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Silkie McDonough

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by Silkie McDonough

  1. I love flying ...its the landings that have me worried! Congratulations Sophia ...Do, I seem t' ave left ya in d'dust some time ago. You have a real life don't you?
  2. Bing and Bong? naaah ...Schmoos from "Lil' Abner" comics. see ...right side of page... Comic favorites alphabetical listing!
  3. My humble apologies dearest Blackfoot. Contrary to what you proclaim, it is not your handsome face that has delayed the posting of our images. I have been on the boards but the images that have not been posted still remain on the little box and have not been transferred to the larger box to show others in the pub. Please do forgive me for it was not your image that caused the delay but my expertise at the art of procrastination. Ken ya fergive me lad?
  4. Silkie looked up into those blue eyes and nearly melted. "I'm afeared d'otters nil wont mae along. I have made a deal with Jacky n'I won't b'ridin out on d'Jolly boat. I'd like t' ask a favor uv ya?" Roberts said nothing as he looked into the bright eyes the lass and wondered what shodow of fear was there. She looked back at the jolly boat. "Ken ya make sure det the jolly boat is nil raised frum d'water until I sterp foot on d'Relentless?"
  5. "Capin' Tar sir, Mister Roberts!" Silkie called out. Tar and Roberts looked her way as Roberts dropped his gear into the jolly boat. Roberts showed a wide grin at the lass and Tar seemed a bit surprised yet pleased. "Good timin." Silkie dropped her duffel bag into the Jolly boat followed by her Murdock's, cutlass, knife, and everything that was not clothing. Silkie then leaned against the bot and removed her shoes. Roberts expression turned from a smile to puzzled. "Wot...?" She dropped the shoes into the haversack full of clothing that Sábháil had been holding and dropped it into the Jolly boat. She stepped aside giving Jack a look he joined her. "Leave da'haversack in d'jolly boat and d'boat tied to d'onboard ladder. I will be there after dark." They returned to the others in the boat and she then asked Roberts, "May I ave a word lad?"
  6. And I had to deal wity ^THAT^ for a long weekend at PiP! ...other end of Duval Street lads!
  7. "Sábháil, I didn tell'em when I'd meet dem, could bae some toym." Silkie raised her voie that she would be heard in the other room. Sábháil came through the doorway and smiled at the lass. "Yer a lucky lass, too often ya make rash decision afor tinkin. Tis well det ya ave d'luck o'yer Irish motter on yer side." She too brought a haver sack. "I'm just goin t'see wot tings are like dear b'for d'otters get dear. Should be able t'duck frum sight easy nuff." "Very well." The two left the cottage and headed to the dock. Sábháil said little, Silkie chatted lightly about those in the party she was hoping to join. Roberts name kept coming up. "Silkie lass," Sábháil stopped her, "Does he know your nature?" "Nay, I shall tell him before I make the swim." "Ya know how men react. Dey nil like t'tnk det their bein effected by sometin unnatural when it comes t'women." "Yes Sábháil, I know. I know, each time I starts to up wit a man. Once they know my nature they begin to doubt my intentions. Since I have nutin t'gain by beguiling Roberts I'm hopin det he understands, is nil any spell I cast t'gain his interest save det uv any lass. Ifin I were trying t'sway a man right now would b'Captain Tar! Den I wouldn't ave t'make dis swim!" "Would be better den changin in broad daylight." "Not ifin I wants his trust I won't. They continued to walk in silence, lost in their own thoughts enjoying the silence between them and the sunshine on their skin.
  8. Well, my two cents. Agree on Blackjohns suggestion for the skull and wings. Agree on the "display" of the work in progress. As much as many of us may want to be re-enactors we still need to give the public something of interest. Small things like hiding things from the authorities, trying to spring Reed and Bonny, moving equipment, provisions and such, cooking meals, dealing with locals etc ...all mundane to us but entertaining and perhaps educational to the public. Without the public we don't get to play.
  9. Thst is what she is afraid of!
  10. So now we need a menue thread! Who bae d'cooke? asks the sailmaker.
  11. Silkie slipped into the back room of the apothecaries and began packing her belongings. A an older woman of indeterminate years appeared from the front of the shop. "Yer off again lass?" asked the woman. "Aye" "Ya leavin like any normal lass this time?" She looked surprised. "Ta ma, nil ma." Silkie shook her head and continued throwing what she owned into the canvas sack. "Yes and no?" "Um leaving d' cottage like any normal lass. I am t'swim from the shore." The woman shook her head. "Ya know ya should not take such risks specially so early in d'day." Silkie clipped her second Murdock to her belt, lifted a haver sack over her head so that the strap crossed from shoulder to hip and set her dark green cocked hat smartly on her head. "Sábháil (Saval), ya taught mae t'take risks as I see fit. T'date I've not ad any truble det I couldn' andle." "Ifin yer packin' yer belongins yer eaded fer a ship. In daylight, you are exposed to others." Her tone just this side of scolding and full of worry. "I trust dose whom I'm t'join. Dare friends." Silkie threw the larger sack onto her shoulder. "Friends? Who know wot you are?" "Dey suspect." she crossed to the woman "As does every one in town." Silkie looked down at the small woman, the only mother she ever knew. Took her in as a pup and raised her free to be what she wanted to be. Sábháil, Silkie smiled warmly, to rescue, to save. This woman taught her what it was to be human and Silkie loved her for it. "Ya know I always ra'turn t'ya Sábháil, dis time ul bae nil different" "I'm comin t'd'shore wit ya." Sábháil went to close the front of the shop. Silkie shook her head. She was going to ask Sábháil for her assistance. It was good to know that she had no need to ask, ever.
