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Everything posted by TheBlackFox
The Blackbeard Festival in Hampton is running an ad in the Winter Pyrates Way magazine (which is at press at the moment and due out to folks in Mid-January). . . the dates on the ad are 30-31 May + June 1. We always attend the festival and cover it in the pages of The Pyrates Way that follows the event. So please come out to the festival and drop by our booth to say hi. . . and ye never know. . . ye might just find your very own image in print some time!
BUY THIS CD!!! There will be a glowing review of it in the Winter The Pyrates Way magazine. . . but don't wait for it. . .if you know someone that enjoys really well performed nautical tunes. . .get this for them. . .it's the perfect gift.
Careful what ye wish for luv. . . . heheheh . . . . hey, I'm dressed as a Pyrate Santa on the Pyrates Way Winter cover. . .does that count?
Waitaholdit. . . I just got an email saying that pirates magazine now has a pirate pinup in each issue . . . . wow I wonder where they got that idea from? Pyrates Way covered pyrate events. . . then they did Pyrates Way had a pyrate enthusiast as the managing editor . . . then they did Pyrates Way has 5 Wenches of the Quarter . . . now they have one What's next, crosswords, jokes, cartoons and FSMism? LOL I guess it's a compliment to copy us. . . but it was more fun when they were original. EDIT: I admit that having pirate events and reviews in a pirate format were started by the originator of pyrate magazines, Jamaica Rose and the very insightful No Quarter Given. My point in this rant that someone is attempting to copy my success in the original format that I presented it in. My argument is less than exactly what's being copied and more of a "why copy these ideas now?" I apologize for any misunderstanding.
www.pyratesway.com luv. . . . we came out about the same time as Pirates Magazine but have kinda' taken the lead in race . . .they skipped a few issues and put a bad taste in both subscribers and advertisers' mouths. . . I know full well because many folks were like yourself and thought we were the same magazine, so I got complaints eventhough our magazines kept going out as scheduled! LOL Anyway, it looks like they're back on an even keel. . . . so no. . . . The Pyrates way and Pirates Magazine are two different magazines.
"I'm filled with piss and vinegar. At first I was just filled with vinegar". -Grandpa Simpson
Not to get in a pissing match with ya mate. . . but I very much disagree. . . and so do the the literally thousands of POTC fans at keeptothecode.com . . . a very popular pyrate bb targeted at POTC with a side-order of pyracy. POTC is as much a fad as Rap music. . .it's here to stay. With scripts for POTC IV & V being writtten, an animated series underway, it's clear that we've got another decade at least on the POTC front. As pyrates, we owe a LOT to the POTC franchise. There's a lot of folks who joined our ranks because of those movies that might not have been exposed to the pyracy hobby otherwise. How many re-enactors in pyracy are there? 5,000 tops? mate, that's not enough to support a high-quality, full color, expensive magazine at $6 a copy. As a businessman, making his livelihood off of this hobby. . . not just dressing up on the weekends. . . I'm into it full time. Upgrading one's kit does not equal a hundred thousand dollars of revenue to keep a rag like ours in operation. As a matter of my magazine's survival, I have to recognize all of the trends, fads, and nostalgia that constantly have an impression on our hobby. I can ill-afford to narrow my vision to that of the serious reenactor only. I have to be open to all the levels of pyrate hobbiests from those who love POTC and never "get pyratical" to those who just enjoy the history . . to those who take their outfits "somewhat serious" and on. There are so many levels that you can't please them all without "offending" someone with too much "this or the other." The Pyrates Way demographic is pyrate enthusiasts. . . not just reenactors. . . not just chanty singers. . . not just pyrate festivals, conventions, or pub crawls. . . our demographic is all of that plus the casual pyrate wanna-be who's looking for a fun guide to the hobby. . . . and it's working as our distributor numbers increased five-fold in one year and our subscriber base is now pushing 7,500 people, with over 2,000 of those re-subscribers! We're doing something right! LOL
