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Patrick Hand

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Everything posted by Patrick Hand

  1. Kittys be interistin'//// got Cyber cat running alla th' way around th' room... an got the dang pewter interfeareance.......... pop-up and such.... messing wit me..... OH yah.... and a spot O' rum....... LIFE BE INTERESTIN'..................... I kinda thought this thread would have others bits and minor problems... not just mine...... Hey.... we can kinda share...... I figure there are minor anoyances in life... and fun bits...... that we can share...... this should not just be my life.................. (Ok I can not spell very well.... looking a word up in the dictionary..... not fun for me..... Tommy Jefferson also agreas.... "ever trust someone that can only spell a word one way"(or something realy close to that....)
  2. I'll have to wait untill Gof gets back from vacation to ask about his pattern, But from what I can figure out from period drawings, and other patterns, the butt should be baggier.... To make the breeches with a baggier butt, the center back seam, has no curve to it, and is longer than modern pants...... http://photobucket.com/albums/b97/PatrickH...nt=breeches.gif I have to get off my butt, and write the instructions on how to make the pattern for breaches..... and post it on my web page (along with how to draft the pattern for veneatians....) I agree with Gof about not using cotton for the Final pair, but using cotton untill you get the pattern right does save money..... Most of the garb that I made for the Buccaneer Project is out of cotton. And I'm glad I did it that way, because now I can spend the money on period correct fabric, but I know how to make it right. I can't afford to spend $15.00 per yard on hemp canvas, only to discover that the sleeves are the wrong shape.....
  3. OK....... guess me stupid fingers were not that wrong.....or maybe they were.......... OK.. as Mr. Janes Buffet says,,,,"Blaime it on the rum"
  4. nother tankerd O' rum.... being even better......or something like that.........(and... dang... first typm tonight... me stupidf ingers typed wot i wanted,,,,,,, welll hell go figure...................(
  5. Like I typed.... I think I agree with Foxe,... (the four shirt/jacker pattern...) (? yah right.... bad discription,,, fer the jacket...)) I tried making the over coar (hunting frock) very "shirt like"... and ity did not hang right or look like the picture (obviously.. I'm using Foxe's drawings...) SO I re-made it ...... and what I made... (ok just cotton... ) looks more like the pictures.... and is closer to period .... (wellllll ) tailorin.................. Point being.... I think I got it figured out...... So now get the real cloth......... thats why I play thith cotton................... going to a Renn Faire next weekend.... so some photos............. ( taking a lady who has Never been to a Renn Faire... dressing her.. (OK not period) but as Pyrate.....(ok kinda sorta,,,,,) but I'll be wearing me Buccaneer stuff....... so I can get some pictures....
  6. trish.... I coulda got "layed" iffin I talked nicely...... didn't... went outside for a smoke..... (OK I like SEX...............) dang.... I coulda.... or not.... just "missed"(I am not one of the "sharks".....) Like I typed ... I like sex.... but I will not "play" the games for it.................. (dang... that's negitive.......) OH well what the heck...................... Other than that.............. the Kitty (as in the other cat) is such a joy................. Still thinking of wire4ing it up to power me house.............. (see me kitty helps wit me typing) Right now I have no idea what the kitty just found... or what it is chewing ok..... thats just the Kitty Wot I wanted to type about,,,,,,,,, I'm taking a lady who has never been to a Renn Fairs....... I figure I will bring a "lunch".... I firure ...... the checkered cloth to put everything on.... cheese,,,,, Summer sausige.... bread, some grapes, and apples..... and of course Wine....................She has never been to a Faire... I wanna make it good............................
  7. hitman.... a friend gave me a bench grinder... (just have to check some of the wireing....and kinda agreed to sharpen his knives in the future.... but I'd use my diamond "stone" for that... but I like sharpining knives......) so I can continue working on the machetti..... Went to the local flea market today..... got two wool blankets... (a U.S. navy grey wool one,for $5.00, that I can scrape the letters off of, and an OLD U.S. Army blanket that has the U.S. stitched into it for only $3.00) (I like the Army blanket.....It's not as dark as modern Army blankets.... closer to an olive/kakki...... I'm picking the stitched letters out, probably messing it up, but I realy like the color of it........) I also bought a set of cotton sheats to cut apart for the linning on the jacket.... I will have to post pictures when I get a chance, but I think it works better than the shirt style that I first tried.... closer to what Foxe described..... I cut the back "on the fold" but basicaly it is four pieces, and lined.... it looks better, and more like the picture that Foxe posted, ..... and it is much more comfortable...... I think it will be the pattern for what I will be making outta Hemp canvas and lined with linen...... Like I said, it feels comfortable and "right", and looks correct..... Will post pictures soon...... Also, more than half way there with the money to buy the doglock musket.......
  8. You know that line from PotC...... "If you were whaiting for the opertune moment.... that was it...." Think I messed up tonight..... and missed one of those...... DRAT........