  12. I'm posting this not because I am thrilled with the results but because it may spark some additional ideas. (Also because I like my wings better than Williams) Mind you, this was done in PowerPoint, I was very limited. At least the simplicity emulates what can be done in fabric.
  13. Thank you, I have this same curiosity but i do not have the historical knowledge that you do and assumed that I would find it written some day. Again, thank you. So, anyone have some real input?
  14. There will be cooking over the fire. I need to save some money.
  15. Silkie raised her eyebrow at the man. "I'll meet ya at d'jolly boat afor yer departure" She brushed past Captain Jacky Tar, Swim indeed! Perhaps he should consider with whom he is dealing. On her way out she nodded to the others in the party, flashed a comely smile and winked at Johnathan Rogers. She needed to make some arrangements rather quickly.
  16. I'm marking this on my calendar!
  17. My first car, a 1970 Ford Maverick. "The Millennium Turkey" My best friend from high school was a HUGE star wars fan. I had a car, she didn't. It was old but it worked. She dubbed it "The Millennium Falcon" ...heck the color was right. Anyway, My brother-in-law and his best buddy would do all the work on the old girl. One day when they had finished and I got her back there was a label on the dashboard that read "The Millennium Turkey", it stuck ...no, literally, it stuck, couldn't get that lable off!
  18. Aren't SCA events usually from an earlier period? 1500 or older? If the event is 1650ish to 1750ish then it can be done, if not then your friends could be right.
  19. Now lad det is a bit more impressive! M'characters fadder wuz a Scott ...only cauz I ken nay manage t'keep m'dialect purely Irish! You are most welcome here lad. There are varriying degrees of authenticity here. Captain Twill is the place for historical accuracy. Don't go there if you don't respect (and I say this with utmost respect) "The Thread Counters". They are the ones here that know their stuff and their advice is sound. Beyond Piracy is ...what it says ...beyond piracy. The remainder of the threads fall some place between. D'inn keep's name is Ray. E's d'one wot get's most o'd'plunder ere bouts. Keep im appy n'yer mates ere b'appy too. Now, I gots m'own tradition uv welcomin lads to d'pub. Since ya appears t'bae a bit fast handed (havin tree o'dem) I'll keep m'distance n'kiss ya on yer cheek ...den we ken talk about wot a lass as t'do t' "earn" er Wages!"
  20. Silkie stood, her smile now erased, defiance in her eyes she stated: "So Captain Ransom has informed me. Tis an interestn way ya ave, lettin yer "crew" pass on unpleasant news." She paused, but not long enough for Tar to speak "You were just as eager to have me on as I was t'join ya. It wasn't until Ransom and Jane voiced their dissent about the expedition in general det ya changed yer mind. Capn' Ransom has said that it matters not to her and Jane's objection was to my reputation fer bein a bit rash at times. A reputation det, I assure ya, is created, not earned." Her posture was tall and straight she appeared to have grown a few inches just by her display of strength and resolve. Her fists planted firmly on her hips and her jaw set. How is it that he thought she would so easily bow out? Not that she would force her presence upon them if she were unwanted but she had strengths and skills that would be useful on such an adventure. Crossing her arms in front of her her eyes smoldering with controlled anger. "Wot's yer objection Capin' Tar?"
  21. Thank you WIll. I'm not married to either. The red does POP on the screen. Each is striking so I will go with the majority on this. Mind you this comes from a woman who has chosen green and black for her colors. I have a thousand suggestions, I will assume that you have considered most. Rather than throwing suggestions at you I will work with your ideas tonight and see what I like then I will "submit" them for consideration if that is acceptable.
  22. I like it. Most of it. I like wings, can we simplify them a bit more. I'm thinking that cutting and sewing those things could take some time. Would that much time be devoted to the flag?. I don't like the date on the flag. Hour glass ...perhaps ...let em think on this. What about a red background, a deep crimson? ...yes I know ...humor me.
  23. Okay, deep breath. Everyone. :)
  24. Hmmm, bumping ...grinding, Doc, Pat and Jacky ...sounds like fun. Give me a rum and a roll of bills!
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