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Cheeky Actress

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Everything posted by Cheeky Actress

  1. Good Song, Jacky Tar! My Favorite album of Sting's was his solo album..."The Blue Turtle".
  2. Oh...I saw him on one of those 'Daily Shows' last week during the holiday. He was wonderful...of course, I remember when Police came over to the U.S. and started to tour (mostly University Towns). They were so different. And if you love the sound of his voice...the lute is the perfect instrument to go with it! Nice, soothing and VERY romantic! (DEEP SIGH)!!!!
  3. Sting's new release....Songs of the Labyrinth.
  4. Lilly singing....In the belly of the whale...(la..la..la..LA!) Not to worry Chole it's when you start to dance along too you should be really worried.
  5. Rats... I can only think of the new Sting album right now,"Songs From the Labyrinth". It's more mellow than what you are looking for. Should I think "Cut Throat Island" or more of the sound of "Raiders of the Lost Ark?" There is Captain Blood and Other Swashbucklers by Erich Wolfgang Korngold. This CD offers an assortment of scores. I don't know if our local library system would have it in WI, but it's worth the search. As for credits and such, I think if you give some sort of credit at the end of the presentation, then you should be fine...but don't quote me on that.
  6. Yes, happy Thanksgiving Everyone! Another toast, if I may.... May neighbours respect you, Trouble neglect you, The angels protect you, And heaven accept you. Enjoy the Day, Everyone!
  7. Well then...I better be prepared for a chamber pot to be tossed in my direction...and he better be prepared for a good thrashing! Oh, I can hear him now..."Murder! Murder!" Yes, it will be like old times!
  8. Dear Captain...you did not read my post properly...I was not speak for myself, but regarding others... As for the Govn'rs daughter...she was the 'center' of attention last year. Poor thing couldn't move without having the Cold Stream Guard at her side at every waking moment....not to mention the RAF...and the 2nd Panzer Unit and....Gosh, am I forgetting anyone else?!
  9. My Word, this is shaping up to be a fun event...isn't it? I can say that we would all like to have some time (perhaps Friday night) to gather and converse with all of you. This way we will be able to discuss, brainstorm buddy up to all of you. Hmmm...is it June yet?
  10. DISCOUNT ROOMS ALMOST GONE For those of you, who are wishing to attend Reenactors Fest II, please make sure that you book your rooms as soon as possible! I have been informed as of today (November 22, 2006) that the block of discount rooms are almost gone. Please make sure that you reserve your lodgings for this event. You need not worry about your credit card being charged early – for the hotel does not charge your credit card until you check out. So don’t delay or you’ll have to pay!
  11. Hey Chole, We both live in the Cheese State..here's an idea. I'll bring the mini-van instead of the BMW and you and I can stop at the local Cheese shack and stock up...Beloit is just at the edge of IL. We could drive down together
  12. Oh Pete! Sounds like you all have a great time... Here's to making good and happy memories at RF2!
  13. Okay...question...what if the individual has 'baggage?" And does it matter if it's metal or physical? I've got two ladies here asking over my shoulder....
  14. My cheese comes served by an 18-year old blonde... Yes, but Ed did say he perfers a woman, Kass.
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