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Posts posted by Jib

  1. My very first pirate event was years ago at Port Washington, WI. With a few very notable exceptions, I felt like an outcast, and the person who had been begging me to attend, barely spoke five words to me the whole five days I was there. I felt cheated and had dropped a lot for money for nothing. Had I let the experience of that event influence my decision to bail out of pyracy, which I almost did, I would have missed out meeting a whole new group of people whom I just love and respect, and would have missed out on being part of the crew of the schooner Aldebaran for four years. I gave pyracy one more chance at Ojai. Ojai was always a heap of fun, and I was very sad when they closed the doors on that event. At first, NorCal was just a huge bit of fun. But now it is soooo chaotic and crowed with people (30K over the two days) that by the afternoon, you can barely move around the event site. And the group we had hung with for so long, slowly morphed into a group of loafers. So again, a group of us split off (Red-Handed Jill, Iron Jack, Lady Jaxx, Wheezer, Captain Vortex, Wicked Wench and a few others), created a new group (The Seacats), and attended the smaller venue of Brookings, OR. We all did stuff, interacted with the crowd, and had a grand time.

    LOL So, I guess the bottom line is, a person's particpation in pyracy may evolve over time, but you never really let that pirate spirit die....you just move on and find new friends and places to play.

    If money and a horse-sitter were not an issue, there would be lots more events on our clanedar.


    Ransom I'm sorry you had a bad time at Port Washington Pirate Festival. I have attended that event off and on for a few years and had a great time (the weather can be a real challenge). Had I known you were attending at the same time I was I certainly would have extended the hand of friendship.

  2. Congrats on the baby boy - I have two now. If you ever get a post in Milwaukee or Sturgeon Bay, let me know. We can get together and drink rum.

    Funny Mister Bottles! I was just in Sturgeon Bay last weekend and took some pirate themed photos at Whitefish Dunes. Due to the rain we only managed about an hour on Friday and then went wine tasting.

  3. This is a very fitting topic, as I'm just signing on to the pub for the first time in a few years. I never really left piracy in my heart, but have definitely taken a hiatus in recent years. The primary reason is that there are no events (that I know of) near me in Alaska. I don't have the time or money to be flying around the country, as the wife and I (and now baby boy!) took up all our vacation time and money just seeing family. Then there's the other hobbies... homebrewing, gardening (mostly the wife, but I love the edible crops), and maintaining and sailing my own sailboat. There's only enough time and money for some of these, especially with the new aforementioned spawn (just 8 weeks old). If there were others around that did pirate events/get togethers/ shanty nights, then I would probably still have kept up with the hobby a bit more. However, the ease of access to other like minded individuals (except virtually) made me lapse on checking the pub or improving my kit. The weather up here doesn't help, either. However, my love of history and the sea have finally brought me back here.


    Welcome back and best wishes to your heir and spouse!

  4. If other people's actions cause you to stop reenacting, you have decided to let them control you.

    Why would you do that?

    I can see finding new people or new events if the old ones aren't serving you, but to quit the hobby because you don't like the way someone else behaves? Nah.

    Nicely put Mission! Excellent point!

  5. also...

    Eye mentioned that sometimes a group of people or an event can put a bitter taste in one's mouth. Could you imagine a group or event that would wreck your love for playing piracy? Say the demise of a favored pirate event or change in management. Another idea would be a change in the group of people with whom you engage at various events.

  6. Have you ever considered, after a particularly brutal event, just hanging up the tricorn, cutlass and the black flag? Stopped being a pirate for a hobby?

    It doesn't matter if you are a historical reenactment performer, pirate entertainer, or just really like pirates and enjoy dressing up and playing the part! Do you have a break point or level that could drive you away?

    What could make you so disappointed, saddened or angry enough to give up being a pirate?

    Have you come close to leaving the hobby? Ever taken time away?

    Or is it that important that you could never say farewell?

  7. Mission you are mistaken! How Crispy, as a blind man, can find "women of generous chestage" is legendary and documented. Almost like echo location and bats!

    From the journal of Jacob Satire Mumble, 1701: "As I looked upon the Bristol docks I saw a blind man picking amid the rags and cast offs. This fellow was covered in sores and wore a crumbled black felt hat with dark spectacles of tortoise shell. When a well endowed fish wife happened by the blind man was off like a bee to the hive! His hands out stretched before him eager to explore the ripe pippins"

    from Penthouse forums May 1701

  8. With fall TV season right around the corner you'd think we'd hear more on these new TV shows. Unless they plan to release them in Feb to replace other series that have fallen away...

  9. They could also be embroidered. If that is beyond your skill set, perhaps an applique that looks like period embroidery? For that matter, can you turn the logo into something else?

    Embroidery is way out of my skill set! The logo say (are you ready for this!) "Woman's World" with a very modern looking globe. Tough pirate wearing women's rose gloves!

  10. Some backstory first: I do stage combat and one thing required is a decent pair of leather gloves. The leather protects the hands should a blade slip past the hilt. Most stage combat weapons develope burs on the blade that can also cause injury. That said I found a beautiful set of long leather rose gloves that will fit my needs very well. The problem is that the gloves have a nasty logo on the back of the hand.

    So I'm considering disguising the logo. I thought maybe some lace. Yeah it's foppish but I am a fancy fellow. Any ideas?

  11. Aye Mates!

    A normally historically-accurate minded soul such as I am never thought he'd be makin this recommendation, but in all honestry, "The Price of Freedom" - the 400 or so page novel of young adult, 'lawful merchantman' Jack Sparrow, was one of the best fiction reads I can recall, especially in the pirate realm.

    Yes, just like with the movies, you have to just go with certain dramatic conventions, but outside of that, it is very very accurate to the times and the trade - how many times do you hear of a traverse board in fiction? - and it is solid throughout. The very last bit, where the very-believable tale has to be wed to the beginning of the movie series is a bit much for me, but not anymore 'out there' than the movies themselves. Good story, good character development of Jack, good interplay of pirates among themselves and the lawful, good insight into the non-pirate culture of the times, a bit of mystery, good intro of characters we see later in the movies (Angelica and others), good sailing. Getting hard to find in stores, but on ebay or amazon for only a few quid most days.

    yours, aye-

    I'm about half done with this book and enjoy it very much. The tale links together many POTC themes and characters. Jack Sparrow is a slightly different than how he is portrayed in the films but still recognizable. If you are looking for fun and like the "history light" Disney approach the book is a good one!

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