting up a sign "Have a seat and enjoy a round with BHP!"


    "Add a keg of ale and I'll be there. I saw ye walkin' the dog and my family had just left to go shopping in Ojai; so, neither of us was actin' much like pirates. Are ye comin' back for LORE or any other events?"

  8. He sees Ransom leaning over the main deck railing, "Ahoy, Mister Tar didn't say we were takin' on any cabin boys. What's yer name lad?"

    Jacky hears the cook address Ransom, and turns, "Spoons, put on yer spectacles and introduce yer self to lady Ransom, the Captain of the Rakehell." Jacky finishes walking down the plank, and hands Striker a better fitting pair of breeches, a shirt and the justacorp. "Striker, come aboard when yer dressed and I'll have Spoons prepare ye somethin' t' eat. Ye can take the first mates bunk for tonight."

  9. Striker walks out to the docks on his way to his ship and meets Jacky and Ransom on his way . They notice the lack of clothing again , he is only wearing his hat .

    " That damn Tess .... took all of my money and clothes.... Never going to play cards with her again ! " :ph34r:

    Jacky yells to Striker, "Hide behind a barrel or somethin', while I find ye some clothing!" Turns to Ransom, "I don't know which is worse the man's drinkin' or his card playin'." Jacky grabs a justacorp and breeches from his cabin and hurries down the gang plank to his immodest friend.

  10. Rhumba,

    I take offense at your picture of me! First, you evidently didn't recognize me, and secondly, you wrote the caption "What an interesting fellow". I'm certainly not interesting in the least! I'm terribly sorry I couldn't get to the PUB picture in time. Drove from Oregon that morning and was turned away by the fire dept. on 150. Had to go around the other way, and didn't get there 'til 1! Oh well, I got to meet some old friends and new ones.

    "Can we call ye Billy or Mr. Bones? I met ye briefly and I'd say ye look very interestin'. I too missed the group picture. I wish I hadn't been so intranced wit' the bag pipes, fer when I turned back ye was gone. Most of us would be proud t' pose wit' ye fer a picture. Rumba's (Yes spelled wit' out the 'h') caption should have been, 'Billy Bones a real pirate, arrr!'."

  11. You can see my pics over in Rabble Rousing.

    Jacky Tar, I don't think I ever got to meet you. Had to go home Sat. night, fell ill due to the smoke.

    "Sorry, Rumba I wish we had met, maybe next time. I had my family wit' me and me youngest was dazzled by all the swag!"

    "I think I saw ye wit' PoTC fer a second, but when I came back ye was gone."

  12. "I'm sorry, I intended no insult. I just assumed you were her captain. Or, if you are, and the crew named the ship, then I still meant no disrespect. I like the name Relentless, so only thought to offer you a compliment."

    "Ye can compliment the ol' girl, she's been thru alot. I think the crew named her Relentless, 'cause how doggedly I pursued her; but, they'll never say. She came in t' port on a single mast, when she should have been at the bottom of the sea."

    "Ye didn't insult me, again ye miss read me. Lot's of history wit' any ship. Aye... Relentless is a good name."

  13. "A lovely two masted schooner, masts raked, gaff rigged. Some might call it a...dare I say...sexy ship. But she has a bite—six eight pounders and four swivel guns. Right now, she's moored in Port Royal harbor. Maybe you should pay her a visit, eh? It's a lively town, who knows what could happen. Why, just ask Captain Sterling how exciting Port Royal can be." :lol:

    "Gaff rigged, two masted schooner, sez ye... That's called a bald-headed' schooner. Never known a balded headed lady t' be sexy; but, t' each their own. I'm sure she's fast and scoons sweetly."

  14. Sly grin. "Oh, I'm Captain of the Rakehell, make no mistake. And I only released my first mate because he's more trouble than he's worth. Tess is welcome to him, although she may find him a pain in the arse after too long."

    Shrugs. "As for religion, I've found it causes more problems than it solves. I believe in myself, for good or bad. So, how can I divorce myself?"

    "An Irish lass, and not Catholic. Saints preserve us! St. Patrick will be turnin' in his grave, he will." Jacky chuckles softly. "I could search Pub lore, but why don't ye tell me what type of vessel the Rakehell be."

  15. "My descretion says stay, and let's continue our walk...and our talk. Who knows where either may lead?"

    They have walked far enough to reach the Relentless, which is in port for refitting and to take on supplies. A surly roughneck guarding the gang plank approachs them, he recognizes Jacky, tips his hat and returns to his post. Jacky turns to Ransom, "Welcome aboard the Relentless, and watch yer step, luv."

    "Seein' yer not a captain and ye turned over yer first mate t' Tess. Ye must be Catholic! Have ye considered becomin' Protestant? They offer divorce!"

  16. If you are speaking of the one I received in my room, the blue one with the card that said something lovely about ...'as blue as my eyes....Yes...I adore it!"

    Another aside to Miss St. Claire, "Odd, the dress I told the seamstress t' take was light green, and reminded me of the gowns young brides wear. If I had sent a card, it would have read, 'To a women who is always the bridesmaid and never the bride...'. The dress had been made for a Lady-in-Waiting." Pauses, "No matter, if the one ye received is t' yer likein', keep it."

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