Patrick Hand
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Everything posted by Patrick Hand
I thought there was an article in "No Quarter Given" about "The Money Pit"..... now I'll have to try to find it....... From what I remember (but I could be realy wrong on this...) it was to complex to have been made by pyrates...... the flood tunnels .... etc... and erosion underground has made them flood even better (or worse...) Now I gotta go find that article............
Lets see..... Angels Camp in in Calaveras (Spanish fer Skulls) County..... in the Gold country..... Thar be at least one Pyrate in th' area that knows how to PARTY........ (I live about half an hour up the mountain from Angels Camp.....) The Calaveras Celtic Faire, isn't exactly a Renn. Faire, closer to a county fair, but with a Caltic infleunce....they do have jousting, and lots of good food and mucic, and some re enactors set-up camps..... Tales of the Seven Seas did something the same weekend last year, (OH yah... the Dubblin St. Patricks Parade.....) but I want to check into setting up a Pyrate camp there this year.... Pyrates, at a Celtic Faire ? ........ sure, (they have that stupid Roman)..... But what do you think the Celts were doing during that time period.... standing around in kilts, throwing logs and stuff.... I figure that I want to ....is make some large easy to read signs for the side of the camp showing.... 1. A map showing where and who the Celts were (I'm amazed how many people have no idea..... (see comment about the Roman)) 2. A map showing where and who the Pyrates were...... (other than the Dutch and a few renigades) it's an interesting coincedence.... isn't it..... 3. A list by nationality of where famous Pyrate were from. (that might be on the second map.....) Most of the Fairs that we do are for intertainment, this one I want to do as educational....... (it's realy the only one that I can think of where it would work........)
But we was dancin' on th' tables...... (till security told us to get down so we don't get hurt.....) I was kinda outta sorts, but it was a fun, laidback faire.......
Th' tickets say...... 30 Nov. 11:15 AM And returning 5 Dec. 6:00 PM Cool... I just saw what th' fare was...... alla way from California to Miami ... Round trip..... $297.90
pssssst <I was just joking about it being the bus line...... but the travel agent who my boss got the plaine tickets through was the one who told her that.....> Awh heck..... the bus ride sounds kinda fun......... I should get there in time fer the "End of Hurricane Season Party"........
Charles Edward Patterson..... But when I was in the Army, it got shortened to PATT, which is what I go by.... But a lot of people think it's short for Patrick..... I still get confused when someone ask for Mr. Patterson....... think they are looking for my Father.........
Captain Jim, I've seen something like that in (I think it was) "the Buffalo Hunters sketchbook". it carried two skinning knives, and a steel to sharpining them..... Interesting picture tho.......
Well I can't document my baldrick, but it is made out of very heavy ox hide, and has a long tapered wet molded loop on the front to hold a pistol. But because the leather is so heavy, even with the weight of the pistol, it dosen't slide around...... Of course, I don't know how many pistoles you could carry this way......
I look at my plaine tickets everyday....... of course they only get me to Miami..... but I hear the bus ride down (4 hours and 40 min. ) is colorfull........ Is the Key West airport realy outta commision, or did someone working for the bus line set me up ?
I figure that Caroleen and I should get there a little after dark.... probably about 8:00- 8:30
I was in the U.S. Army for four years.... 1976- 1980..... I am proud to have served my country.... Who else was in the military............
Ghod..... spell check was invented fer people like me.............. just such a shame that it don't work in th' pub................... OH well..... most o' th' tyme people can figure out wot I be tyin'............
Or wot about a Thomas the gun shooting tyrantasauris rex pyrate ship.... all th good stuff............... (dang once apon a tyme I was a little boy..... kinda scary if ye think about it....)
Iffin I gets me way.... it won't be PG... but ...wot th' heck I just be one bad pyrate................................. oh yah.... look like I will be there again this year..............YAH..........
aaaaaargh... rum still be a good thing.....................
my desktop is very subtial.(sp)....... just a red skull and crossed bones on a black screen................................ Dang... I hate not knowing how to spell..........................
I've done SCA heavy weapons fighting.... and played with fencing.......... One................... do not bet on me in single combat..... I just ain't that good.......... BUT I can break a shield wall like you can't beleave....... I wanna get a few mask... so I can use foils..... and "play" fencing is ... cool... with "real swords" if you win.... the other guy dosen't wanna play next weekend.....................
Aaaargh.............the paws (puse)............................... dang good pun.................
Cool..... cool... cool... I can get there.....where I sleep is kinda a hasstle.......
Aaargh... BlackJohn.......... ain't that th" fun of wot we do... I'm kinda courous bout the tying with ribbons,,,,,,,,,, holsters be something compleatly different,,,,,,,,,,, we live and learn..... (or something like that.............................)
Top 10 items for your pirate kit
Patrick Hand replied to Gentleman of Fortune's topic in Thieves Market
Aaaaargh I likes th' sound O' that............. when ye gets nasty.............aaaargh. -
What kind of Glasses are appropriate for GAoP?
Patrick Hand replied to Gentleman of Fortune's topic in Thieves Market
My Girlfriend /lover got a pair of Jas Townsend glasses.... got them fixed.... period.... but they look diferent.............. OK John Lenon or somethig like that...........dang sometimes "period" just be diffferent.............. -
OK.. not period. buttons.... but there is a lady that sells offfa E-bay.....................if ye can't find it ... then I will look it up fer ye....................
Blackjohn.... never meeting you.................. I don"t think you are an Authenticy Nazi........you just try to do thing right and "period" I turned my girlfriend onto Pyrates..... OK she is not Period... but she is havin fun............... The authentics do not hate the fun pyrates....... we are playing the same game.... dang ... wish I could explaine it beter..............................authentic is fun.... play is also.....................
I say it be me bad ass kitty............... and he will scratch yer eyeballs out if you don't agree........... And I did not type this...... bad ass kitty did,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,