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Silkie McDonough

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by Silkie McDonough

  1. Now Jacky don'tcha bae givin d'lad d'wrong impression uv mae. E's too grown fer a cabin boy! B'sided, I ave nil a cabin.
  2. I slept last night ...guess I'm no longer a member in good standing.
  3. The lads were quite accommodating, helped me put up my leaky canvas and all! As to the fort being just 3 blocks away from the bus stop ...well, it was. but the driveway is about 3 miles by itself!
  4. Welcome Blackie, ifin dis bae yer reincarnation, I'm tinkin we needs bae celebratein, specially ifin yer buyin! Silkie holds her tankard out to Ray and her gaze on the returning lads eyes. Now lad, I've m'own tradition, started not too long ago ...I welcome d'new lads wit a kiss. Bout yer nil a new lad? Wot shoold I do with ya? Some where in the back of her mind a small voice is screaming ...you could be in sooooooooooooooo much trouble here!
  5. Now Jimmy lad, since yer buyin, I'll take a bit o'rhum punch. Silkie says as a way of introducng herself to the new lad. Ya are a lad aren't ya? (I'm nil gona make det mistake again.) ...err, how ya feel about d'lasses? (Nor det mistake eeder.)
  6. Ooooooh! Anotter new lad! Mmmm Silkie Moves in for the kill ....errr, moves in closer to the yungin. So lad, arrre ya buyin d'next round?
  7. AH! Mary! Now I know's ya ...as do d'lads wot were drollin' as ya passed! Ya was pointed out ta mae many o'times! Spend a weekend relaxin with tree lads ya starts t'look fer d lass' to point out t'dem! doh'I ken nill say we ere'actually met.
  8. Well capn', it started sometime after Saint Padrigs Day d'wonderful "Kiss me I'm Irish" tread. ::sigh:: Tis a shame, twas lost in d'cleanin o'2006 ...some o'mae best work. ::sigh:: Good ting is, twill bae comin oop again soon nough n'I ken do it all o'r again! Additionally Capn' ya nil ever properly introduced yerself t'mae lad!
  9. ^ Is a hoot and a half! Especially after hours of sleep deprivation!
  10. I work 11:00 PM - 7:30 AM ...hence ...I don't notice the quiet of the night.
  11. Her nerves had calmed now. It seemed to take all the strength Miss McDonough had to climb the ladder on the side of the boat. The lass was grateful when a hand had been presented over the rail. She accepted the assistance clasping the arm in front of her. After smiling weakly at a blonde lad she did not recognize she made her way to the nearest cannon until her strength returned. She sat there as the smaller boats were lowered and launched. Marines gathered and reassigned and the beginning of the prisoner transport. She looked up to Siren sitting above it all and swallowed hard knowing that if she was to survive life on this ship she needed to master this fear. Suddenly feeling a bit lost Murin decided to seak out Nathan Bly. He had become a good friend over the past nine days. Someone she felt she could count on. She enjoyed his company and was comforted in his presence. Her stomach a bit empty she first headed for the galley. Mister Gage said he recalled Nathan coming in at the change of the watch. He filled a bowl for Murin and asked her to sit. She nearly declined but quickly reconsidered. Sitting in Mister Gages company with the hot food would be much better than wandering the ship juggling the bowl and tankard looking for Nathan. If the lad he was in his hammock he was most likely sleeping. She leaned into the steam rising from her dish. How did the man do it? So many ways to prepare fish and food that she could never have imagined! He smiled at her delight in the fare of the day. Murin was not so hungry that she could not savor the meal before her. Gage did not watch but from time to time he would glance at the lass and display a satisfied grin. Miss McDonough talked of Martinique as she ate, Mister Gage interjecting a question or a comment now and then. Before she realized, the bell had rung twice more. She gathered her dishes cleaned them then stacked them with the others. Her thoughts strayed to Nathan again and she headed to the berth and the hammocks in search of the lad.
  12. Silkie enjoyed the afternoon in the water. She could not recall the length of time that had passed since she last she allowed herself such freedom. The hours always passed with little notice in this form. It was not even time for supper on the Rakehell and Silkie was about to have her fill! She started to fish but before she nicked her first catch she sadly reminded herself that it would not do to have fish breath. Well, that would be a few hours off. She bobbed in the water looking at the bright orb in the sky. Yes a few hours she would eat for no longer than two and then perhaps find a nice warm rock to sun herself on. Perhaps she would meet up with a few of her own, well as much her own as those on dry land. Her friends in the water were easier to read, to socialize with, communicate with, and provided much needed fun and relaxation to her but she much preferred the company of those on two feet.