  9. Been wa®shing dishes to earn enough money to get a Doglock musket..... (second job...as kinda a favor kinda thing....) Anyway.... If it wasent fer me getting the musket...... think I might have told the dang cook where he could stick a very large cooking instrament..... Dang.... the SOB.... loves talking pretty to alla the girl (and I use that word for a reason....) I just got to remember the Doglock.... the Doglock...... (or the world will be short one cook........) And I did good at not using any dirty words to discribe the mother fu0000000 ..... oops almost messed up...........................
  10. Got a snapsack finished..... now have to get a chunka canvas for a ground cloth..... and make a few more small items.... Unfortunately... the next chance I have to camp is at a Renn Faire.... Should be interesting.... it's not period camping..... and other than my Ultra-light stuff..... all I have is period camping gear...... I'll post a list (and link to pictures) when I get everything finished...... Other than a Boiler (dang.... copper ones are running about $60.00 .....) everything else can be worked on durring weekends.......
  11. Aaaaargh..... (yippie jus' don't sound right......) I gotta bench grinder......... Now I can finish shapping the machettie (maybe in the mornings befor I start work........) AND NOT HAVE TO DO IF WITH A D#&M FILE..........
  12. Thats the part the public don't see...... alla th' fun...... Aaaaaah.... Health and Happynes hour(s) ...But the Company pee's were a real hastle, when the comand was "Fire by File....."
  13. Iffin nothing disastirous 'appens....... I'll be going..... Probably fly out in garb, like I did last year.........
  14. The flaw wiht what I'm trying to do... I don" know".... basing it all offa a picture th Foxe posted..................I'm trying... but not sure is it is corect........ It feels right,,,,, but not sure if it is corect............................
  15. Dang..dang..dang... I don't think the coat is quite right,..... and the worst part,,, is that it realy botherws me....... I made the coat..... then looked at the pictures again... and dang,,, it don't look right,,,,, OK.... try plan b..... I will figure this out.................
  16. Iffn yer bot ter chop off someones head..... excuse me......... nah that ain't right whoops....... dang wrong again............................ Aaaargh,,,,, now that be just bout right...............................
  17. Dang... pritty coats................... and here I'm trying to do a scuzzy sailor bit....
  18. Started working on a snapsack ...... I have the bag part sewn, and it's outside as the linseed oil and brown stain dry.... figure I'll leave it drying untill next Saturday, when I'll sew the straps on..... I saw two different versions of snapsack surfing the web.... one has a "casing" in the top, that the leather strap went through, and the other had two thongs that tied to the strap.... I've decided that I will sew the straps directly to the bag.... kinda like the way some haversacks are made.... I'll post pictures when its done....... The machetti project is slightly on hold, till I can get a bench grinder ... I'm tired of using a file for metalwork......... When I'm out shopping for a bench grinder, I also want to get a coconut, so I can make a bowl..... In another three weeks, I should have enough money to send away for a Doglock musket...... Dang.... things are coming together .......
  19. I think I found what I was looking for in "The Book of Buckskinning IV " There is a chapter on blacksmithing that explains most of what I was looking for.... Should be interesting....... as long as I don't burn my fingers off in the process......
  20. These are a little tighter in the knee..... but they are very close to period (OK so I used denim.... they were to test if the pattern worked.....) http://photobucket.com/albums/b97/PatrickH...nt=Breeches.jpg
  21. Thanks all... I've been re-thinking the hunting frock.... I made mine closer to a shirt than a coat, and am now thinking that maybe the next one will be lined with a semi tailored/fitted cut....... (the body would still be loose and baggy,) but I keep looking at the sleeves in the pictures..........
  22. Blackjohn..... OK.....cool.... I just figured it would only be a few post..... but there may be enough interest.......
  23. I didn't want to start a new thread..... but I'm in the process of making a machetti (I couldn't find one that didn't have the manufacuters name stamped on the blade....) Once I have the blade shaped, I'm planning on anealing it (heating it red hot, and then burrying in in ashes to slowly cool) to temper the blade, I then will heat it red hot again, and then quench just the cutting edge, and then watch untill the edge turns a "peacock" blue and then quench the entire blade.... Now my question.... after anealing and tempering, will the blade "flex" or will it bend ? I don't have any idea where to find this out......
  24. I got Meouser/Mauser a pet kitty, so they could play..... and after watching the kitten run and scramble.... and all the energy it has, I've come up with a great idea....... I figure I can wire 6 kittens in sequence, and they should provide enough energy to run my house for ann entire year... (kinda like in the Movie "The Matrex") ..... Think about it Catrisity..... Sure laugh now..... but when I'm sailing around the Caribbean being served me rum by scantily clad pir-ettes (think Rocketts..) we'll see who laughs last........ Or maybe it was once again th' rum..........
  25. jgirl... that shows how to make a dress form..... the only difference is that you cut apart the duct taped tee shirt to make a pattern.... but the link (and a good one) shows the basics of the idea.....
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