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Everything posted by TheBlackFox
If you'd like to check out photos from previous years, I put some up here: 2006: http://homepage.mac.com/blackfoxofde/Polly...otoAlbum99.html 2005: http://homepage.mac.com/blackfoxofde/Polly...otoAlbum33.html
My beautiful stitch witch of a wife is (as I type) formulating the pattern to make her man (i.e. me) a new black pyrate coat fashioned after this version of Captain Hook: She loves a challenge and previously had crafted this coat (what I wear presently):
September 22nd & 23rd: Adventure Weekend Seafaring, pirates and the age of exploration. This weekend we explore beyond the shores of England. Learn about life at sea. Hear stories of great adventures. And of course, matey- there be pirates! Pirate costume contest for both adults & children. Prizes will be awarded for the best pirate costume - head to toe. More info can be found at MDRF's site: http://www.rennfest.com or by checking out Friends of The Maryland Renaissance Festival (friendsofmdrf.org) at: http://fomdrforg.proboards54.com
There are plenty of copies on eBay and from other bookstore sources. I know the magazine is in Borders and Barnes & Noble, so you might want to check their online stores as well. I bought a copy of both issues on eBay.
Thar be a full review of the XXX version of Pirates! in the Winter's Pyrates Way (in stores and available at the end of Feb.). . . and we'll be putting a full story together for the sequel coming out in the summer. Yes, it's porn. Yes, it's Shatner-over-the-top-bad-acting. . .but that's what Pirate movies are about. . . . I say look at typical pirate movie characters. . . Long John Silver = over the top pirate that is the cause for a lot of the Arrghs, and Mateys of our pirate lingo today (blame 1950s Disney) Jack Sparrow = over the top pirate acting like Keith Richards on Steroids. . . (Disney again) Dread Pyrate Roberts = over the top pirate acting (even when dead most of the day) Over-acting pirates is part of the gig m'thinks as most of those characters are expected to be characters that are remarkable and unforgettable. Now add the porn of beautiful women who give themselves to pirates and add some rum, candles, a creaking ship hull and some hammocks. . .hell, that IS piracy, mates! I say this run of Pirate movies should outlast anything that "the mouse" is involved with! Even better, not one of the pirates in the porn movies use the word "Savvy" which is a respected Apache/Indian word of the Roy Rogers, Long Ranger, F-Troop, and Gunsmoke eras. . . . I mean really. . . pirates using "savvy" as a word is as historically ridiculous as a Renaissance Tudor eating a fresh-smoked New World Turkey Leg. (No turkeys in Europe) Porn, Pyrates, Raunch, Rum. . . there's a reason they follow each other in the dictionary, m'thinks. . . . oh, and this opinion is all in fun. . .please no flaming. . . . eeeesh. . .
I have a disagreement with that. It's not a fake, but part of the Buena Vista release back in December. I'm not saying what's truth and what isn't, but I'm looking at the pre-release press package (the first of three leading up to the movie's release) and it's a Buena Vista photo complete with copyright.
Thar be a few more photos of Pirates of The Caribbean 3 upon the net's waves: http://www.filmtotaal.nl/images/newsconten...nt/potc2/p3.jpg http://www.joblo.com/big-movie-images/Pirates-2.jpg http://www.joblo.com/big-movie-images/Pirates-1.jpg
Is there any more information or directions, times, etc??
I suggested that with the amount of cannons we had on board that we should try to take Fort McHenry since we were at that end of the harbour, but Captain Lou wouldn't let us. Even without the option to slit a few throats, a spectacular time was had aboard The Clipper City on a very pyratical New Years Eve. Complete with Drunken Ferrets, The Brigands, familiar faces from The Maryland Renaissance Festival, and a few landlubbers thrown in, we danced, ate, and drank for four hours and great cruise! It may very well become a tradition for us each New Years. Here's the shots I took, many of which will be found in the Winter Issue of The Pyrates Way: http://homepage.mac.com/blackfoxofde/Steve...toAlbum136.html oh btw, we got home about 330am to Delaware . . . but it was SO worth the trip!
Aye, I agree with Rue. . . not every pirate has the thickest of skins and our ilk, once hurt upon the heart, go many years aching sadness. Piracy Pub, the ways I sees it, is more about sharing the booty, not electing the cap'n. I lift a rum to all of ye. . . yer all pirates of the year in m'book, says I.
