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Everything posted by TheBlackFox

  1. We were blessed with over 60 new subscriptions at PyrateCon, 26 re-subscriptions, and since PyrateCon was over. . . almost 140 NEW subscriptions (a mix of one & two-year subscriptions). . . plus, we sold out of all our loose back issues AND picked up a ton of new advertisers. Although the income is nice. . . our proudest achievement is that we raised over $350 from both the painting auctions and our Spring Ad contributions. . . but we didn't feel that was good enough, so The Pyrates Way added another $150 out of what we made at PyrateCon to bring a total of $500 that we'll be giving over to PPNOM. org (adding to the $$ already donated to them earlier in the year). The Pyrates Way magazine enjoys giving back to our pirate brethren whether it be in $$ raised for a good cause or just giving booty to our subscribers. We're in this not to make money but to share our love of piracy with everyone. A big HUZZAHHHHH to all those who helped at PyrateCon and a bigger cheer for The Pyrates Way Wench of the Year: Nessa and The Pyrates Way Pyrate of the Year: Talderoy! Wait till you see the pictures! www. pyratesway. com to subscribe. . . and do so by June 15 or you'll miss out on the best PyrateCon coverage of all!
  2. I'll be in Louisiana TONIGHT! In Alabama at the moment on the long crawl out to PyrateCon where I'll be promoting both PyrateCon and The Pyrates Way on several media outlets from local PBS, radio and newspaper to possibly having some MAJOR TV morning show out on Friday morning to see all the pyrates! By the time everyone arrives, The PyrateCon flag will by flying over the hotel and "wanted for pyracy" posters up in the French Quarter. Prepare for a REAL pyrate experience as in the last few weeks, dozens of local bars and merchants have jumped on board and plan to have special prices for those dressed as pyrates and will have open arms for every hot wench. If ye don't have fun a PyrateCon, it be your own fault, says I.
  3. With all the problems with Southwest and now American Airlines, be sure you give yourself lots of extra time to get to PyrateCon. . . mabye even DAYS instead of hours. I be driving the Pyrates Way Pilot down to New Orleans and if ye be driving, this doesn't effect ye. . .but if yer flying. . . keep a weather eye out, mates!
  4. The Pyrates Way Pilot is packed to the brim with treasures for PyrateCon. . m'hold is completely squeezed-in that not even a bilge rat could make his way through. I B buggin' out of Delaware sometime Friday and taking m'time driving down to Naw'lins. I can't wait to see ye all there. . .first rum's on me. . . uh. . . literally. . . have my flask filled with DogfishHead brown honey rum on me at all times (distilled right here in Delaware). Let the party commence, says I.
  5. Huzzah for Pern and for yer mom, mate. . . . we'll have to make sure she gets an extra ration of rum for the effort!
  6. We will try to capture as many folks as possible at PyrateCon between our pages for the Summer Issue. We will have a sign-up sheet for group photos and I'll already have PyracyPub at the top. . .so all you have to do is look for it. I'll plan to have our HEY-UGE group photo sometime Saturday, preferably when nothing PyratCon is going on. . . we'll meet QUICKLY (keyword) to set up for the shot and take it. . .if you're not there, it's your fault. . . we'll take one set of photos on as many cameras as you folks demand (i.e. give your camera to the several Pyrates Way volunteer photographers) and we'll get it done really fast and include everyone who. . . . uh. . pays attention to this board! I think that is as fair as we can be for a group photo. . . and I promise. . . a full PAGE photo of PyracyPub folks with a full caption which will send new folks to this site. . . .agreed?
  7. I'll be there the Monday prior. . . helping out with the press and helping the set up.
  8. I use a glue gun into the bottom bead. . . all the others remain loose. . . I've been doing so since before pyratecon 07 and it works pretty good.
  9. Thank ye all , m'mates and love-interests. . . . I spent the day surrounded by my children. . . it was a glorious day in Delaware. . . nippy enough to wear a jacket but blue skies and bright sun. We played miniature golf as a family and then I got to eat m'favorite food for dinner. . .soft-shell crabs m m m m m m and at m'favorite new restaurant in Delaware City. . . "Crabby Dicks." They play Buffett music. . .the table wenches are hot yet bring very cold brew. . .the food is authentic and excellent and the peanut butter/chocolate blast cheesecake is to die for. but now, with the day over, I must say, signing on to this board with all these well-wishes are the highlight. thank ye m'friends, with all m'heart.
  10. As per suggestion of the good Cap'n. . .cheeky. . please ignore my last post, luv. (like telling the jury to "strike everything ye've just been privvy to")
  11. Sorry if I can't be "glad" about the sinking of someone's dream, regardless of it. It was a popular craft for folks who want to have a bit of fun with their pyracy and I see no fault in it. I hope these people get another boat and fill it with would-be pyrates who want to spend a few hours enjoying the sea, the sun, and a plastic mug-o-rum with a skeleton drink straw. If ye have ever had a rough time bringing your baby to life (i.e., in my case The Pyrates Way) in which ye can't please everyone with your dream but you suffice to at least please some. . . then ye'd know of what I speak. From Disney's merchandising to "fake" pyrate ships full o'patch-eyed tourists, I say the more the merrier. 'tis the dime of folks such as they that keep our own pyraticalness alive. I'd rather share a rum with a polyester pyrate than no pyrate at all, says I.
