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Everything posted by Silkie McDonough
Try closing the bedroom door with them on the other side.
Murin had just managed to relax enough to slumber when shouts arose on the far side of the berth deck. Luigi, nearest her was on his feet shouting, using words unknown to her. She heard the trailing end of Jean Dorleac call "the prisoner" and the name Tawny uttered by crew in shouts and curses. For a moment she froze where she lay, her thoughts on what his last attack had brought to Meg and Aija. She jumped from her hammock to see chaos all around. The trailing shadow of whom she could only assume to be Tawny through the forward hatch was followed by a dutchie, nearly knocked back into Miss Smith and Mister Ciaran fast on his heels as the hatch swung back at him. Murin heard a strong dutch accent cry that Jannes was dead, weather it was Kampaert or Mijnheere she could not know. Crew rushed up through the forward companionway to the weather deck, she was too far aft to assist then it dawned on her, the aft companionway behind her, was unused. She and Luigi clearly had the same thought as they turned in unison and ascended the stairs. They reached the weather deck together as the shot rang clear above them and collectivly the crew held it's breath hoping that the devil would be seen next floating face down in the water.
So kind of you Callenish. What would the ladies do without you? ...I said without you not with you.
Jim. Mary, I like the idea of doing something for the kids, I am not the one to do it. I mean I can entertain and tell stories but A.) I am not a pirate, wench that I am. B.) I am a follower, not a leader. If somebody wants to take the bull by the ...err, horns then I'll help wrestle him to the ground but I'm no matador! Additionally, the person who does take charge of the kiddies, may I suggest ...another new thread. lol
Silkie reported to the officer on duty for her assignment. He was none too happy to have a woman onboard let alone this lass. He had heard rumors about her in port, preposterous rumors perhaps, but one can't be too sure about such things. Those stories come from somewhere. Her arrival on the ship was a bit ...unorthodox. She took to her work easily, smiling the whole while and singing a tune that had the crew singing along.
He be thinkin he's back
Silkie McDonough replied to Arthur Richards from Kent's topic in Scuttlebutt
Kent luv! Silkie throws her arms around the mans necks and plants a kiss on his lips ...then remembering whom she is addressing begins to wonder if she has made a grand mistake. Tis grand t'see ya back lad! -
I too miss d'Bunny Cutlass, twas great fun while it lasted. She brought a certain spark t'd'boards. Woould det I had so much energy! Well here's to d'lass n'er new adventures!
Financial institute
The usual for me is work. I'm not complaining, the schedule is my choice.
Wot keeps ya' awake all night lad?
Aye! Tis a grand day in d'pub! oooooooeh ...now I have indigestion, ate lunch too fast so I could catch some ZZzzz's!
Nope ...I'm here
I'm here lass ...although i would rather be asleep ...that last call was a true sedetive!
Callenish luv, how dare you! I do miss the mountains! The flatlands of NJ are ...well, flat. And the population is dense. Moving west is looking better and better.
Murin found herself wandering the deck of the ship feeling a bit edgy. She was tired because of the hour but her excitement about being in a new place with so many new experiences had not let her mind rest when she went to her hammock. At home, yes Ballycastle in Ireland would always be her home, there were only a few shops that lined the main walk and no competition for commerce. In Barbados Murin had attended Mrs. Hodge while the lady shopped but to have coin of her own and not only the freedom to spend it as she chose but also the blessing of the captain and those whom she was accountable to! Her spirits hung, suprisingly low, her freedom had come at such a cost and so far from home. She leaned on a four pounder on the forecastle, arms folded she leaned on the rail, her head resting on her arms, starring at the flickering glow of the city. “Won’t ever go away.” came a voice from behind, a voice she had grown to know over the past two weeks but ladened with melancholy to match hers. “Ow long you been away frum ome?”she responded. “So long I can barely remember their faces.” Murin rubbed a tear from her cheek. Nathan laid his arm across her shoulders resting his hand on her far shoulder he stood for a moment gazing at the city with her. “All the dreaming in the world won’t bring it back.” After a moment he squeezed her gently then released her to continue his rounds. Murin looked after him as he walked away, almost afraid to consider him a friend for he too could easily be plucked from her life. Her attention was drawn to the shore as a rather rowdy group of men made their way to the dock. She laughed out loud at the realization that these were her crew mates and the conductor of the off tune was none other than Captain Brand! She did not know the tune they sang ...then again, she may have not recognized their poor rendition of it. What they sang brought to mind a tune from home. Miss McDonough sang to herself. The sound blowing away on the cool breezes that tossed her locks across her freckled nose. Still pensive she sang the cheerful tune hoping it would raise her spirits. Unfortunately the usually cheerful tune was ladened with wistfulness even as she watched the spectacle of Captain and men climb, some better able than others, into the cutter.
Good one Cat! I was up talking with a friend until about 3:00 AM. Slept until 9:00 ...pretty good ...until I remember I need to sleep again before I go to work tonight and won't be able to because I'm not tired. At about 4AM I'll be hurting. ::sigh::
If I were closer Patrick I'd hug you. You would probably still not get lucky (I like my men stockier ) but I'd hug you! ....she says form the safe distance of the OTHER coast! Besides Patrick, "She liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiikes meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
Janell (c.o. Jack) Just marvelous! You two look grand! I MUST get to sewing! So that's what Midnight looks like. Ace, I have heard good things so I shall not pass judgment ...especially if it pays for your Pirating habit!
Nay, buot I'd let im buy mae a rrhum! ...ifin is wench wooold approve.
Tis complimicated! 1) ate - chocolate covered strawberry 2) thing seen - ice 3) person you spoke to - Miki 4) William Red Wake
^^^^ Additionally, I keep getting these pop up windows ...the only pop ups that make it to my desktop: Message Service Message from then it gives a date and time STOP!WINDOWS REQUIRES IMMEDIATE ATTENTION. Windows has found 55 Critical System Errors. To fix the errors please do the following: 1. Download Registry Update from: www.regfix.com 2. Install Registry Update 3. Run Registry Update 4. Reboot your computer FAILURE TO ACT NOE MAY LEAD TO SYSTEM FAILURE! What should I do?
Yea, figures that after two months it was time to give the ex-boyfriend his laptop back. Thanks for the welcome Boots. kisses the lad on the cheek...
It's good to be back ...even if my computer is running slooooooooooooooow.
I've lost my signature banner! Well, I can't see it. Have you seen my signature today? I checked all the links and nothing is changed. The image is still on Photobucket. Does anyone know how to fix this? The only change I made was my home computer.