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Jacky Tar

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Posts posted by Jacky Tar

  1. "Been trying to fetch a lapdog since then I see " Striker mumbles to himself while he cleans some dripping Rum from the side of his left cheek with his right coat sleeve .

    "Seems I am surrounded yet all alone .... None to speak to , Nor to scold "

    Striker looks into his mug and says with a sigh "Shaddows .... Nor shaddows ! "

    "Striker, lap dogs are fashionable, that is all. Ye seem to be pining for the bonnie lass. Approach her table next time, and ask if ye may join her. Let her invite ye, before ye sit down next time. And lad change yer coat, it reeks of rhum. Best if ye don't offer to fight her lap dog, in front of her, either!"

  2. "If'n ye want to know the heart and head of a woman, read her diary or a post from another thread...."

    "Take the bonnie Tess St. Claire"


    There is nothing better than to swoon by the hand of a romantic, gallant figure such as a Pyrate…or better yet, a pyrate captain!

    But like any true pryate, they are cunning in getting what they want. With soft spoken words, images of passion and promises of utter contentment….all in all when it comes down to it….THEY LIE!

    (Na, I’m not bitter…nope, not me!)

    Tess St. Claire


    Dear Miss St. Claire,

    To command a ship load of cut throats requires cunning! Passion drives us, and promises from some is worth more than gold from others. Most pirates don't lie, and I will not say that they are always truthful. I have never heard one offer utter contentment, for we are a restless bunch.

    I'm sorry some scallywag, dashed yer dreams and left ye wit' bitter memories.

    Ye have wit, charm and are more deservin' of a better man. I pray he comes t' ye soon!

    Jacky Tar


  3. Sterling smiles at Aurore, winks at Lilly, than looks at Jacky Tarr..."If this is where it lands me, with the loveliest of women concerned about my pleasure and comfort.... I'll be a... ahem... lap dog any day!"

    Jacky chuckles softly, "They are loverly my good Captain, but as their lap dog ye have t' put up wit' fleas like Killingsworth!"

  4. Scrutinizes Sterling's demeanor momentarily then orders a goblet of claret.

    "Interesting backpeddle, cher."

    "Well... I... um.... ahem.... err....." he quickly takes a seat next to Aurore.

    "That is how it is wit' french women, Captain Sterling. Ye can go t' the end of yer chain and bark; but, no further. Good boy!"

  5. "Jacky, Jacky, Jacky, what have you gone and gotten yourself into this time? "Extends a hand and pulls the poor man to his feet. Yanks the stool, which is broken and upside down like a crown, off of Jacky's head. "I'm gone a few pages, and look what's happened to you."

    "Ransom, Ransom, Ransom, ye leave my side and wit' ye me luck has left as well! Jacky doesn't attempt to leave the chair. I'm a fair match for any man jack in the pub; but, Elvira threw me like I was a child's play thing. I'm not sure how long Siren, will keep her at bay wit' her whip."

  6. From out of the box scampers a small sea crab. Free of it's hardwood prison it scuttles along the floor boards as if teathered to a homing beacon. With little effort it reaches the hem of T'Dalma's skirts and without hesitation climbs the length of her skirt, her belt, up along the bodice to make perch upon her bare shoulders where it then dissapears under the cover of her draping hair... sea water runs in a trickle along the line of her neck and she smiles.

    Jacky has moved near an open window of the shack, and has just seen a crab disappear under Tia Dalma's hair.

    "Sisters?" That just leaves more questions.

  7. She throws the stool and Jacky, at the boarded window.

    Jacky shakes this one off, and thinks to himself, 'Why haven't any of these other pirates stepped up to the plate... Mad Jack, Captain Sterling, The Gunner?' He gets to his hands and knees, and see's a ladies hand extended to him. She says, "Need a hand up?". Jacky's vision is still blurred, "Ransom?"

  8. Elvira turns and sees Siren sitting on the bar. "Oh, look! Lunch is served."

    Jacky grabs a bar stool and swings at Elvira's head. Elvira spins and stops the bar stool. She throws the stool and Jacky, at the boarded window. She turns back towards the bar and advances on the unsuspecting Siren.

  9. I accept the kiss on the cheek, and give Jacky an evil little grin.  "Oh, I think we can do a bit better than that." I take his face in my hands and plant a nice juicy kiss on his lips. "Not a French one yet. Want to save a little something extra for next time you tease me."  ;)

    "Now, what can I buy you—to drink?"  :blink:

    "Ah... a juicy kiss, did we just exchange orange juice?" A mischievous smile crosses Jacky's face. "I'll take that proffered libation, later when I thirst."

    Out of the corner of his eye Jacky sees Killingsworth, move towards them. In one motion, Jacky draws his service pistol, cocks the hammer and takes aim at Killingsworth.

    "Killingsworth, hold fast! My accord is wit' the lady Ransom. Ye'll get no such armistice from me. Yer safe harbor is with Miss St. Claire, I suggest ye find her."

    Jacky addresses Ransom, one last time, "Ye choosen to learn French? Useful when ye boardin' their ships, me thinks."

    Jacky turns to usher Killingsworth away.

