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Jacky Tar

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Posts posted by Jacky Tar

  1. Lady St. Claire looks over at the two men, the flop and the pyrate meeting eye to eye as they stare each other down.

    Please, Reggie...Jacky. There is no need to raise such a fuss. I am sure that for this night we can act well in each other's company and not force our dislikes into open air.


    Stepping Out of Character for a moment:

    Before anyone else wonders who took Jacky's Prozac. Many of the members in this thread are from the thread ~ Port Royal, Jamaica, A Continuing Saga for Roleplayers. They are serious writers, un-like yers truly.

    Perhaps Lady St. Claire didn't think the other role players would follow her here, but they did. This Jacky wanted to play with them, seriously.

    So, if you were looking for slap stick, sorry! Try ~ The Pirate Hunter's Smarter Brother.

  2. "If that is your judgement, then it is well enough for me." she replies in low tone.

    Killingsworth hasn't made any further attempts to acquire a drink, nor has he left the pub. His mere presence seems to be unnerving Captain Sterling's companion. Jacky approachs him once more.

    "Ye are an unwelcome guest, and don't seem to have the good sense to leave."

    Two large fellows from the bar lift the foppish Killingsworth to his feet. A third searches his person. They find a pistol, a dagger, snuff-box and a well lined purse; they relieve the owner of his possesions.

    "Crawl back under the swine from which ye came!"

    Jacky walks the naive to door, which he seems unable to find on his own.

  3. He lifts a coin from his pocket and tosses it upon the bar. "Port, thank you."

    Jacky Tar picks up the coin and forces it into Killingsworth pocket. Ray backs away.

    "Yer monies no good here, and I'm afraid we're all out of port! I suggest ye quench yer thirst somewhere else."

    Several of the pubs larger patrons come to stand behind Jacky.

  4. Jacky blinks… as the dagger that has only just missed his nose by the width of a hair, reverberates and then slows to a stop with its un bloodied point cutting deep within the flesh of the cypress tree...

    Jacky finds himself staring cross-eyed at a dagger near the tip of his nose.

    "How does Iron Bess do that!"

    Counts his blessings that she just does.

  5. I enter the Pub, surprised at the crowd. Sterling is siting with a young woman unknown to me, and there's that ner-do-well Jacky Tarr ***looks around to make sure there are no Aztecs***

    "False Ransom, ye look spooked lass! Join me fer a drink t' welcome Miss St. Claire, to our fine establishment."

  6. Tess looks over at the Captain Sterling after Jacky makes his toast.

    "Am I to assume that you like toast?"

    "Where did ye say ye hail from Miss St. Claire?"

    Considers she may be a country lady and less then familiar with English traditions. But Jacky wanting the lady to feel welcome, quips back.

    "Aye, I like me toast dry, and thank ye fer askin'."

  7. "To long life....so's watch yer back!"

    The gentleman and the pirate share a drink at the bar. Jacky slides a purse to Captain Sterling. With his back to the room and in hushed tones, he addresses Captain Sterling.

    "Ye have not been forgotten at court sir, if ye need provisions for the Archangel, ye need but ask."

    Turns to the crowd to offer a toast.

    "To our Sweethearts and wifes, may they never meet!"

    The lads at the bar cheer.

  8. Sterling backs away a bit.  "Aye in passing..."

    In hushed tones and with his back to the crowd, Jacky addresses Captain Sterling.

    "Yer uneasy wit' the lady? Do ye have good reason sir?"

    Raising his voice and motioning to Ray for two glasses; Jacky produces a fine bottle of Spanish port.

    "Will ye join me in a drink Captain Sterling? I believe port is yer drink of choice.

    Jacky offers a glass of port to Captain Sterling and his shadow (Aurore), and motions to Ray for a third glass.

  9. Aye, the humble Pyrate Blackfoot kneels before the new comer Miss. Tess St. Claire and bids her a warm welcome and how do ya do m'lady? Cheers!

    Jacky Tar, a not so humble pirate, knocks over the kneeling Blackfoot.

    "Sorry, Blackfoot let me help ye up lad. Didn't see ye on the floor. Ray we need more lanterns in here, I nearly stepped on Tenderfoot here."

    Jacky nods to the lady.

    "Welcome, Miss St. Claire is it? Charmed."

    Jacky takes his place at the bar.

  10. -------

    Final Letter.


    Final, Final Letter.


    Dear Jacky,

    What's up with you and Tia Dalma?

    Disney's Legal Department


    Dear Legal,

    Nothing, she disses me everytime I post to her thread. She's not even one of my characters!

    Talk to my lawyer,


  11. I thought I'd take a moment to answer a few letters from our readers.

    Dear Jacky,

    Do you really look like Willie Nelson?



