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Everything posted by CaptainBloodscalp

  1. turns fan on/opens window
  2. When you meet your antagonist, do everything in a mild and agreeable manner. Let your courage be as keen, but at the same time as polished, as your sword. [Richard Brinsley Sheridan]
  3. Santana"Cisco Kid"
  4. Hot cup of java.Trying ta wake myself up.
  5. I feel the family quotes are the best to live by especially when it's someone that's already lived their life in full. The farther behind I leave the past, the closer I am to forging my own character. {Isabelle Eberhardt }
  6. Name your ship{Sea Dragon}
  7. The Captain Observing a light across the water, the captain had his signalman instruct the other vessel to change her course ten degrees south. The response was prompt: Change your course ten degrees north." "I am a captain," he responded testily. "Change your course ten degrees south." The reply: "I'm a seaman first class--change your course north." The captain was furious. "Change your course now. I'm on a battleship." "Change your course ten degrees north, sir-- I'm in a lighthouse!"
  8. Heading out now y'all.Again I wish you all the very best on this special day.I'll toss up an elbow to ye!Huzzah!
  9. Ye looks just fine Captain Siren .Those are some fine pics and what a way to demonstrate the cheer of Easter ey?lol!I love it!Maybe I'll place me cutlass under the bunny's neck meself. Huzzah!
  10. Captain Siren of the Poesidon LOL!Great photos!!We're just getting ready to celebrate over here so as soon as we get these pictures taken and developed I'll post ours on this thread.In the mean time from my family to all of yours we wish you all a very Happy Easter!!Huzzah!!
  11. We stay on the East Side Of San Diego closer to La Mesa.Our truck is a v8 but she's great on gas and we make enough cash flow between the two of us working that we do well better than most.
  12. Rumbrue wrote: Hell no that was a terrific movie las.I think you'll like it once you sit down and watch it. I remember him now in the Tittanic.What's funny about that is,me and the wife were watching the Titanic one night and I told her he was the same guy in King Arthur and she disagreed.lol!Charity Wrote: Oh heck no!lol!I'd have my goose cooked and sleeping on the couch if that ever happened.She and I are pretty close and have been for a good many of years now.I'd never do anything to break our trust for each other.I've more than proven that already.But it is a funny thought though.
  13. Drinking an ice cold tall can of Mickey's fine malt liquor.
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