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Everything posted by Bunnycutlass

  1. I will drynk wit ye! IRISH CAR BOMB WAS IT?
  2. Gram'ercy! Service with a smile and hip swoosh!
  3. Hey yer fergettin the 6 ft Bunny o'er here! I want one too! Purrrrty Please!
  4. AYE THAT I DID! I still be right proud o' that too! Ye gents are a myte addictin! What can I say, but I wouldst do it all o'er again ifin I had that chance t'! Ahoy Lady Snow, I MISSED YOU! Soooooo Will, ye really didn't miss me then? Hmmmm, will jest have to post more! Tee hee..... Oh bad Bunny!
  5. :Bunny sets herself on a stool at the counter and crosses her long boot'd legs and whistles at Will: "Ahoy there Captain, miss me???"
  7. Ciaran, Will runs a tight ship, shape ship! Nay a mess! Trust me ifin ye leave food on yer upper lip fer longer then a sec, he is wiping it fore ye!
  8. Ahhhh, ye poor lad! Beggin yer pardon, I didn't know! Need one o' us to bring ye soup fer once?
  9. Will, I almost fergot.....I recall ye sayin t' me... YE HAD A SPECIAL PREZZIE WIT MY NAME ON IT! May, I has it now?
  10. Good Morrow Capt'n Ciaran! Tis an honour t' meet ye! Grammercy fer all the nice prezzies ye bring!
  11. Capt'n Ciaran...care t' try some wit yer generous offerin!
  12. Halibut fer me! Fish n Bunnies get along well!
  13. welcome back Laddy! Rummy, Lady Snow and I will help me drynk yer newly arrived Kegs. Sounds like a nice dessert t' go wit our brekfasts.
  14. Mr Pew care t' join Rummy, Lady Snow and I and our sweet tooth brekkie? :Rummy offers a seat between her and I:
  15. Naught today Lady Snow, I be in nay mood fer it! :Sigh: There be too much on me mind. Is this a pub or naught? I be thinkin' Mimosas till we can't speak of it! Will, line em up and keep em fill'd!
  16. I have a nasty habit if dreaming about the last person I spoke with or thought about. So ifin any o' ye wish'd t' be in me dreams, jest call me before I fall asleep and there ye be!
  17. My wiccan friend has this one... "Get a taste o' religion, LICK A WITCH!" I want one made that says, "Will ye be my Bunny food?"
  18. Oh, then we eat!
  19. DON'T EAT IT RUMMY! HECK I CAN'T EITHER! IFIN THAT BE THE CASE, DON'T EEEEEAAAAAT IT! ((Tee hee, we are going to explode!))
  20. Rummy, ye are seductive enough without the chocolate, ye need ice t' cool ye down!
  21. How's bout somethin wit' apples?
  22. Will, I can't help meself... I b' needin something sweet again!
  23. I am just that damn good! :Bunny comes back in with a towel around her and her hair: Here be yer coat back Matt, Grammercy fer the loan! :Bunny blows a kiss:
  24. It is pretty funny! Would watch it again!
  25. :Bunny n Swifty disappear wit a trail o' muddy feet and boot prints behind them!: Be back in a few!
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