    Dear Merrydeath,

    No, but if I told everybody I looked like Tom Cruise, no one would read my posts.



    Dear Jacky,

    Is it true jou shaved jou legs to play Elvira?

    Elvira's biggest fan,



    Dear Joaquin,

    No, I didn't shave my legs to play Elvira.

    Please, quit leaving me those voice mails.



    Dear Jacky,

    Is Rosie's foredeck real? They can't be after six kids!

    False Ransom


    Dear False Ransom,

    Sorry, but they are as real, as she is.



    Final Letter.


    Dear Jacky,

    How come you don't say I'm hot, everybody else does?



    Dear Siren,

    Last time we ran together, I was too winded to say anything. Heck, you were hot, I was hot...


  12. Tosses what is left of the lemon wedge towards Jacky Tar hoping he will catch it

    Jacky luv. Care fer some lemon maid?

    Thankfully, the lemon wedges' flight path allows Jacky plenty of time to catch it. He catches it.

    "Silkie, yer a bit tart fer me!" (he teases and smiles)

    "I see Matt is off on yer good foot."

    "I'll see ye around the pub Silkie."

    Jacky waves and goes off to check on the Montoyas.

  13. (Gazing at the door where Tar made his forlorn exit, she picks up a water stained and salt encrusted Ouija board from among the scattered effects)

    Pity. (wry smile)

    As Jacky walks away from Tia Dalma's cottage, he stops and turns back to retrieve the Magic 8-Ball that he dropped. He looks up and sees the soothsayer sitting on the porch, in a rocking chair, with an old board on her lap. She looks melancholy, like she hasn't a friend in this world.

    She rocks and gazes at the water, suddenly she puts the board down next to the chair and walks back into the tiny cottage.

    Jacky gathers some wildflowers, and bundles them together with an old ribbon from his pocket. He slowly winds his way to the porch, and carefully places the flowers in the rocking chair.

    He walks back towards the pub, occasionally glancing back at the cottage until it is no longer in sight.

  14. On one of her never-ending rounds, one of Ray's serving maids discreetly drops a letter at Inigo's booth.

    Jacky Tar enters the bar and sees Inigo has a booth in the back of the pub.

    "Ray when did ye add booths? Can I get booth, too!"

    Ray motions to Jacky, and taps on a brass plate on the edge of the bar. The plate reads, 'Reserved for Jacky Tar'. Jacky smiles and takes his place at the bar. Ray nods to Jacky and goes back to wiping glasses.

  15. Not getting the answers he'd hoped to get, from Tia Dalma, Jacky pulls out his trusty Magic 8-Ball.

    "Is Tia Dalma a pirate?"

    Turns over the ball ~ ~ 'Signs point to Yes' ~ ~

    "Will Tia Dalma give anyone a straight answer?"

    ~ ~ 'Reply hazy, try again' ~ ~

    "Can Tia Dalma give the exact location of Inigo's ship?

    ~ ~ 'Don't count on it' ~ ~

    "Will pirates keep comin' to Tia Dalma's thread?"

    ~ ~ 'Without a doubt' ~ ~

    Not happy with these answers either, Jacky drops the 8-Ball and goes to look for a Ouija board.

  16. Not very flattering of m'self but Barnacle Phoebe looks great!!

    Jacky walks by hummin', 'How much is that doggie in the window...'.

    "As fer yer signature, Herselfness, 'Women who behave... rarely make history!'

    If ye quit cuttin' history class fer fencin' practice, ye would have made it. (History that is!)

  17. A pirate, may find staying young, as simple a ting as dying at an early age.

    Aye, I've heard the same applies to sorcerouses. So let us choose t' die when we are very old and leave behind worn out corpses.

    Fair winds and following seas,

    Jacky Tar

  18. Their madre has given them orders to prevent anyone from freeing Rosie.

    Jacky and Pepe are outside the pub, and peeking in through a window. Jacky is furious by what he sees.

    He knows that if they are to have any chance rescuing Rosie, they must do it before Elvira and the others return.

    "Pepe, the one near t' the bar looks like she could be yer child!"

    "Dat es Izzie, an she could be mio."

    Jacky looks quizzically at Pepe.

    "Boss, de ex Señora Montoya, hab apetitos. One day she try a leetle Pepe, nueve months later, ello Isadora!"

    "Pepe, look Rosie's captors arr gettin' sleepy!"

    The two sneek in through the back door of the pub. The Montoya children, are snoring. Jacky unties the almost unconsious Rosie, and carries her from the Pub.

  19. "Ello my name is Elvira Montoya, I aim looking for Inigo Montoya he owes mi alimonies an cheeldrens support."

    Pepe enters the pub and sees the former Señora Montoya and her children.

    "¡Dios mío! I mus warn de Boss, the black widow an her cheeldrens is here! Heem will nos wad to do."

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