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Everything posted by JohnnyTarr

  1. Now that was a good trailer.
  2. I will try to post photos as I can. I stuck with the original plans for this one. I figured that it was a good learning boat. I will build the one you showed me in time though.
  3. Well I did it today. I have invaded my inlaws barn and started constuction on my boat. I made frame #3 today. I was able to do this because it can be made out of anthing. I made it out of pine 1x4. Now in the next couple of weeks I hope to work on it some more. Need money that is all.
  4. This is so cool. I knew they exsited. Not everything has to be a tall tale.
  5. If he just would have gone without the sword. Then it might not even have made the news.
  6. Come over here and unwrap your present. Thought you might enjoy a new mast to use at your liesure
  7. I know there are some deep thinkers out there. So here is a thread to let all of that out. The silly as well as the deep thoughts are welcome. Why is it that my relations always get stale after a few years? I just want to spice things up again and have fun. Every time I change course to follow the wind there seems to be a storm brewin'. Meanin': I just changed from a third shift job that I hated to a second shift job I love. Now I find out that I can't goto Pirate Fest in Port Washington due to requirments at work. Some how this seems just not fair.
  8. It would have been better if there was really a woman up there. Could you imagine that one. Even better if they were role playing.
  9. You need to find yourself a better girl mate.
  10. I found out that my vacation for June 1 has been denied. I trasfered from third shift to second shift in a new dept. The new forman says that I can not have off that day due to inventory. Just how many people do they need? Well I will have to see if I can get down there at all now. Have fun anyway.
  11. Ok while some of us can drink our rum at all hours, I sit here in the early morning with me cup of coffee. Rum just doesn't help me wake up like it used to. I got a blend of French roast coffee beans and chickory that I made myself and I like a lot. What else do you all imbid in?
  12. I like it. Kind of poetic. Moses' Law for porn spammers. I like it.
  13. Now I like this arguement. It makes you think without getting anyone upset. I could believe that sailors didn't like the taste of chille peppers and need lots of valuable water. That is a great arguement against the idea.
  14. My favorite would have to be to tie them down below the high tide line. Then just sit back as the tide comes in. It would be a nice slow death with enough time to let the reality of what is happening to them to set in. Let's see how long it would take for the panic and the begging to start. I just love the begging.
  15. Welcome aboard there lass. I will take what ever you are buying. If asked I will take Guiness, or Vodka, or Rum. Hope to see you around.
  16. Hey if you all are looking for help on that Fri I all ready have it scheduled off. I live in Kohler and would love to help you all out. I might even be nice and do it for free. Well I am tring to be a pirate right? I could even be persuaded to bring some of chilli. If you all aren't afraid that is. :) I was there last year and had lots of fun, can't wait till this years.
  17. All right, follow me on this idea. I am not an expert on GAoP. This is just a line of theroy. Ok let's not get hung up on the name Chilli. Let's call it stew then. I will agree that in the Middle ages spices were very expensive. I can even see that in Europe in 1700 spices can be pricey. I just don't see that at the source of the spices that they could command that high of a price. It would be a matter of supply and demand. High supply and low demand at the source. Now pirates would take a ship full of what ever. They could devide up the gold and trinkets easily but they would have to sell the goods. I have heard that they did not command the highest prices for their illicit goods. This again would flood the market. Now also someone out there was consuming these spices and I would like to think that they were cooking with them. I can personally say that depending on the chilli it would not take much to flavor a dish. So can no one else out there see a dish that would be made from illicit spices and served to the men on board?
  18. JohnnyTarr


    I am so cold these last few weeks that I am going to thaw myself out one way or another. I am going to make my own chilli recipe. I found three other recipes that I am going to work with and make my own out of. Now I was just wondering if chilli could be in GAoP? The chilli pepper is from Mexico and was brought to the rest of the world by the Spanish in the mid 15th century. I could believe that cooks on ship would use the pepper to spice up and cover up bad tasting food. What say you all??
  19. Is that all your wearing?
  20. Well good moonshine is hard to find but when you do, man is it good.
  21. Oh that is good.
  22. Jan Rogozinski, "Pirates!" Ok so the difference between the Naval vessels and the Pirates ones. I guess the Pirate captain would have to walk a fine line because the one he ordered whipped today could be the captain next week. Thank you for the reference that way I can work on my libaray.
  23. Oh I am talking about the original Pirate Bob who has only made 3 posts. All about this subject. He must be really busy with his policical carreer.
  24. I personaly have to doubt that theft was written into articals because it was often. I would say that before the articals as well as after there was theft. Here is an excerpt from "The Pirate Dictionary" by Terry Breverton. "Cat o' Nine Tails- a short stick with nine knotted ropes to flog seamen. In the Royal Navy the prisioner was forced to make the cat and tie knots in each of the nine tails. For theft in the army and navy, a special thieves cat was used, which had three knots in each of the nine tails. Originally made by the viction they were later standard ready-made issue at military stores. If this is found to be incorrect please state your refference material.
  25. Anybody else notice that the original poster has failed to look at this thread again. Just what I thought he was just another SPAMMER, just like the porn ones we get here.
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