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Jacky Tar

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Posts posted by Jacky Tar

  1. A mascarpone with orange and sugar cooked with walnut paste. Delicious.

    Turns to Silkie, "I can see I'm goin' t' have t' serve some time in the galley here, just t' learn some of these recipes."

    Again to William Red Wake, "Thank ye again, Sir William!"

  2. A little something for you two while you discuss the business of the day.  Risotto with Leeks and Bacon...

    And some Baked pears with wine and walnut cream.

    "Sir William, if the Risotto tastes as good as it smells, we'll be dinin' well indeed! Pray tell, what is a walnut creme, on the baked pears?"

  3. The eldest of the boys carried their new found wealth home, to present to their mother. They scrambled along the dirty streets and back alleys, until they had arrived home. The boys were out of breath and excited, as they entered the door, they called out for their mother. "Mother, mother... look at our good fortune!" The eldest held out the purse the lady had given them.

    Their mother looked over the purse and saw the signet stamp on the bag. She hushed the boys, "This purse belongs t' someone aboard the Relentless! Did ye get it from a crew member of the Relentless?"

    The boys knew there were no women crew members aboard the Relentless.

    "If ye did not, ye must take it t' the Relentless, and return it. It would be remiss of ye, if ye did not." The boys hung their heads, for they knew see was right. "I will take it t' the Relentless mother", the eldest said.

    She lifted the chin of her eldest, and looked him squarely in the eyes, "We have recieved many kindnesses from Mister Tar, since yer father's passin'." She then looked at her son's feet, "Least of which the shoes he left fer ye, where did ye leave them?" The boys were now both embarrassed, and the youngest replied, "Mother forgive us, we were pretended t' be gentlemen of fortune boardin' a Spanish galleon!" She shook her head, "Clean yer selves up, and put on yer shoes. Then take this purse back t' the Relentless."

  4. Strange ...I seem to be stuck in a limbo between my two selves in this post ...oh well ...tis a pleasant place t'be!

    Wot about you Jacky?  I see ha here often, and yer playful posts!  Wot brought ya here in d'furs place?

    "I am wit' a group of pirates that sets up an entertainment encampment, at events. This group is primarily made up of singers (no, I don't sing). Iron Bess is one of the singers, and she sings very well! But, like most folks everyone has little time, for anything else. I joined this group t' meet some fellow pirates and make new friends."

    "My reason fer comin' t' the pub was the same; since, most pirates are spread far and wide, the pub helps bring us all a little closer, between events."

    "Aye, limbo... everybody limbo... it's scary, where does ones self end and the other begin?"

  5. Ye should contact Kass she seems t be th most resourceful, however there are many more ere who have made their garb by hand. Mrs Mad Jack and Captain Sterling as well . Check the posts here and good luck!

    "Kass has a business designin' patterns for period clothin'; I'm sure her designs are the most accurate. However, if ye need local and inexpensive, Butterick sells POTC patterns fer $15; the package fer men, included breeches, shirt, waistcoat and top coat patterns. I bought some cotton duck cloth fer my waistcoat at a local JoAnn's fer $7 a yard; I had a discount coupon too."

    "Yer lucky if'n ye can sew, as I can't; but, lucky fer me I had an Aunt that was willin'."

  6. Been glad t'see yer makin yerself at'ome ear.

    "Wouldn't say I was at home yet. Stillin' feelin' my way around the pub. Glad t' make folks laugh when I can and join in on creatin' a story. Not ready t' don a banner fer a thread yet, like ye have done; by the bye, yer banner is nicely done."

    "I've been introduced t' some grand pirates, met a few in the flesh outside the pub; hope t' meet more. Some I'll probably only know through the pub, but they are dear t' me, all the same."

    "Heard about yer singin', seen yer art talents, know about yer penchant fer dancin' on tables... Silkie luv, where do ye find the time?"

  7. T'friends, old n'new!"

    Jacky lifts his glass to share a toast with Silkie, "Aye, old friends and new, and William Red Wake, the proprietor of the Tsunami Kate and food connoisseur."

    "Glad ye chose t' join me, Silkie."

  8. A fine choice.


    "A fine choice indeed! Thank ye, Sir William. Silkie I can recommend the port, and while sweet and good wit' dessert, it might go well wit' the Plantain & Chicken skewers."

    "Sir William, are the Plantains sweet, as prepared in that dish?"

    "Silkie would ye like t' share a table and have a glass of this port?"

  9. Now Captain Striker, no exploits with peg legged women until yer healed :)

    "The exploits wit' peg leg women are fine. It's the exploits wit' the green eyed woman, that could get ye, don'tcha know."

  10. Too kind. May I interest you in something from our wine list?

    "Tis a lengthy wine list, Sir William. I'll have a glass of yer Portuguese Tawny Port, thank ye." Jacky looks about the Tsunami Kate, which is rich in local color and steeped in pub lore. The Tsunami Kate bares witness to William Red Wake's passion for food, art, and friends. Jacky sighs, and wishes Ransom were here.

  11. "Striker, wait! Ye can't go down that plank wit' out the means t' defend yer self. "Jacky turns and picks up two sea pistols, "I had Spoons fetch these from the armory. I'll pick them up, when I visit ye aboard the La Maligna." Jacky hands the pistols, and a powder and shot box, to Captain Striker.

  12. *Prods* And to friends! Now what be on the menu..Im starving...

    "Sir William, ye best get some of this fine food t' Siren, looks like she's wastin' away before our very eyes!"

    Jacky can't believe the menu, "I can see why everyone from the pub comes here t' eat!"

  13. Spoons can see Mister Tar is seething, "I guess she won't be going on the account then, sir?"

    Jacky stands and smirks, "No, she is not goin' on the account." Turns to Captain Striker and smiles, "Ye like her directness?"

    "Ransom, would ye like more coffee?" Jacky has but to gaze at Ransom, and his calm returns.

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