The Redneck Entertainment Challenge
1 Point: You think the Nutcracker is something you did off the high dive.
1 Point: The most serious loss from the earthquake was your Conway Twitty record collection.
1 Point: You bought a VCR so you could tape wrestling while you are at work.
1 Point: You go to the stock car races and don't need a program. (Double Points: Cars & Entertainment = 2 total)
5 Points: You took a fishing pole to Sea World.
5 Points: You buy two CB radios so you can talk to yourself.
5 Points: You've been too drunk to fish. (Double Points: Booze & Entertainment = 10 total)
5 Points: You consider a six-pack and a bug-zapper high-quality entertainment. (Double Points: Alcohol & Entertainment = 10 total) 10 Points: You celebrate Groundhog Day (cause ya believe in it!!) 10 Points: You participate in the "who can spit tobacco the farthest contest".
20 Points: You win the "who can spit tobacco the farthest contest".
Clyde Calpepper, holder of the top score (75 points) in this category, has wide ranging interests: Conrad Twitty, wrestling, and stock car racing to name a few. For winning the Groundhog Day Spittin’ Contest last year, he received 2 C.B.s, a bug-zapper, a year’s supply of beer and a trip to Sea World. Clyde says, “Ah bean too drunk ta walk, but dis was da first time I ever bean too drunk ta fish. Else ah wooda got me one of dem Or-a-kin fish