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Cheeky Actress

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Everything posted by Cheeky Actress

  1. I personally am looking forward to this event (hoping that all of the crewe can come). It will be wonderful meeting up with the rest of 'the local' Pyrate crewe of the midwest. Nice to know we are out there, ey?
  2. ^ Two tickets to England! (Sigh...that was some time ago. < Waiting desparately for 5 pm! V Surprise gift or getting what you really...really...really...really want?
  3. (Lilly smiles slyly...) Oh, and don't forget the wrist and leg irons, Madame Sterling.
  4. Happy Birthday Red Cat Jenny - Have a lovely Day of it!
  5. Lilly looked stunned as the handsome man approached her. “Favor? Ney, not a favor…a service. I paid good money for him to carry out one simple task, and he could not get it right the first time. As for my actions towards the boy, it was right and just.” Lilly could see that she was drawing attention to herself. She smoothed the slide of her face lightly, as if to pale a feminine expression of poise. “Capt. MacCraige, you say? I would love to partake in a cider or two with you if you wish. But I shall be frank with thee, I do not care to be scolded by a stranger. Let us hope that we will become friends then?” Lilly just smiled lightly, a sly smile at that.
  6. Lilly could not believe her ears and the young man explained why he now stood in front of her with her most precious trunk in tow. The expression upon her face was one of disgusted and amazement. "Master March told you to bring my trunk back?! What right does that man have to do such a thing? How Rude! Did you not tell him that I am to set sail with Captain Sterling?” The young man could only shake his head slowly as to answer with caution. “I shall have none of this!” She shouted back at the young man. Many a patron stood there in the inn, taking pity on the boy as he took Mistress McKinney's full force of anger and rage. Suddenly she narrowed her eyes at the boy. "I assume that you tried to inform Master March of Captain Sterling plans to take me back to England.” “Aye, Mistress...but Master March would ‘ear none of it. He would not listen to what I had to say.” It was then Lilly struck the young man upon his head with the back of her hand. “Do not expect payment for a task not complete!” She said ringing her hand as to rub away the sting of its contact. “I will keep thee on retainer….but only if you will do one more task.” She quickly pulled from her pocket a note. “See that the Captain gets this and I do not want excuses. You must wait for an answer. Now go!” She pushed the young man forward towards the door. “Remember, wait for an answer!”
  7. ^ LOL! You should see my livingroom as of the moment....It's as if a fabric store exploded! Can't even see the carpet! < Trying desparately to keep from going over the edge right now.... V Work Ethics - Still going strong or dying out?
  8. ^My Corset (stays) - whatever it is called (depending on the time period) < Just heard my cover/coworker wants the same time I want off which is the same dates as RF2! ARRRGH!!!! V Arsenic or Wolves bane?
  9. Whole milk ( I like my tea white, thank you) <Sitting back and taking a deep breath - before I hit the gym tonight! VIndulgence - a little or a lot?
  10. “Have a care!” Said Mistress McKinney as she instructed the young man hired to take her trunk back to the Archangel. She lent over the banister at the top of the stairs watching him gingerly caring it down to the tavern area below. “Everything I own is in that trunk. Do be careful!” She could only roll her eyes, but what did she expect. She was only paying the boy a penny. Lilly quickly looked about the room again. She had tidied up the best she could with what little remained solid and unbroken in her room. With a sigh she quickly took up her hood and gloves. Port Royal had been an adventure, but she wanted to get back to London. London was a place where she knew her place. She felt herself tear up at the idea of her son now in the hands of Lord Darnly then quickly wiped the tear away. “Captain Sterling…you made a promise to me and my son….and by God, you will keep that promise!” She quickly turned from the room and closed the door behind her.
  11. Yup! This one will do very nicely! Thank you Sir. Pink is my favorit colour...(Showing a very Wicked Smile).
  12. These do sound good! Dear Sweet NVBarbossa, do you have anything in your book of drinks that would include something 'pink and fruity"? I love tropical drinks, and suggestions?
  13. Very well then. It will just be me and 'the smoking hot wife' lingering at the bar in the evening....we'll be just fine...just leave your purse with us...it will be in good hands...PROMISE
  14. Nearly two hours passed as Lilly awoke to the dim shades of dawn. It had been a long night. She could not seem to get the image of her sweet Captain out of her mind and the words still filled her ears. Words of hope; setting sail for England again and getting her son back from Lord Darnly and words of promise; a new life in the Colonies with her son made her mind spin with wonderful possibilities. The only thing left was convincing the Captain that this marriage to the young gypsy was not one that would hold true. Aurore was not accustomed to his nature and temperament. Yet, Lilly was. She knew him much better than any other man she fancied. She also knew that he was worth it now. Her emotional struggle without him left her weary and lonely. She tossed back the linen from her body and sat up in her bed. “I must ready myself for our trip.” She said to herself as she grabbed her dressing gown.
  15. Lilly smiling delightly.... Must we choose, Dear One? Or is it your mischievous plan to get all the women scriffy and play silly games at the bar?!
  16. Hmmm? I'm hoping that Mike B's brother-in-law will be there again. Mike had a 'wine tasting' event at RF2 last year and it went over very well. His brother-in-law works for a wine distributor in IL and carrys a lot of wonderful wines - there were a few good one's from Upstate NY and the Finger Lake Region, if I remember correctly. Nothing says fun like 'free' drinks!
  17. (Blushing)....then again...you do have a point, Captain!
  18. For a brief moment, Lilly’s heart sprang forth as she clung to the Captain’s last words. “…you have my word…” Moreover, this was true; he was a man of his word and yet, she could not help but feel somewhat doubtful about his promise. He spoke of sailing back to England, but would he dare tell Aurore with his plans? Lilly knew that he would not only have to deal with her, but with her minions. Lilly bit her lip and rolled over tucking the linen up under her chin. “Actions speak louder than words, John.” She whispered to herself. As she closed her eyes again, she heard the front door of the inn close. He was on his way back to Aurore for now. Lilly took another deep breath and closed her eyes. It was time she proved to the Captain that she was worthy of him.
  19. Put something on," he whispered, his eyes averted. But he allowed her to help him all the same. As you like," Lilly agreed, but first took his face in her hands tilting it toward her own. She raised up on her toes and brought her lips to his. He turned aside at the last minute but did not pull away, so she kissed him gently on the cheek. Please Lilly, do not do this," he whispered. "I've made my vows." "And you are the only fool I know that will try his best to keep them," she whispered in return. She moved one hand downward and slipped it beneath the fronts of his waistcoat. But I know you John Sterling. There are certain things you cannot resist, a pretty face is one of them and," her hand smoothed over the front of his breeches and she was pleased by his body's response but she did not smile at her conquest. "And someone who truly loves you."
  20. There are two exciting parties at night that are exclusively for Reenactor Fest guests with their paid admission! Friday night - Historical Jeopardy (in the Paramount Ballroom). You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll walk away smarter (and loaded up with cool prizes!). Cash bar! Saturday night - the Reenactor's Ball (in the Paramount Ballroom). By popular request, this dance will feature four separate musical periods: Celtic, Colonial, Civil War and WWII. Bring you best uniform and finery! Cash bar!
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