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Patrick Hand

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Everything posted by Patrick Hand

  1. Tails of the Seven Seas................. and a good group (hey... thanks Claire..............) That be the group I be with.... but I'm also with (kinda got drafted) Pyrates of th' Coast Cool................. Pyratical loyalty.................. eeergh.. I like both groups.... they both be good......... So a good 'arty "Aaaaaaaaaarggh" to the fun people we "play" with..................
  2. OH... YAH...OH... YAAH.................... I think i will be going (but wot is it about the Key West Airport....) AAAAaaarrrrrgh................. PiP again,,,,,..... YAY........................... Dang.... sometimes life be good......................
  3. dang... I don't know that..... wish I did............... justa bad pyrate..... but somehow that (even when drunk) kinda works..................... Dang... that's a Boudist Pyrate,,,,,,,,,, OH welll............ but I don't think I'm a Buudist................... Dang wot th" heck do I bealeave.......... I think I beleave I will have another rum......... (And anyone that read all that .....eeergh ... crap.... deserves a Rum also...........)
  4. I gotta look on E-Bay...... find some mask.... Don't like Olimpic style fencing,,,,, more twards "swashbuckling"..... but the fun of Fencing..........."Argh "ave at you...................." Outta fairness.... lets type.......................
  5. OH yah.... early period holsters ..... dang they look funny................ Check out ""Arms and Armor in Colonia America 1526-1783" by Harole L. Peterson..... Aaaargh,,, the lace tops...............
  6. Calico was an inported cloth....(aaargh) cotton from India........ but not sure if it is it's peroid.. ( know for Later tymes it is ..... Mountain Man... American Civil War... etc.................... Linen is more "proper" amd was used more...... (OK this is Americain ...(dang... don"t look like I speled that right...) Anyway... GaoP and before..............stuck with linen (Oh yah GoF............................ Thanks.......................)
  7. I missed Blackjohns post..... (dang) from what I understand..... Pyrates kinda invented holsters,... (as a quick way to grab yer weapon) and also the ribbons and such......so you don't lose it overboard (on this I can say something... OK playing on the Royaliste......) Anyway.................. if yer life depends on being able to draw and fire a weapon..... and you can figure out how to do so.. (bandoleare or what not)... well heck....... your going to do so.......... it's yer life...... Pyrates were not stupid...........................
  8. Drunk and just thinking..................... aargh... there is so much sh*t " that I wanna ask...... understnd.. wot is... Pyracy.... why we be come a pyrate(even as a joke... changes the way yer mind thinks...)....... money... we attack someone....... money,,,,,,,,,,, It you ain't "Born wealthy" wot other choices do you have,.................... lets see... you get "born with the silver spoon in yer mouth" or ye get born wit nothing............ And you ask why Pyracy or Robbery exist? I don' think I argued that very well...... but have you ever been "mugged"? I have... just had $15 in my pocket ( both tymes).... justr laughfed at them....... "bad form") dang I can do better than than..................... will still post (well I've re-read it... but I think it is still valid,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,)
  9. DreadPirate Diedra.....it's funny but I still like Patrick........the devotion to his friend................................ OK Patrick is funny...........
  10. Pyrate bit at Northen California Faire........ OK Pyrates (GAoP) are not period..... but we did "play" the crowd............ I played at checking to see it any of the kids had a map tattooed on thier heads as my lover gave out chocolate "pyrate" kisses..... had fun...... and isn't that kinda the idea........... Note: at a Rendezvouse... or Historical reaneactment that would not have beeen "right"...... but Renn Faires...... well............................. hey it works.. fun......
  11. Dang.....I think I can make it......... but OH OH..... looking for roommates... Wed. Nov. 30 . and Su Day, Dec..the 6th...... Other than that I think I have it covered.......
  12. Nawh.... I think Willim and I got it sorta kinda figured out.............. Me and my boss have come ter a sorta understanding (OK how long can you hold yer breath till ter face turns blue.....)(ok outa fairness... my boss understands how important this is to me... so she is being cool.............. OK well not sure untill I get there......) But I think I will be ther this year....................... yah..........
  13. OK// i did not read most of the lat post (hey ... I will go back and do such)... me and the kitty are having a problim.... I "Bonk " the kity on the head when he messes up..... but .........just don"t wprk..................... dang..... can"t call it a pyrate kitty (welll he don"t play that) OK so I am rattling................ James B. said it so much better ....."Blam, it on the rum..." night all (rember.......... I STILL HAVE RUM.......................Yah team...)
  14. WoT is happing...................do I fly alll the way outa Californian,,,, or just not "bother: " I enjoyed PiP last uear........... worth me time again................
  15. fuc*k fu*k..............andanother fu*kk.................. iffin I can'r get the info..,. then I cna't go thjar...................... The INFO... that I need.................................. otherwise I can't get there................................
  16. But what if he's dressing with a Mexican influence....... a semi-bellbottomed look is period for the time..... Sorry.... couldn't help myself on that one........
  17. Beers got my mind a little foggey right now.... but I think it was in Demphers book (this is the part I can't quite remember right now) but one ship kept voting this one guy Captain...then voting for another..... they just couldn't make up thier minds..........
  18. And dnag.... I thought Dutches was in the other Washington...... (not that I be a stalker or nothin'''') But couldn't get mine to post....... In California... in the Gold country... in Calaveras (skulls in Spanish) county.... cool.............
  19. probably scaried the zipheads to sh**.................. sorry I worked in Pan Mun Jom..... Don't like the north koreans............... (the South Koreans were kinda cool...) (espesially the ROK Rangers........................)
  20. PiP... just kinda ... is..... lotsa pyrates and lots of fun....... Not sure if you can "plan it" .... it just sorta happens..... And I'm working me a** off to get there again this year..................well worth it......
  21. Me brain is spmewhere else (Rummys chest be nice..... but still me brain be somewhere else) I found a book about boxes..... fyne crafted boxes,,,,, and the idea of a pyrate treasure chest..........and well made.... kinda hit me.............. So what does a treasure chest look like.... and how is it made....I got my own ideas about it.... but what are yours..............
  22. Phillip Black.... not picking on you...... I just thinl there are too man large sigs............. but that is just what I think.............. I can play in Adobi,,,,,,,, just don't mean I should..........
  23. Yah.... that was a good one... I have the internet version of his book. (kinda a pain to read... I like paper)....... but that was still a good book...............
  24. corect me if I'm wrong..... but I thought ambergrass (whoever its spelled_) was from sick sperm whales...................
  25. It's not a matter of How I feel right now..... it's a matter of "What the heck is th kity doing right now............" different perspective..................
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