The Pyrates Way for Winter (our sixth issue) will be out in mid January. I wanted to push to get it out before Xmas but the timing with advertising didn't work out. It's going to press on Monday to meed the mid January deadline. We have a much lighter take on this hobby called pyracy. We do try to reserve at least one article for the GAOP pirates (Blackbeard, Morgan, and the like) and our new series of "modern day pyrates" has been well-received. We covered pyracy of the 1960s last issue and this coming issue we discuss the Rum-Runners of the Prohibition era. We're locked in with PyrateCon2008 and will be providing FREE Spring issues of The Pyrates Way to every PyrateCon guest and all of the vendors get a free subscription as part of their vendor package. We'll also be devoting a portion of the Summer issue to a PyrateCon recap. In defense of our competition, in this day and age of keeping one's publication afloat, you MUST include POTC articles/info/flashbacks in your magazine. There are a lot of folks out there who collect POTC and will buy anything with POTC on it. It's always been my plan with The Pyrates Way to appeal to the widest audience in the marketplace. To narrow our focus to die-hard pirate reenactors and historians would cut our throats with the full-color, thick-page, museum-quality publication that we put out ($$$$). That's why we cover some of the peripheral pyrate subjects like The Phantom, FSMism, Jean LaFoote, and we even have an inside to McDonalds who's giving us an article about Captain Crook, the fillet-o-fish pyrate of the 1970s! From history to POTC to the fun side of our hobby, I think we do a pretty good job of covering it all. Is there room for improvement? Hell yeah. . . . it gives us room to grow in the future! I subscribe to No Quarter Given for my die-hard pyracy. . . and I have nothing but praise for Jamaica Rose & Michael for all they provide. Their writing, research and format are perfect and I wish them the best of success. Regardless, I think this hobby is lucky to have three magazines devoted to it. If you read both Bilgy's and Cindy Vallar's reviews of all three magazines, you'll find that there's something in each one of them for every pyrate. . . you should subscribe to all three and keep our hobby alive! (stepping down off soapbox) Bilgemonkey's Review Cindy Vallar's Review
Five 1/4-page ad spots remain. . . if yer interested in being seen by the entire pyrate community. . . then get yer advertisement into us! 4"w x 5"h x 300dpi and you've got a spot in America's Premiere Pirate Magazine. . . and you only have to part with $250! I surely must be daft to give away m' real estate like that! When the ads are in, the magazine goes to press. . . and the Winter issue of The Pyrates Way will be within yer fish-scalin' mits by mid-January! Whattaway to start the year, eh mates? www.pyratesway.com
Hello m'friend, Please update us on the Hampton Blackbeard Festival this upcoming season!
The Brigands new CD release for Yule
TheBlackFox replied to Capt Thighbiter's topic in Music & Shanties
Capt., Please get a copy of the CD to me as soon as ye can and I'll make sure a review of it gets into the Winter The Pyrates Way magazine! Steve The Pyrates Way PO Box 1231 Bear, DE 19701 -
We will be including an article about Burning Seas in the Winter Pyrates Way. . . . stay tuned, mates!
There's an update on PyrateCon08 in the Autumn Pyrates Way magazine. . .the OFFICIAL MAGAZINE OF PYRATECON!. . . . you can order a copy at www.pyratesway.com or subscribe. . . . the next issue (Winter) will have even more information on PyrateCon and the Spring issue is THE PyrateCon2008 brochure on all the activities, entertainers, events, vendors and a LOT more! Of course the Summer issue will be the PyrateCon recap and if you're AT PyrateCon, there'll be a really good chance that your photo will be published IN The Pyrates Way magazine!!! Thus a subscription might be your most inexpensive choice! (I'm just sayin', is all) GO PYRATECON!
These are absolutely the coolest idea in watches for reenactors. No pirate or wench should be without one!
Now THAT's a compliment! Thank you so much and I'm glad you liked the mysterious Phantom ring. . . and I hope you like the article in the magazine that you'll be getting any day now in the mail! Aparently our ring was a huge hit! Now to come up with booty for the winter issue!
Since we keep the quality of the magazine so high, it's worth against the dollar is a point that's moot. We have no plans to raise prices or rework any of the shipping costs, whether we lose money on it or not. Providing a quality product and enjoying this whole pyracy hobby is what's important. Hey, I love what I do, mates and I appreciate you folks sharing in it!
