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Everything posted by CaptainBloodscalp

  1. As I and a few trips behind the wood shed. the belt
  2. Har!I like that idea.I'm with ya if ye start one LadyBarbossa.
  3. Holding my daughter in my lap while I surf the net.She's digging it.
  4. Kicking up my boots on the table and swigging on an ice cold brewski.
  5. Well said HarborMaster.Lifes to short to stress over everything we hear and see.Not to say that I turn a blind eye to these sorts of things.I just try to make the best of my own situations and if I can help someone I will,but in order to do that I have to make sure that my own house is in order.At any rate a toast to ye Capt'n!
  6. As a well-spent day brings happy sleep, so life well used brings happy death. Leonardo da Vinci
  7. Starting off me mornin with a cup of Java.
  8. Har!Ye be welcomes ta join us las.Maybe when I get over to the fair in the summer at Balboa Park I'll bring ye a large sample of the goods ay? She's a very handy person in the kitchen.As fur me well I can cook Italian food right good.Me mothers Italian,so I do have some skills so I can pitch in and help out in the Ol'kitchen when the wife needs a break ya know.
  9. If any of you are from San Diego or vacation here try this one.Great place to dine, George's at the Cove Restaurant Address: 1250 Prospect St. La Jolla CA
  10. Well mates!My wife is Mexican so she's cooking up some home made Mexican food.She cooks it all from scratch so I have it made. I'm just kicking back drinking a beer while she does her stuff in the ol'kitchen.lol!Man being married is great.I would post what she's making but I couldn't spell it all correctly.Maybe I'll have her joined the board and post it herself.
  11. Glory is like a circle in the water, Which never ceaseth to enlarge itself, Till by broad spreading it disperses to naught. William Shakespeare
  12. When I am abroad, I always make it a rule never to criticize or attack the government of my own country. I make up for lost time when I come home. Sir Winston Churchill (1874 - 1965)
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