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Everything posted by TheBlackFox
Since so many mates wanted to see some of these pyrate bumper stickers on their bumpers. . . . and since We have the ability to make that happen. . . . We've done so! Among the 36 new Pyrates Way Bumperstickers, we've added some of the suggestions within these pages at Pyracy.com (with credit and a lynk back to this forum's topic pages). If you have a specific Pyratical bumpersticker you'd like to see realized, keep posting here and We'll keep creating new ones! Check out the Pyrate Bumpersticker Lynk Here: Pyrates Way Bumper Stickers
Looks like I might have to beg the wife/wench to get us reservations. . . stuff this close to us doesn't happen often!
I plan to be there in my best Pyratical rig to take many, many photos, try to get some participant interviews and to talk to some playtrons as well. Look for the large "The Pyrates Way" flag that I'll be attended with and say hi. If you have an interesting antecdote or would like to pose for an exciting pirate photo, please look for me. What was going to be a mention in the "faires and festivals" section of the magazine will now be a very large article and full photo spread. I'll have both subscription forms and ad rates with me so feel free pillage them from me. See you Sunday June 11, says I.
My first visit to said festival was incredible! I loved not only the whole Blackbeard show, but how responsive both the local folks and those that had a mooring were. Some of the dressed up boats were VERY Pyratical! I brought my lovely wife and she helped me keep my ale cool and the Crimson Corsair (Kenny) and myself entertained on the docks many visitors to the festival. We had a good routine together. . .mayhaps I should volunteer next season to help with the street entertainment. . . good pirate jokes and we made lots of friends. You can check out the photos I took at: http://homepage.mac.com/blackfoxofde/RenEv...toAlbum111.html There will be a full article in The Pyrates Way magazine in the Fall with much more information and some incredible photos. . . Steve "The Black Fox" Kimball
My first visit to said festival was incredible! I loved not only the whole Blackbeard show, but how responsive both the local folks and those that had a mooring were. Some of the dressed up boats were VERY Pyratical! I brought my lovely wife and she helped me keep my ale cool and the Crimson Corsair (Kenny) and myself entertained on the docks many visitors to the festival. We had a good routine together. . .mayhaps I should volunteer next season to help with the street entertainment. . . good pirate jokes and we made lots of friends. You can check out the photos I took at: http://homepage.mac.com/blackfoxofde/RenEv...toAlbum111.html There will be a full article in The Pyrates Way magazine in the Fall with much more information and some incredible photos. . . Steve "The Black Fox" Kimball
AHA . . .therein lies the quandry. . . the Pyrate marketplace. . .but who's also got interest in such things besides the basic Pyrate Enthusiast? Boaters Fans of Jimmy Buffett RenFest folks Anyone enjoying the Maritime, Nautical, or Naval/Coast Guard worlds Scuba Divers/Ship Divers Rummies Weapon Collectors Tattooed People Fans of Tall Ships Fans of Johnny Depp People fond of wearing leather (not just pyrates) etc. . . The list of readers goes on and on. . . . and the magazine will cater to all these folks and more. All of these subjects overlap just a tad and the crossover of enthusiasts has allowed us to get advertisers in all kinds of product lines, from yacht sales to iron hook artesians.
M'wench and m'self shall be there all weekend. . . rooms were VERY inexpensive. I'll have some Pyrates Way Ad Rate Cards for those that want to advertise in the magazine and I'll have subscription forms for those who want to subscribe. I'll even have mockups of two articles from the magazine on m'person, so if you want to take a gander, let me know. We'll be sportin' our brand new Pyrates Way flag at the top of a 6'mast, so look for us.
should I rub in the "go buy a Mac" thing again?
The Ad Packages are Available to those interested in advertising in the Pyrates Way: http://www.pyratesway.com/10.html
It might NOT be pyratical, but we plan to have a 95th memorial anniversary of the loss of the Titanic in the Spring 2007 issue of The Pyrates Way. If you have information, interest or any history with the ship, the passengers, the crew, or the shipyard, please let us know. . .thanx! The Pyrates Way is more than pyrates. . .it's the Caribbean. . . it's things nautical. . . it's treasure hunting. . . it's wenches in leather!
I contacted Pirates Magazine about this issue. Kim Cross, the owner of the magazine, she, like me, is too smart to comment about anything business related, thus take all the rest with the usual grain of salt one finds on the net. We both mutually went our separate ways because of a difference of what we saw in the magazine. As to the the Pyrates4Patriots, it's happening in Spring of 07. We came up with the idea too late to make it really happen this year (but we learned a lot). Oh, and no tickets were ever on sale, LOL. Again, I shouldn't have to point this out, but one person rocks the boat and if you jump on board, you might find yourself going down with the ship!
Per request, the information on submissions (not the fun kind) to the pyrate way (including payment) can be found here: http://piratesway.proboards98.com/index.cg...0523#1143476603
The Pyrates Way website is up (yes more than one page) and thar be a subscription form for ye to fill out! There's a printable-mail form AND a VERIFIED PayPal form for online security. Just turn yer wheel 2 degrees leeward and find yerself at: http://www.pyratesway.com/subscribe.html
here's what the facts are (you can check 'em for yourself). I wrote 29 pages of website info including lynks, pyratespeak, and info about what the magazine was "supposed" to be. . . if you hit the site now, you'll see about 5 pages of stuff, most of it (in my ONLY opinion) not very pyratical, but pretty ocean pictures. On the transverse, if you hit our "www.pyratesway.com" site, you see ONE page. Yep, I'm spending the weekend designing the site (Hell, I've been at it all week) and I'll give you all the pages necessary to keep the pyratical interest. I am working my pyrate butt off to give you folks what you deserve. . . and I hope that it adds to THIS site. . not duplicates it. I have tons of respect for pyracy.com and would never, ever seek to superimpose it in any way. The plan is to give this site as a reference for most folks' pyratical needs. For one thing, it's only right to give credit to the folks on this site that have added so much to the pyrate enthusiast legacy, and the other is to recognize a real AUTHORITY in the pyrate community. I've written to the owners of this very site to ask for 1) their blessing and 2) a cry for help! Hell, you folks know pyracy back and forth and I'd be an idiot not to ask for your help in our magazine's development. I've set up our own proboard at: http://piratesway.proboards98.com in the hopes that you folks will join us in our mutual endeavour. What we need most in the world is photos of pyrate feasts in the southern Atlantic coast, the Gulf, and the West coast. I don't want this to become a "Chesapeake Bay" publication, but frankly, that's all I've got right now. If you took some incredible pics in FL or WA and want to share.. .let me know! Let's make this a National Pyrate endeavour! Begging, but not to proud to do so, Steve "the black fox" kimball
As far as I know, pirates magazine is still a go, but it's been moved from March to May to late June now. . . and. . . I just won't be involved.
I've been approached by an interested party of investors to start our own pyrate magazine, and have taken them up on their offer. Since I've had several quality and organizational disaggreements with the now-stalled Pirates Magazine, I have resigned my position. My reputation as an artist is an important part of my business and I can't lend my name to something I'm not proud of. Thus, I am taking on this new magazine (that will debut in the Fall) without my hands tied in both design and 'feel' of the project This magazine, The Pyrates Way, will be about Pyrates and written BY Pyrates! It will be much more of a pirate enthusiast/reenactor magazine with a much more bawdy touch to it. It will be a "PG-13" magazine filled with fearsome pyrates and beautiful wenches. The magazine will not be for the timid, as pyracy has no "politically correct" code. Advertisers are lining up and the printer is standing by. The legal issues are being taken care of and we have already set up our international ISSN and are in the midst of incorporation. This is the pyrate magazine is what everyone wants to see and be a part of. I'm open to all suggestions and if you have a pyrate story, interview, article (fact or fiction), photos from a pyrate event, even a pyrate joke. . . feel free to send it to me at: editor@pyratesway.com. This magazine is for the pyrates and I need your help to make it successful. . . afterall, it's about YOU! The cost of subscriptions and advertising is about 60% of Pirates Magazine and will be 96 pages of full-color and offer an interactive version of each issue on the web. The magazine will be quarterly and in each magazine will be booty. . . whether it be a promotional CD of music from pyratical bands or a bumper sticker or pyrate flag. The website will give you a head's up as to what's coming in the next issue, without spoiling too much of the storyline. Stay tuned, and bookmark: www.pyratesway.com Again, thank you to all the helpful pyrates who've supported this new venture already (we have 10% of the adspace filled already!. . . it's exciting!) This Pyracy site is SO inspirational to we pyrates and will be our main "go to" area for folks interested in this hobby. Steve "the black fox" Kimball The Pyrates Way
Mark ye calendars for April 22, 2006. . .just a few days after Patriots' Day when the Pyrates4Patriots Par-Tay will bring all the Pyratical Frolic you could possible handle. Buffet, Pyrate entertainment, games, raffles, everyone in the pyrate best and most wonderful of all, all the profits go to the USO to support the folks who lay their lives on the line for us. Huzzzah. . . more info to come. . .or check us out at http://www.pyrates4patriots.org