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Jacky Tar

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Posts posted by Jacky Tar

  1. Jerking his head in the general direction of Pepe, Inigo addresses False Ransom. "Dat mighty perceptive of jou, bot noat very nice." (He leans in and whispers conspiratorially) "When he a tiny boy, he get de nickname 'Little Pepe.' And jou know, eet be de same ever seence."

    Jacky is in the corner of the pub humming, 'On the Road Again'. Pepe walks over to Ransom to explain his nickname.

    "Is true, Ransom. I was small boy an bery skinny. All de peons calls mi 'Leetle Pepe'. A man day call de Coche comes to de village, and sez he can make me the Big Pepe."

    "So, I trains wid de Coche, and I get bery strong. But I aim still not bery big, so the Coache he say I need de esteroides. De Coche give me de juice, an I train harder."

    "I get big, like de Governator of Cali-for-ni-a, but mi package it is historia!"

  2. "Falsie?" :lol: Come now, boys, you've only to look at me boyish figure to know, there be no falsies here!"

    ***Opens coat to show a bodice with a sad lack of abundanza in the foredeck.***

    "You see, flat as the proverbial plank. So, no more Falsie talk, comprende?"

    "Pepe say, False"

    Pepe replies, "Falsie, dat what I say."

    "Pepe say, Foredeck... wait no belay that! When referin' t' False Ransom just say, Ransom."

    Pepe replies, "O'ky Boss, butt dat lady don even need a jogging bodice."

    "Pepe, make yer self scarce."

  3. Do the pair of you plan these out in advance?

    "Short answer, Nope!"

    Jacky wakes to the sound of running water; which is odd because the pub doesn't have plumbing!

    "Ray, I need some rhum t' sober up, what did Rosie put in that drink?"

    Jacky surveys the pub and sees Siren asleep curled up behind the bar. He turns to Pepe.

    "How long have I been out?"

    Pepe says, "Jou been out along time boss, Falsie Ransomebody come thru and she tink she mees another party!"

  4. "See ya, Ray. It was fun while it lasted."

    Pepe steps into the pub, to check on his new boss. Who is asleep at the bar.

    "Jou wrong Falsie Ransome, the fun as jou call it, is just begun! Let me esplain... No, it take to long, let me sum up. There goin to be more bar room brawls, marital mishaps, and sunk sheeps then jou can shake a steek at! Jou can count on dat."

  5. Barely acknowledging the pirate, the two head for the door, their chatter not slowing one whit. "....no, no, no! You got the bottom bunk because you were the one who always had to get up in the middle of the night..."

    "Say good-nite boys! Oh yeah, before ye go who got the bottom bunk?"

  6. "Jacky jou need help wit all jou bizness. How bout I rent jou a peon? Jou sign The Rent A Peon agreement, make de weekly payments and Pepe be jou peon! What jou say to dat?"

    Jacky looks over The Rent A Peon agreement.

    "Rosie, I'll give ye four weeks in advance; but this is a slave free port, I have t' pay Pepe. So let my accountant crunch some of the numbers and ye have a deal!"

  7. Jacky sips his drink and listens to Rosie who is faced with many problems, including Inigo's long term unemployment, no one to pick the crops, and the cost of a start-up business (the Pirate Hunter franchise). She is a women without means of support. Rumba has offered to let her dance on the bar. But Rosie knows she needs a plan to make a steady income.

    "I know a free drink, even one this good, is never free. What do ye want from ol' Jacky?"

  8. "Phaaaat! I speet at jour feet! Jou think I wheel cho jou the money? Even Joaquin would nut have been anee help to jou! He ees loyal to Inigo! Jou no, he eesn't the sharpest cutlass in the armory. Inigo may seem the fool but he ees a very clever man! He would never tell jou that hees sheep is in...

    Jou really think I am that foolish to tell jou where the sheep is sunk? Geeve me some credit!


    Jou pirates aren't so bright as the sunlight are jou?

    Jacky just turns and walks away.

  9. CUT !

    Okay ...the last thing this thread needs is a director ...would ruin all the fun. However there is one rule that I think we should follow. We don't "puppet" anyone else's character without permission from that individual. Pepe, peons, Ray, the inquisiton staff etc. you can puppet they are Non-player characters. Anyone who is a player character ...Inigo, Rosie, Teady(because she is mine ...I just created a sign on ID for her), Joaqin, Jacky, Sterling, Sirene, etc. you can not puppet.

    Any one disagrees ...well that is just plain inconsiderate.

    annnnnnnnd ACTION!

