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Cheeky Actress

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Everything posted by Cheeky Actress

  1. Lemme see (can I attach this as a rider on my contract?) Sorry, Luv...no can do. Perhaps if you are willing to sign a disclaimer against 'various acts lewdness and debauchery' we may be able to find a semi-attached individual for you...woman, right? You English have such a bad reputation for being ‘wicked’. 18-30, attractive in kit, willing, filthy in the hotel room. Yup, that'll do. Now..now, Eddie. Wouldn't you favor someone who is experienced in knowledge as well as in years…(if you are looking at those who are barely legal you may not get the quality you are looking for, Pet. For preference she should also be ready and able to pander to my ego and tell me how fabulous I am at every opportunity. Good at 'faking it'...good, got it And wealthy if possible so she can buy me beer and shiny things in gratitude. Beer! Got it. Okay…Domestic or Import? Any particular brand? Shiny things….like an array of well placed gems or babbles, Ed?
  2. Right then.... How are you with prat-falls dear?
  3. What exactly are you looking for Ed? A New York City Socialite or would any reprobate, do?
  4. Sigh..."Ah, the joys of living in Wisconsin!" CapnJake, Too bad...we do a lovely bit!
  5. Cheeky, m'dear... I have NO clue what I am getting into when it comes to Rats... but, I'll attempt to be fully prepared and amazed. Okay...but you asked for it! Besides.... I feel that it's necessary to make up the missed encounter from Ushers Ferry. You were at Ushers Ferry in Cedar Rapids, IA...When ?!?!" Hell... you an' I could attempt something at Port Washington. I'm always game for something. Wicked Grin...."I'm game if you are, Luv?! We will have to plan something delectably wonderful...perhaps something with Guinness involved with it?!"
  6. Well, I must admit that the idea of meeting up with all of you would be a great delight. Cap'n Pete has spoken highly of you all and it would be fun to 'interact' between the groups. Rats can be a handful, LadyB...(do you really know what you are getting yourself into?" CaptainJake, if you have any further questions and interests regarding the Archangel crewe, please contact Captain Sterling (via this chat site) for any additional information regarding our group.
  7. Please explain, "Mr. March's pcs." Captain? I am not sure what you are asking.
  8. Rats/Captain Sterling... Oh, we must get Grant to at least contemplate being 'Symms'! He would be just wonderful!
  9. CrazyCholeBlack, With less than three (3) months to go, the RF2 committee is still 'tweaking' the arrangements. We are still getting vendors looking into signing up and people interested in lecturing/demoing. I would have to say that you should look towards the middle of December to see a schedule posted on the website. Been waiting to hear back from our 'great leader' he has taken his lovely family to Mexico for the holiday. Damn lucky Bas... Well, no turkey for him!
  10. Well, you'll all have the opportunity to ask them yourselves come RF2. I am sure that they will enlighten you all on the topic at hand. Who would better understand the question at hand then the Roman Sentries themselves. All seriousness aside, they are a ton of laughs!
  11. Mistress McKinney had been taken below deck into a small cabin only equipped for two men, let alone the three that now occupied it. The boat pitched back and forth in the fury of the storm, which raged outside. Good Dr. Reiley fought with not only the small quarters, limited light, and the tossing of the ship, but now he had to deal with his own bouts of seasickness. As he wiped his mouth with the back of his sleeve, he quickly gathered up a cup of water to rinse out his mouth and then spit it out. Soon his belly would be empty and the heaving would be painful. He quickly grabbed from his pocket a silver coin and began to suck on it, trying hard to put his stomach to rest. Lilly shook franticly from her fever. As Mr. Davis held up his lantern Rieley could tell her skin was waxen. “We need to break this fever quickly. Fetch as much wool as you can to cover her. I will see what I can concoct with what I have here. We’ll must make sure that she is comfortable. Get her some water and please make sure that Bess takes her the…” “John…” Lilly whispered softly. It was barely a whisper. Rieley pulled the coin from his mouth. “What Mistress? What was that?” Asked the good doctor. Lilly’s eyes fluttered open and the dark shadow of the doctor knelt down to hear her better of the rage of the storm. “I must speak with John …Captain Sterling. I must talk with him!” She said in an instant tone so desperately trying to sound strong and determined. Lilly’s voice quivered a bit, as she tried to take another breath, trying so hard to fight the heavy feeling in her chest. The doctor now looking concern for his patient. “Mistress, you are in no condition right now to talk to anyone. You need your rest and I feel that you would only be upset…” “Damn you! Fetch him! Fetch him now! I will not die this way…not without clearing my conscience first. Do this for me…please!” Reiely looked over at Mr. Davis. “See to her and keep her quiet. I will summons Captain Sterling, even if I have to drag him from station myself!"
  12. CaptainJake, If I may, I've worked serveral events (fund raisers and such) and have done my share of ren faire dinners and dinner theater in the past. With the pyrates being one of the main elements of this event, why not consider the following: Dinner with a handful of pyrates? People truly enjoyed interaction with 'characters'. It gives them a chance to ask questions and walk away from the event with a happy memory. Something to consider...just an idea... Lilly McKinney aka Cheeky Actress Archangel Crewe
  13. Captain Jake and Lady B.... There are a few of the Archangel crew that live within a few hours of Port Washington, (heck, I'm less than 40 mins way myself). We have a few crewe members who live in both Wisconsin and IL. If we can coordinated our event schedule with the rest of our crew members, I am sure we would love to participate in the Port Washington 2007 event. What say you good people?
  14. Raising an eyebrow.... Oh, this we got to see!!!
  15. How long ago and where in Scotland did you stay, Cap'n Pete? It's been over 20 years since I've been. Always looking forward to going back one day..first to Glasgow then to Coatbridge and Dundee to see my kith and kin! Hey, if memory serves me right...there were a lot of Irish in Scotland in the late 80s. My have been because of the job situation at the time.
  16. I will be bringing fixin's for Grogtinis... And will be raiding the ice machine to keep the Guinness cold. Shame...For Shame, Cap'n Pete! Guinness is to kept only slightly chilled or better yet...room tempature. Never cold!
  17. Well, seeing that Jesus is a fisherman of men...and he did have that little stint fishing with Philip and the others....I wouldn't put it past him. I am sure that he has a great sense of humor!
  18. The person reacted: "Roman Centaurians? What battle are they reenacting? Who are they fighting? Is someone showing up deessed as Jesus?" Will Billie Bin Laudin do?
  19. There's a gent here in the CR area that's a might good Abe Lincoln... Rats I think you may have saw him at the Usher's Ferry event a couple months ago. Oddly enough, he's pals with my History professor! LOL Lady B', Somewhere I have a picture of Abe with our own Billie Beach while we were doing a documentary/movie called, "Love and Valor". Here you go... Another thing is... I'm curious to see how RF will grow? What demos in the future will be done and allowed. I was talking to someone else who does Jousting the other night and we both thought it would be fun in due time to do jousting and cavalry demos. Demos of manuvers over the centuries would be something incredible to see. Doubt that would be something able to do within a hotel though. Welp, mates... here's t' hoping I make it t' RF2. To answer your question, LadyBarbossa, we've done several types of demos last year. We've had everything from period music to fencing demos. Though horses would be hard to get into a hotel...(heck, we've tried ) we have had military combat (hand to hand) done with sword, dirk, quarter-staff and so on). Something to think about for future events...
  20. Lilly raising her eyebrow... "Well, looks like Rats and Cap'n Pete's room will be the place for the 'after hours' party, won't it?!
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