I was going to try and put it in braille but the dots don't produce three-dimensionally on the screen. . .just sniff for gunpowder, mate. . . ye'll find us!
I be drinin' from Delaware as well. . . picking up passengers in MD, DC, and TN as we head south to the event. btw there's a LOT more to this event that hasn't been announced yet because everything isn't 100% yet (but will be). . . . stay tuned bat fans!
uh. . .you sure you went to http://www.pyratesway.com? Dead center in the page it shows $22.00 to subscribe . . . the same spot says "FOUR Season Issues, Free Booty, and More!" At the top of the page is another banner that takes you to a subscription page.
I'm getting phone calls and emails from subscribers all over the planet as everyone seems to really love the Phantom rings that have all been mailed! If you haven't gotten yours yet. . .you will this week as the balance of them were dropped off at the post office at 2:30 pm today! If you got your ring, please let me know by posting here and if you think it was a good booty choice! The ring is actually a hint as to one of the features in the Autumn issue: The Phantom!. .. the only super hero to avidly go after pyrates as his main nemesis! Magazines are on their way to us as we speak and subscriptions go out just as soon as we have them. All the postage is bought, the labels attached, and the envelopes ready to mail! We're just a tad excited as this is our biggest and best issue ever!
got a twisted version of pyracy? Post it here. . . here's my Pyrate Klingon outfit!
The Pyrates Way be looking for an article on pyrates in science fiction. From 'Trek to Dr. Who, we're lookin' for a scifi/pyrate connection. We'll take the best article delivered by November 30th 2007. We'll pay $.10/word at an average of 2,000 words per article. An easy $200 if ye be well-written and good with yer letters. Our staff will take care of the photos and design. . . all ye need is the words, mate. Send yer entries to: Publisher@pyratesway.com with the subject: SciFi Pyrates Thank ye fer yer kind attention.
I got m'reservations in for our staff and am SO looking forward to this NEW pyratecon. I think a lot of my comfort with the 'con falls upon the shoulders of my good friend "Mad Eye" Mitch Toles. . . he's involved so I'm all in! . . . besides, as a Hollywood-type-person, his connections to the stars coming to the event make me feel secure in PyrateCon being a great event! I mean, the more stars the better as they are the one thing that makes PyrateCon different from any other pyrate festival. Anyone could set up another festival in New Orleans and have vendors and swordfighting and such. . .but being able to hobknob with some Hollywood folk? THAT's worth the trip alone! All Hail PyrateCon 08 with Mitch, Andre, Karen and probably lots of folks that are working hard to make this work that I don't know but still want to recognize! HUZZZAHHHHH!
The Autumn issue be at press mates and I should be approving the proofs tomorrow. It takes a few days to print. . . a few more in the bindery. . .then they ship out to the distributor and to us. M'wife and I do all the subscriptions by hand and your booty will be mailed separately this time. . . . because of it's size and bulk. After all, it bein' our first year of success, we thought we'd share a bit of the booty with ye by giving you a nice piece piece that you can add to yer pyratin' garb and always think of us! The Autumn issue be EIGHTY-FOUR pages this time. . .that's a full 20 pages bigger than any other issue. . .just to show our appreciation for your kind attendance to our magazine. All we ask is if one of those advertisers therein be catchin' yer eye. . . please let 'em know you saw 'em in The Pyrates Way! Them thar advertisers is what keeps the magazine price from being raised and the quality of it kept so high! Be on the lookout for "Savvy" a new (but obviously recognizable) character in this issue's "Grim Lookout" comic, as he appears throughout the margins of the later half of the issue. . . they breed like Tribbles,,, so I'm told. The Winter issue will be back to the normal 64 pages but we've got great stuff in store for ye. . . as we take a step back in time and look at the pyrate toys we had as kids! Tis a late-holiday tread due out the beginning of January, mates. Keep yer powder dry, says I, Steve "The Black Fox" Kimball Publisher, The Pyrates Way magazine
I better bring both camera and dvd camera!. . . capture ALL the action! LOL