  13. ^ 36 then I had to drive home. 2 lights before the house I fell asleep at the wheel. Luckly it was red and I was stopped. < Still has not gotten around to putting off her procrastination. v Do you enjoy a good long soak in a tub of hot water?
  14. Hmmmm ...I don't think I qualify. But since I'm here, I'll sign. 1) I stay up way past 1:00 PM after working until 7:30 AM ...does that count? 2) It's called lunch. Today a roast beef sandwich, coleslaw, salt and vineager chips, root beer (dag gone root!) and two chocolate chip cookies. 3) I don't creep into bed just before the sky turns light ...I often rise just before it turns dark again. 4) I am VERY familure with that mathimatical equation but with my shoes on I can't count above 10 so it's a moot point. 5) I wish I could wear fuzzy slippers and a robe where I spend my nights! They frown upon that in the office. 6) The crew on the Watch Dog can't figure out how I manage to work all night and write all morning, I consider them friends though we have never met. 7) Nah ...all I hear is the beep of the incoming call and the whine of the CUSTOMERS! 8) Not the infomercial people. Maury, Jerry, montel and the noon news people and they frighten me. 9) Not so. I would like to know why the toilet in the first stall seems to be posessed and often flushing 3 or 4 times in a row? 10) hmmmm ...why won't my associate shut her trap? Maybe if she had a pleasing voice but ...perhaps I should bring in my flintlock. 11) 10:30 AM or PM?
  15. Hmmmmm ...perhaps a drop in a Brazilian jungle? Maybe the savana in africa where she can play with the BIG cats! Rio where all the kitty Cat's play?
  16. Well I wuz tinken det yer offer uv a drynk woold do mae nil a bit o'good unless I wolked on or ere. So ere I is. Silkie plunks her empty tankard on the table before Mister Horn Now, I have a tradition uv m'own Silkie leans into the lad and steals a kiss.
  17. Cat takes a much needed and deserved vacation!
  18. Aye, I were dear. D'etchins o'ya nil bring anyone det I met t'mind. I camped in d'fort wit Padrig, Rusty an Capn' Jim ...m'lads, so t'speak. Wherre whood I b'rememberin ya from lass? Translation: Yes. You don't look familiar, what would help me to remember you?
  19. Aye, tis a goode additude lad! ...mmmmm, verra goode indeed!
  20. If you don't feel like searching for the dates ... February 10th, 2007 Noon to Midnight NJ Expo Center in Edison, NJ
  21. Silkie made it to the jolly boat as the last of the crew climbed over the rail. She slapped the water with her tail splashing the Relentless. She dove down deep and propelled herself out of the water landing with a splash. Bobbing again on the water she found that no one had seen or heard her. There was nothing she could do. She looked back at the shore where Sábháil stood, the smirk on the woman's face was clear to her sharp eyes. Leaning to her side she raised her flipper in the air, the closest she could get to waving in this form, Sábháil threw a kiss, waved and then, lifting the hem of her skirt, turned to go. Silkie sighed, well as close to a sigh as she could get in this form no sense in changing now, she would go out further and have a bit of a swim before dark.
  22. If that's a Mojito, what's a Rhum Punch? Welcome Miss Diamond. Tis a fine place ya've come't. I sees ya knows Capn' Sterlin n'is crew, Lady B, MerryD, Kass ... Silkie sighs I am exceedinly jealous uv ya all ...well, perhaps when next ye all meet I too shall attend! In d'mean time I'll take wot Blackbeard is avin witout d'mint. Silkie sighs
  23. Happy Birthday!
  24. ^^^^ Been there, done that, had the empty bag, threw it out.
  25. "So, yer goin on board up from d'woter, ...yer hair wet, ...no extra boat, ...n'ya tink ell ave nary a question bout det?" Silkie waited to respond. "I have no choice. Not if I want to gain Captain Tars trust and respect." Sábháil shook her head and said nothing more. Ships bells rang, water lapped at the shore, merchandise being loaded and unloaded, calls from guls and men alike floated over the water an uneasy silence fell between the two women. Silkie spoke slowly and thoughtfully, "Rent a boat t'take mae out der." "Wot?" She nodded her head, "Yes, I could rent a boat, by the time the empty boat is back to shore I will be dressed and can climb the ladder!" She paused only a moment and continued. "NO! I will change NOW ...swim out and play with the jolly boat! Bump it splash them, make it clear to Tar that it is me! He will see that I am no longer on the shore and by the time they are on the boat I can be in this very spot! Then I could rent a boat and go out like any otter lass!" Sábháil sighed. She knew when not to argue, the lass had made up her mind. "Come, you will need to keep my clothing while I am at sea! You will also come back here let Tar see you here alone! Hurry!" She laughed out loud and took the older woman's hand pulling her along as she went. Sábháil simply went along.
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