    What are you babbling about now! I didn't put words in Sirens mouth or Joaquin's mouth. I was hoping Joaquin would create some funny dialog and escape, not time warp! I was glad to see Siren join the chase.

    Please, quit trying to explain everything! Or acting as the pub monitor! You want in so bad, create your characters and start typing, and don't tell us it's you.

  10. Joaquin can do little to resist as they lead him back towards the Pub.

    It was not Jacky's intention to catch Joaquin; he had hoped to track him and discover more about the sunken galleon. But, now what to do with him?

    He didn't expect Siren to join the chase, either; but she proved she was a good tracker and now may-haps a little more interested in gold.

    "Joaquin, the way I sees it, yer lucky it was us that caught ye. If'n Rosarita caught ye she'd whip ye t' death for taken her peons. If Rumba caught ye, she'd knife ye fer taken her feathers. If those cut throats from the pub caught ye, they'd kill ye fer bein' a Spaniard."

    Jacky looks at Siren. She nods her head in agreement.

    "I want t' help ye, but ye have t' help me, help ye. Ye may know the location of the galleon, and that could help all of us!"


    (O.K. I say it, "Show me the money!")

  11. Spotting their quarry she leapt down and gestured for him to follow the feather trail.

    Joaquin is disoriented and not familiar with his surroundings; he is a pack a day cigarillo smoker, and is rapidly running out of breath, and wheezing loudly. He turns a corner and finds he has reached a dead end. His breathing is desperate and his limbs are like lead. He falls down behind a pile of crates to hide.

    Siren is like a cat stalking her prey, she moves quickly through the narrow alleyways. Jacky follows closely on the heals of his unexpected companion. They reach the same dead end, and Jacky wonders if Joaquin has doubled back on them; when Siren notices a small pile of feathers, near the back wall. As they move closer, they hear the raspy breathing of the exhausted Spaniard.

    Siren moves quickly and binds the wrists of the almost lifeless Joaquin, with her whip. Joaquin can do little to resist as they lead him back towards the Pub.

  12. Sees Joaquin running and fingers the Sea Serpent coiled at her hip, the 12 foot long bullwhip tipped in silver gleamed wickedly.

    debates if she should or should not make the man take a tumble...

    "Wot say ye Rumba?"

    Jacky wonders where these women are getting all these whips? (Topic for another thread)

    With no time to lose, and not wanting to lose Joaquin's trail of feathers. Jacky tackles Siren and pulls her into a alleyway; he gently covers her mouth with his hand and begins to speak.

    "Sorry fer stoppin' ye from trippin' the spaniard. But he can lead us to the treasure, if he remains standin'. So if yer interested in gold and not a prat fall, nod yer head."

    "Tell Rumba I have lots more feathers."

    Siren nods, and Jacky gently kisses her hand, and resumes the chase.

  13. There was chest on chest of Spanish gold

    With a ton of plate in the middle hold

    And the cabins riot of stuff untold,

    And they lay there that took the plum

    With sightless glare and their lips struck dumb

    While we shared all by the rule of thumb,

    Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum!

    More heads raise from their stupor, brows beetling over narrowed eyes, exchanging significant, questioning glances one to the next, and a slow look of shrewd consideration and rising greed dawning on their craggy countenances.

    Joaquin, stopping only to gather an armload of peacock quills from the bartop, backs towards the door, his gaze leaping from one face to the next as he retreats. Three steps past the threshold, he turns and pelts down the street as fast as his panicked legs can pump.

    A sailor who appeared to be asleep at the bar, lifts his head from his arm and sees the frightened Joaquin bolt from the Pub. The thoughts of Spanish treasure and sunken galleons, sweep aside those of rhum and dealin' in black market trade. A plan is needed and alliances must be made, but who to trust? These are pirates after all! Best to follow the skinny Spaniard, and find out what he knows. Jacky slips out of the Pub unnoticed.

  14. and Rumba Rue is behind the bar in absolute hysterical laughter...as Pepe clearly has invaded Fredrick's of Hollywoood.. :lol::lol::lol::P

    Pepe walks over to RumbaRue at the Bar.

    "Rumba, Jacky sez to give jou these feathers to makes more hat pins, for de pirate sombreros. Heem sez day sellin' like hot tamales!"

    Pepe places a sack of peacock feathers on the bar. He turns ands nods to Señora Montoya. He stops in front of Señor Montoya.

    "Señor, de peons, I mean the Aztecs, are getting restless; jou tink we can go home now?"

  15. Aye Count again!

    H'okay, den, eef it make jou happy...

    Montoya walks over to Captain Siren. For some reason he begins to stoop ever so slightly, a strange, wild light dawning in his eyes. Dramatically, he points in the direction of Siren, and loudly declaims. "Juan! Juan...Pirate...Captain! Muah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-hahhhhh!" Thunder booms and the sky is lit by a flash of lightning.

    "The countin' to Siren, was nice. Thunder and lightnin' was a bit melodramatic. The Muah-ah thing is just goin' to make her giggle again."

    "I thought ye latin types were romantics... Think Ricardo Montalban... Please don't let let Joaquin say, 'Look boss de sheep! de sheep!"

    "One more time por favor."

  16. "Darlin', VonUber-pyrate isn't British and what did those poor sheep ever do t' ye, t' be pasted to his likeness in such an un-natural way?"

    No, no, no! They were two seperate thoughts ...I'm Irish ...my character that is ...I'm American. Anyway, historically the British have caused a lot of problems for the Irish, and Silkie is from Northern Ireland ...If you want a history lesson I can give you one. ...?

    As to the sheep and VonUber-pyrate ...he was around at the inquisition ...figured he was old enough to sink Montoyas sheep. :)


    "I got it, no history lesson needed. I didn't think ye was nasty type!"

    "I thought ye was implin' I may have sunk his ship."

    "Yer sure fun to tease!"

  17. I've no quarrels wit d'Spanish or d'French.

    Now d'British...

    She stops short of spitting on the floor.

    Taking the paste she sticks VonUber-pyrate and the sheep together then waits to see if it sticks.


    "Darlin', VonUber-pyrate isn't British and what did those poor sheep ever do t' ye, t' be pasted to his likeness in such an un-natural way?"

  18. nice list

    "Nice list indeed, Cap'n Bob. But the intangibles are just as important."

    "The ability to say yer sorry, and mean it."

    "To be genuinely happy fer others, and not resent them, when they do well."

    "To partner in the raisen' of children."

    "Appreciate, the little things which often go un-noticed."

    "To share dreams, even the inconsequential ones."

    "To keep fallin' in love, with your partner, over and over..."

    "Most importantly, 'Trust' and all that it implies!"

  19. There is at least one pyrate out there who would have been old enough to sink his ship. Silkie thinks to herself. Hmmmm ...

    Silkie starts to put the peices together.

    Only she has no glue so they don't stick! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

    "Aye... Silkie but ye was in finishin' school back then; I was press ganged, as a lad, and served time in the English navy, luv. Un-employment and the luv of a women, caused me t' become a pirate later in life."

    "Besides, I have no quarrels wit' the Spanish. Now the French, that be a different matter."

  20. Sterling raises his glass... "I must confess you have me on that one!  Honestly I would like to see you try that again."

    Jou are ON, Eengleesh high-seas creeminal type!

    ... Joaquin, show de man.

    "Inigo, ye was six when yer sheep sank, I mean ship sank, right?" Indigo nods. "Ye look like yer in yer early thirties. Look around ye, most of these scallywags weren't even born when yer ship sank!"

    "Now ye can do the math out loud, if ye like; 'cause Cap'n Siren luvs t' hear ye count."

    "Yer grudge is wit' pirates long since past; so, put the rope down man, and have a drink wit' us"

  21. "He didn't tip all those tables fer nuthin' Silkie!"

    Mad Matt is a man on a mission, and no women is out of reach for long.

    Jacky, looks sadly at the almost empty bottle of rhum. Ray replaces the bottle with a full one, and Jacky's mood improves immediately. Ray offers Jacky some lemon wedges.

    "No thank ye, Ray. I believe the lemon maid won't squeeze out of Mad Matt's embrace, this time!"

  22. Blackfoot enters the room and looks about. Hmmm? Inigo Montoya eh?

    Admiral Von Uber-Pirate eh? Pirate hunters eh? Interesting concept.

    Blackfoot smiles and takes a swig from his bottle of rum. A toast to ye

    all. :lol:

    "Care to join the 'Seelee Sunny Beaches Club', Cap'n Blackfoot? We mean t' recuit a few of the Aztecs as cabana boys and setup camp down yonder on the beach."

    "Thought abought a live pirate dinner show in the Pub, too! Fer the tourists. That may be a bit much fer the purists, but we aim t' keep things lively!"

    Jacky offers Blackfoot some more rhum...

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