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Posts posted by Jib

  1. I imagine that perfumes, scented oils, and powders may have been the personal possessions of wealthy prey on sailing ships. Any note of a pirate dabbing a bit on himself? Or would that type of treasure be sold off for coin or the embraces of a dockside trollop?

  2. Got my copy yesterday from Amazon and quickly ordered a second for a friend! My favorite scene was when Long John meets with the gentlemen for a parley and asks for help standing back up. All refuse and he must twist about as he attempts to rise. Very cool!

  3. Did I notice a new mark of some type on Jacks face? An "X" on his upper right side almost eye level?

    Liked the tie in with the monkey and Sao Feng's map.

    Did not like the zombies (but might have liked them if they were better explained).

    I wished the mermaid would have saved the preacher only to devour him with her sisters.

  4. Pirates friends: I am the person who started this nasty thread way back. "hangs head in shame" I have regretted it ever since. Your comments about supporting the pirate community and helping new people enter the hobby are the true essence of this site. Posters like Patrick Hand, Mission, Capt. Sterling, and others have all voiced some great complaints about this post. This topic was my fault and it was a bad idea.

    Will you forgive me or am I to be left on a desert island with a pistol and one shot?

  5. My thought was that if the pirates created a "choke point" while trying to board it might allow the defenders (with a smaller crew) to hold out against them. Approaching the ship from multiple locations would not allow the defenders to all gather in one place.

  6. What about stage combat weapons? Something that is going to get banged about? I have been using Hoppes oil but noticed that a brown funk has started to appear on my rapier. Suggestions?

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