  12. In 2006 The Pyrates Way generally covered the BBFest . . . in 2007 we covered the crews that worked so hard . . . in '08 we're highlighting the ball . . . so wear your very best!
  13. The magazine is off press already. . . we're about a month ahead of schedule! We're still not releasing it 'till PyrateCon, but it's great to have the magazine ready to go way a head of time.
  14. Aye just approved the proof yesterday from the printer and the issue is getting itself inked. Inside will be over a dozen pages devoted to PyrateCon2008. The rest of the magazine is filled with New Orleans pyratical information including a very well-written story by Cindy Vallar about Jean LeFitte. In our new one-on-one feature, we take on our favorite female pyrate, Scarlett Harlott who is this year's grand marshall of PyrateCon. Even Old New Orleans Rum came on board as our rum of the issue and the review section is filled with New Orleans books and movies. We review CDs from the two headlining bands at PyrateCon, Rusty Cutlass and Pirates Charles. www.pyratesway.com is where you need to go to subscribe and not miss this monumental issue. We're also offering an incredible deal on ebay for all the back issues plus a two-year subscription for only $65: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...:MESE:IT&ih=012
  15. ahhhhhh nothing better exfoliation of the skin as those barnacles on the lower third of the hull. . . damn if it don't feel good. . .uh. . .after you wake up from the coma and the bleedin' stops. . . . but damn it feels good after that. Luffa are for wusses, mate.
  16. Anyone else sporting full "wood" when the talk gets intense about boats, screaming, smoke, and gunpowder? I need some raw meat and hi-octane rum. . . . oh and a wench for later. . . what say ye? Does life get any better than The Blackbeard Festival at Hampton? Huzzzzahhhhhh!
  17. Aye mate. . .that be the truth of it. As of right now, one hotel (Hampton Inn) IS completely sold out (since before December, m'thinks) and PyrateCon admin told me to order at least 700 extra issues of The Pyrates Way (we be carryin' the itinerary and info on the whole event in our rag. . .and giving it out FREE to every PyrateCon guest!). The magazine went to press today. I'll get a proof later in the week and that marks "last call" for any changes, corrections or additions to the information. With this year's event going so much smoother already, we're at the point where we just need to finish up the miscellaneous stuff like signage, forms, decorations, etc. . . When you step off the elevator onto the 4th floor, you'll be greeted by a detailed and thought-out pyrate atmosphere. You'll be excited just standing in line for your entrance kit. . .and nothing happened yet! Since The Pyrates Way is right in the main foyer with the registration tables. I'll have my projector up and speakers working. . .so I'll be showing an old pyrate movie or two on the wall to help you pass the time. . . . any suggestions what to bring? The Pirate Movie with Kristy McNichol? Scooby Doo: Pirates Ahoy? Hook? (ducking and running)
  18. You never cease to put a smile on this big noggin' m'friend. . . first rum's on me in NY. . . we'll definitely be there, mate. . . . and one more thing. . .it's June 14-15. (ducking)
  19. They spell it with a Y mate. . . as in pYrate. . . the way is should be! LOL http://www.yepyratebrotherhood.org/events.asp
  20. I have a GREAT idea for spending $$ in New Orleans. . . . instead of using paper bills, go to the bank and convert all of your spending money into those gold $1 coins! It be much more pyratey to throw down five gold coins for a drink than some wimpy paper with a dead guy on it. All the change we give at our booth will be in the form of gold $1 coins! I know. . .it's heavy. . . but make a cool sound in yer pouch!
  21. That's what Sony said about Betamax in 1983
  22. half shell's got me on that. . .it does seem a popular read.
  23. I got me what looks like a 10th generation copy of the movie which I had to txfr from Betamax to VHS onto DVD (i.e. 8,9,10 version). . . looks like crap, sounds like crap. . .and I watch it once a year at least.
  24. Glad to hear you got it mate. . . with the mail system the way it is, one never knows when the magazine will arrive once mailed. A subscriber in Alabama got his the very next day after mailing and my brother in Maryland (the next state below us) just got his. . . almost three weeks after the mailing. . .yet both magazines were mailed the same day! Spring is heading to press at the end of the month so we can make it for PyrateCon.
  25. Actually, that "Funny Money" will get you a dip into our Pyrates Way Treasure Chest with wrapped gifts! There are books, DVDs, toys, CDs, and several small treasure chests with $100 bills in them! Everything you need to know about the 10,000,000-dollar bill (Winter's booty) is on page 16 of the Winter issue. Don't forget to bring it!
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