  10. Someone points a lantern in the direction of the darkened corner in which Elvira is crouched. The holy water splashes over her arched form and it looks like a scene out of Flashdance. Elvira leaps to her feet and begins to dance wildly, like she is on fire!

    Ray, "She's a maniac on the floor!"

    Jacky, "And she's dancing like she's never danced before"

    Lads at the bar, "She's a maniac maniac on the floor, and she's dancing like she's never danced before..."

  11. It would have been a bit more pasionate if I had not, in the moment before, taken a sip of the French bubbly. The fizz from mouth to mouth had us both laughing. I wiped my chin then held out the kerchief to Jacky. "Here, sir. I've heard tell of a French Kiss, but I doubt this is what they meant."

    "So as ye explain it, that was not a kiss. It was a champagne toast, shared without glasses. That's good t' know. Because, if it had been a kiss, and laughter were the only result, I'd never be able to show my face in this pub again!"

    Jacky smiles and tenderly pushes her red hair from her face. "It were a pax, a kiss of peace, for which ye asked." Jacky kisses her on the cheek.

    "Thar, ye have my promise of peace. But, it doesn't mean I won't tease ye!"

  12. I brush Jacky's hand away and look daggars at him. "And you're a fine one to be telling me what to do! Insults is all I ever hear from your lips, sir! I made the mistake of telling you I had a boyish figure. I did not say I was boyish. I did NOT say I was unattractive."

    Jacky looks surprised!

    "I never said ye was unattractive, quite t' the contrary I find ye very attractive. Check yer sources I never said anything about yer forecastle, bow, or stern."

    Jacky moves closer, and watches her sword hand.

    "If'n ye ask, ye'll find I've never danced wit' anyone else at the pub either! And here's another first, that won't bloody likely happen again, either..."

    Jacky pulls her away from the fop, and kisses her passionately without pretense.

  13. "Damn him." Killingsworth says looking at the group. "Looks like the Captain is the biggest cock here in the hen house, don't you agree?"

    "Still dancin'. May I cut in?" Jacky knocks Killingsworth into a chair, at a table where a bunch of old toothless hags are having their morning repast. Jacky addresses Ransom, "A suitable hen house for his cockiness, wouldn't ye say?" And in hushed tones, "Ye need to be more selective about the company ye keep." Jacky walks Ransom back to her seat and thanks her for the dance.

  14. Assisted by Jacky Tar, Inigo gets shakily to his feet. Recovering, he grabs the crucifix from around the slumbering Cardinal's neck, and advances on the cowering Elvira.

    "Hello! My name is Inigo Montoya! Prepare to die! --oh wait, jou already dead."

    Jacky sees Elvira huddled in the corner and she looks petrified. Inigo is ranting and waving a crucifix at her.

    "Wait a minuto... Indigo... amigo! Maybe ye hit yer head on the way down, to the floor."

  15. Confused by all that has arisen, Aurore casts a suspicious glance to St. Claire then follows quickly behind Sterling into the night air.

    "Arretez, s'il vous plait! Je ne comprends..."

    Awkward, Jacky finds himself standing next to an empty table! Out of the corner of his eye he sees Miss St. Claire regarding him with distain. No matter, he rejoins the lads at the bar.

  16. Sterling crooks his finger toward Jacky....then places a gold coin between them both. "A wager lad? Birds of a feather they be...the lady and the fop."

    "Aye, captain keep yer coin, I know he is her lap dog; I as much told Captain Striker it was so. But she has a pull on me also, mayhaps because we receive so few ladies here."

    Jacky sees the furtive glances from Aurore.

    "Aurore, ye have a gravity and attraction, also; but, ye are bespoken."

  17. "Aye Master Tar, but beware the Serpant that strikes yer heel as ye crush its head," Sterling says.

    "I'd take his head with my cutlass, and thar be no need to soil my boot." Pauses, and sips the glass of port. "The lads defanged him earlier. Had Miss St. Claire not request we leave him, we'd taken his serpent's tongue as well."

  18. Moving to the bar's far end with a sideglance to Sterling, barkeep's attention is flagged,

    "Pardon Monsieur...Apportez-moi une cognac, s'il vous plait."

    "Mademoiselle, ye'll find very little French spoken here. Many of the lads here are privateers with English Letters of Marque and orders to sack French ships."

  19. "Have it jou way. I bite jou!"

    Elvira's fangs come out.

    It's early morning and Jacky enters the pub. He starts opening windows to let sun light and fresh air into the pub.

    Elvira drops Inigo before she can bite him, and retreats to a dark corner of the pub. Bulimia and Bickering are not so quick and turn to ashes, taking the documents with them, before anyone notices.

    "Inigo, hard night? Let's get ye off the floor."

  20. Lady St. Claire looks over at the two men, the flop and the pyrate meeting eye to eye as they stare each other down.

    Please, Reggie...Jacky. There is no need to raise such a fuss. I am sure that for this night we can act well in each other's company and not force our dislikes into open air.

    Jacky loosens his grip on Killingsworth's coat. Against his better judgement he lets him go. Another fop is saved at a lady's behest.

    "My apologies Lady St. Claire, Jacky returns to the bar."

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