A woman after m'own heart. . . she likes to have drinks on her. . . bet it makes yer clothes sticky though. . . but a lot of fun.
we're looking for small arms and artillery firing. The article covers both.
Hello mates, We're finishing a story on Blackpowder and how it relates to piracy and how it was used. I also wanted to write up a sidebar on where pirates could go these days to learn about blackpowder weapons and how to fire them. It will pretty much be a laundry list of contact information. I've gotten info from the NRA, so that's taken care of. . . but are there other "academies of blackpowder" out there? Any help would be appreciated.
Pirated image is it? A bit of irony there m'thinks. heheheheh It'll be passed around faster than the first pictures of Jim Carey as The Grinch, almost a year before release. . . or of Arnold S. as Mr. Freeze, much to WB's class-actions. . . Let's not forget the photos of the new Batmobile from newest Bat-movie that a keygrip shot and posted (lost his job over it. . .but it was out there). I'm not sure the photo of Keith Richards from the movie ruins much. . . he looks healthier than the last time I saw him in concert with the Stones! LOL
Disney's almost as big of an "Evil Empire" as Microsoft. . . they'll delete photos as they see fit m'thinks. The photo will be everywhere. . . I can hear the downloads now! LOL
Keith Richards included! Moderator edit: Removed at the request of Iron Bess. Contact the poster directly or do your own search for the picture on the internet. Once uploaded, it will never disappear.
The Pyrates Way is still looking for beautiful wenches to grace our pages. We still need two lovelies for the Winter Wench of the Quarter. A Pyrate Wench is best, but any beautiful wench with. . uh. . . nice. . .attributes (i.e. huge tracts of land) upon which pirates would likely drool would be perfect! Remember, the photos have to be either taken by you (with model's permission for publication) or of you. They have to either be printed photos or digital photos (300dpi 5x7). Send 'em to: publisher@pyratesway.com Of course we'll be giving a big shout out to this forum in every issue from now on as you folks have been so supportive of our venture.
My personal Peter Boyle favorites were him as the Shadow's cab driver, the bus-driving traveling preacher in In God We Trust and of course as First Mate Moon in the infamous Pirate film YELLOWBEARD
Welcome lovely lady, (bowing, kissing hand), hope your experience among the bretheren is bountiful. . .but watch thy purse. . . .
Who says we can't get into Borders and Barnes & Noble? I just signed the ppwk and Ingram Periodicals will be distributing our own Pyrates Way to thousands of bookstores nationwide starting with our Winter issue! How GREAT is that? All I did was send them a copy of the first issue and they LOVED it! Thanx to everyone for helping us achieve this kind of initial success!
We all have many reasons to be thankful tomorrow. . .one of mine is having you folks as 'mates in the Pyrate Community.
We're well underway with issue two which should be out at the end of January. We've had such a demand for the first issue that if Borders/Barnes&Noble/Waldenbooks/Booksamillion or any other chain wants them. . . we may very well have to reprint (which is a good thing. . .we moved the balance of the stock this week to a much smaller holding area. . HUZAHHH!) Anyway, the chance to get the first issue with all the plank owner booty (plank owners = initial subscribers) ends on December 31. I'm pushing now because I know the rest of the first issue is liable to disappear prior to the Xmas rush. . . we just ordered special pirate gift cards for gift subscriptions. If interested, just head over to www.pyratesway.com or drop me an email at publisher@pyratesway.com Please resume your piracy at this time and pardon the interruption.
I only met Capt. Hiott once, but he was a great guy. . . . he would have made an excellent pirate. His knowledge of tall ships was unparalled and he had forgotten more than most of us will ever learn about hauling the rigging on tall ship. Worse, the man passed from melanoma. . . a terrible, long-effecting, and painful cancer. A great sailor is gone. I wish his family the most thoughtfelt condolences and wish upon his soul the fastest sail and strongest following seas to paradise. I hope to shake his hand once again. . . on Fiddler's Green. http://www.delawareonline.com/apps/pbcs.dl...0/NEWS/61110036
M'wench and m'self will be heading out after the trick-or-treaters are finished. . . I'll be decked out in m'Dead Pyrate Best: