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Everything posted by TheBlackFox

  1. Just by the scurvy scowls on our collective faces folks will know who the pyracy pub members are. . . plus we all have those "P" buttons that show entitlement to all the pub goodies. what are the goodies again?
  2. fixed it luv. . .thankyou
  3. If I ever wrote my autobiography, it would be called "Ten Seconds." If I had waited just ten seconds instead of pulling out on to the road in the middle of a hurricane in 1985, that Chevy Nova would have driven past me instead of into me. When it hit my lil' Ford Escort, it collapsed the driver's side, pinning my hip to the seat and sending the rest of me to the passenger's side, sliding my face across the broken bits of windshield. Later, the State Trooper told me that if I had been wearing a seatbelt, it would have ripped me in half. I died and was revived at the scene. Lungs crushed close, huge lacerations on my face, internal injuries, and my left hip broken into 6 separate pieces from the anterior through the pelvis. I spent 6 months in Bethesda Naval Hospital, getting my lung capacity back, letting the internal organs heal, and learning to walk again. . .but with 26 screws and 3 plates holding my hip together. Within a year my U.S. Navy career which I loved, was over. On the upside. . . . my girlfriend, who I'd just broken up with, was effected by the Florence Nightengale syndrom and became my wife and mother to my two wonderful children. In one split second, my Navy career, which was taking me in a different direction, brought my wife (now ex) and children into my life. Truly a silver lining. I have no regrets about the cards dealt me. . .but I do often wonder. . . "What if. . . ."
  4. iff'n ye mean neeps. . . I'll take some too. . . .I refuse to have a plate of pyrate haggis without m'neeps and tats mashed together. . mmmmm.
  5. Pirates Alley is not where the feast will be held, mates. . .it'll be at the Original French Market Restaurant! There'll be plenty of room for all! Trust me, PyrateCon be more than ready to handle everyone as the promoters putting this year's 'Con together are über-organized. . . . expect the best that New Orleans has to offer and more. Keep an eye on www.pyratecon.com for updates coming in the next week or so.
  6. Only 10 weeks to go. . . get yer wood box packed and yer seabag filled, mates!
  7. From what I heard from pyrates who took that tour last year, it was really fascinating and pretty creepy. . . . keep us informed of your outcome. . . . . If you make it back . . hehehehhe(insert spooky laughter)heheheheheheh
  8. That was the idea mate to dumb it dow. . . . uh. . . . to make it simple for even those blokes which don't know their letters yet.
  9. Drop by our booth and subscribers can reach into the Treasure Chest and get FREE booty! Your pass is in the form of a special booty inside the Winter Issue that, if you subscribed prior to January 1, you'll be receiving in the mail in about a week or so. The prizes range from trinkets and games to shot glasses and clocks. There's even four treasure boxes with $100 cash in them! (if you're a late subscriber or want to subscribe at the event, we've made preparations that you'll be involved). While you're there. . . sign up to get a group photo taken so we can print yer scurvy crew's image in the PyrateCon recap in the Summer issue. Most importantly buy raffle tickets to win one of four ORIGINAL Pyrates Way back cover art pieces. . . 100% of the money goes to http://www.ppnom.org for the preservation of New Orleans music. If ye be a hot lookin' pyrate or wench, ye might be selected to be one of the contestants for the Pyrate and Wench of the YEAR and possible win a cover shot on The Pyrates Way. . . a trophy. . . and CASH! . . oh and you get to meet us folks who staff the magazine, too. p.s. EVERY pyratecon ticket holder gets a FREE Spring issue of The Pyrates Way!
  10. I put this together over the last few weeks. . . let me know what you think. . . http://www.PyrateFestival.com
  11. Count m'fine lady and myself in, mate.
  12. You're killing me Kenny! I hate missing the hometown event. . . please get many photos everyone. . . I'll print the best in The Pyrates Way with full credit. Huzzahh to all m'mates that I'll miss.
  13. Thanx to the fine work of Cap'n Dave of Studio City Tattoo, I were artsified by him with this:
  14. Aye, I'm in the same plight as ye, mate. . . . that be PyrateCon weekend and m'pyrate brethren and m'self will be pillagin' in New Orleans all weekend.
  15. That's a piece of Jaws trivia that Shaw wrote in, himself. . . along with the entire "USS Indianapolis" diatribe. The Buccaneers is a great set of pirate DVDs which we reviewed in the Summer 07 issue of The Pyrates Way. . . it got five parrots out of five! LOL What I wrote up in the review is what really makes this series a piece of pyrate history. Written in the mid 1950s, the show targeted controversial subject matter like slavery, and how the King of England turned his back on the Scots sent to the Carolinas in servitude AFTER they'd completed their "time." It's not surprising why so many Carolina Scots turned to pyracy during GAoP. The episodes cover everything from press gangs and mail-order prides to marooning and pyrate superstitions. It also makes great "background noise" if you're performing other tasks and don't have time to watch it. I watch the whole series about once a month.
  16. There'll be more to do than ye can imagine mates! One of the companion pieces in the Spring Pyrates Way (given free to each guest and vendor) will be information on such tours and a guide to where the locals go to eat, drink, and get crazy. There's a LOT more to the Big Easy both before and after PyrateCon2008. . .thus, our Pyrates Way crew will be there a few days early and staying a few days later. . . not just to help the PyrateCon crew. . .but to enjoy New Orleans outside of Bourbon Street. As the call used to go out on radios of the 1940s when The Phantom came on the air. . . "Stand By For Adventure!"
  17. Join us at PyrateCon 2008 when we give away full free issues of the Spring magazine to every guest and vendor at the convention! It's our way of saying thank you for your support as we continue on into our third year of publication and the only magazine created BY Pyrates FOR Pyrates! Check out some of the Spring highlights with a full 16-page PyrateCon highlight including maps, itinerary, background information, and a with a "one-on-one" session with Scarlott Harlott, our Grand Marshall of PyrateCon 2008! (no, this has nothing to do with how hot she thought my tattoo was in LA the other weekend. . LOL. . . we're just friends.) I have to give credit to good friend Clay and Capt. Dave who gave me one killer tattoo with The Pyrates Way logo dead center of the art. . . doesn't get more pyratical than that! Back to PyrateCon. . . . The Pyrates Way caravan of vehicles leaves Delaware to MD then DC and onward to an overnight in Roanoke, VA. The we're on the road to Nashville for another overnight (and to kidnap the best wench photographer in the world, Craig) then in The Big Easy a day early to help the PyrateCon folks set up. We give back to the pyratin' community in every way possible. The Pyrates Way will be set up in the main lobby next to the registration booth with our own animatronic robot "Aaaargyle" who has been heard from in the magazine but never seen before! Subscribers get to pull FREE booty from our huge treasure chest which includes prizes like DVDs, Pyrate Toys, Glasses, free subscriptions, and even $100 in cash! We'll also be sponsoring both the Pyrate and Wench of the YEAR contests with prizes, trophies and the chance for each winner to see themselves on the cover of America's premier pyrate magazine. . . THE PYRATES WAY. The Pyrates Way is also giving a portion of our ad revenue from the Spring issue to the charities of PyrateCon 2008 and including subscription/back issues packs as auction items AND giving FOUR original acrylic paintings to be auctioned! Each one of these paintings has been or will be the back cover to The Pyrates Way magazine! (including Autumn07, Winter07-08, Spring08, & Summer08 issues). Own a piece of pyrate history when you bid on any of these great items for a great cause! But our Spring Issue just begins with PyrateCon 2008. . . we also include the history of Jean Lefitte. . . . an article about where New Orleans folks go for the best food. . . sights of pyracy outside of pyratecon to see. . . and as we've been giving you for three years. . . Hot Wenches (five beautiful ladies who don't need a lot of Photoshop to be beautiful), A feature about a rum you might not know of, Re-Enactor's Corner, The most up-to-date and authentic pyrate events calendar anywhere, reviews of pyrate DVDs, Music, Books (and in Summer, we'll begin reviewing pyrate websites!), Crosswords, Jokes & Cartoons in our Lollygag section, and a Final Salvo dedicated to West Coast pyrates who've claimed just a piece of this old pyrate's heart. All that plunder for FREE with your PyrateCon 2008 ticket. . . and that's just what we're offering. . . imagine all the other entertainment, lectures, food, rum, dancing, blackpowder, swords, wench auctions and an invasion of the French Quarter by all of our pyrate brethren. I could go on, but my screen is covered in white-out.
  18. The local tribesmen of Virginia say that Redcoats taste like chicken. . . bring on Britain's finest, mates. I think an orc in some movie said: "MEAT'S BACK ON THE MENU, BOYS."
  19. Personally, I love the set up (and enjoy helping where I can) and learning how I can go about being a more realistic pyrate without sacrificing actual people (hurts the magazine when you go about plunging a hook into perspective subscribers). With pirates and pyracy continuing to grow in popularity (I've seen huge upsurges in subscriptions and those attending pirate events), it's always a tightrope between what's good for the event and what's REALLY good for the event. This will be my third year attending the Blackbeard Festival and my second as a vendor. Although the event is incredible, it's those involved that keep me coming back. A professional, courteous, attitude is all I've ever come up against. . . and many of the crew I now call friend. If you've not been, you MUST go, even if it's just for the day instead of staying over. It's worth it just to see a line of signal cannons fire around the harbor and see some pirates knocked into the water during live ship duels.
  20. The Spring Pyrates Way (FREE to all attendees of PyrateCon 2008) will contain. . . .and I'm giving this info away early. . . . . two facing pages just for you to have a spot to collect autographs AND a page or two of contact information so that you can write in the names, addresses and email addys of all the new mates you meet at PyrateCon! We hope to make this issue a major PyrateCon 2008 keepsake to be looked back upon for years to come. I'm at LAX at the moment, getting ready to fly back east. I spent the weekend working out all the PyrateCon/Pyrates Way details with Karen and André and I have to say that everything is coming together with such class and attention to detail that if you don't have a good time at PyrateCon this year. . . it's your own fault! LOL OH. . .and got some new ink courtesy of good buddy Clay and Capt. Dave from Studio City Tattoo (big sponsors of both PyrateCon and The Pyrates Way magazine). Scarlett Harlott just loved the ink and in return I "Fudded" her. . . . it's an inside joke between me an m'luv Scarlett. I'm psyched. . . got my hands on two PyrateCon T shirts (available at their site), which I plan to wear a LOT.
  21. I STILL came to L.A. to party with pyrates so bring on a monsoon of rum, says I.
  22. Aye, mates. . . I got my review copy in the mail today and dropped the whole thing onto The Pyrates Way iPod. . . guess what I'll be listening to on the way to LA for the pre-PyrateCon party?!! The review for the CD won't be in the Winter issue (it's on press at the moment) nor will it be in the Spring issue (reserved for PyrateCon band music). . .but it WILL be reviewed and appear in the Summer issue! We don't skip issues, btw. . .they're planned out seasons in advance.
  23. I happen to be a real 24/7 pyrate mates. . . I'm still boarding a leftcoast jetliner and will be there anyway. . . rain is nothing but liquid sunshine and real pyrates don't mind a bit of wet sand in their boots. True, the electric might not be there, but I talked to Andre and the bands will still perform acoustically. . .just like they shouLd, mates. I'll be there in m'dress captain's coat, suckin' down the rain as hard as the rum. Blast Neptune for causing such a gale, but I'll be damned if it ruins m'pyratical tyme with mates I rarely get to visit with. If ye be a pyrate, then be there. If not, yer doomed to wear the "polyester pyrate" label for all eternity. . . join us in the rain. . .for the food and the rum. . . and most of all for the fellowship of yer pyrate brethren. Oh. . . and Andre might have pulled off an inside venue. . . . so no worries, mates! AVAST AND LAY LARBOARD IF YE BE A SANDCRAWLER AND LIST YERSELF TOWARDS THE RAINY WEATHERDECK IF YE BE A WANTON PYRATE WITH THE LUST FOR TREASURE, RUM, BOOTY, AND MOST OF ALL. . . . . PARTYING! If I'm coming cross-country to be with my mates. . .the least you scurvy dogs can do is show up! Damn the rain. . . . let's lay waste to the beach, says I.
  24. The Winter issue is at press and I should have proofs to approve just before I head out to LA on the third (for the big pre-pyratecon party in Long Beach). We're still on track for getting the magazines out in the mail in the next few weeks. The Spring issue will be the BIG one with all the information on PyrateCon including the full itinerary, maps, and entertainment/speaker information.
  25. I'm flying out to LA from here in Delaware to capture all the action of the promo party for publishing in the next issue of The Pyrates Way magazine. . . so be there and get famous!
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