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Posts posted by Jib

  1. Sorry Grymm and Jen. As a foolish colonist I used the name it is called on this side of the ocean. I knew of "perry" and that it had a long history. Where I live it is marketed as "pear cider", which is old since cider is apple.

  2. BTW, while Rob Roy is set during the GAoP, and is an excellent movie, it doesn't actually have any pirates that I know of. Just a very, very deromanticized version of the aristocratic highwayman.

    and one of the best fight scene I've ever seen on film! Rob vs. Archie!

  3. When I was a kid and road the school bus to grade school, I had a friend who had what he called a "dead eye". His eye turned milky the older he got. Despite not being able to see out of the eye it was sensitive to light. By the time we were both in High School he had a permanent squint with one eye (think Popeye).

    So let me suggest this. Perhaps a patch wasn't as often when a sailor lost an eye but instead had a damaged eye?

  4. Recently while sailing the Netflix shores I discovered a few interesting streaming films that have a pirate theme or similar adventure styled tales. I though perhaps the Pub members could share Netflix gems they have found streaming? We can even share documentaries and historical features.

    I found the following:

    Treasure Island 1999 (with Jack Palance as Long John Silver)

    Treasure Island 2012 (with Eddie Izzard as Long John Silver and Elijah Wood as Ben Gunn)

    Treasure Planet, Disney's animated science fantasy version of the classic story.

    Rob Roy

    Plunkett and MacLeane

  5. One Eyed Trollop

    Golden Age of Piracy

    Cape Verde islands, Boa Vista 1713

    Part 3 of 3

    Riet, a notorious whore, spy and mistress of poison has recruited you to help her steal some pearls from a mysterious passenger aboard the Portuguese sloop “Sao Miguel”. She has managed to get you both hidden in the ships hold amid a cargo of what you believe to be Textiles. Perhaps the cargo is for use in the purchase of slaves in West Africa...

    If you decide that you have had enough of One-eye Riet and her mischief and attempt to leave you discover that it is impossible to move. Somehow Riet has used some sort of toxin to paralyze you! “It is for your own good.” Riet coos in your ear before making herself very comfortable and intimate with your person.

    After a week of hiding and stealing scraps of food and water the ship arrives in a small archipelago you know to be the Cape Verde islands. You have heard that the French sacked all of the Portuguese settlements on the islands last year leaving the population fragmented and fearful. Interestingly you have overheard French spoken from your hiding spot in the cargo hold.

    As darkness falls Riet leads you quietly back up on deck. She has drawn a stiletto and she encourages you to have your cutlass ready. Together you sneak into one of the sloops cabins. In the small room illuminated only by the full moon you see the sleeping form of a man. It takes you only a heartbeat to recognize Arsene Dufort, one of Louis XIV of Frances deadliest swordsmen! Arsene is a giant, over seven feet in height with a mane of red gold hair. Riet brought you along to fight should the mighty Frenchman awaken!

    Riet seemingly knows where Dufort keeps his purse and removes a red velvet pouch from his justacorps that is casually thrown over a nearby chair. With a grin she signals you it is time to leave and together you slip off the ship and into the warm water. It is a hard swim to the shores of nearby Boa Vista Island and you arrive as the sun comes up.

    Once you arrive on the beach you both collapse and rest. One-eye Riet removes the small velvet pouch and counts out thirty pearls. She hands you fifteen and then gets up to dust the sand from her clothes. With a sassy glance over her shoulder she walks off down the shore to the east. You see a few local fishermen to the west setting some nets just off the shore. Puzzled and slightly relieved you walk toward the fishermen. Did you imagine this adventure was going to go so smoothly? What do you do next?

    Trying a Viking themed story currently. Feel free to join us at any time!

  6. Well I'm quite impressed! Great work!

    I will likely check back periodically to see how it's going along. I'm critical enough of my own writing that it would take me wayyyy more time than I have to add into this, though. I'd re-edit it to death.

    If you want, as I create some photos to use for my shop, I can share them with you for your story. I'll be playing with period props.

    Thanks! I have at least 40 of these tales on the facebook page. Check them out if you like. No need to worry about writing a piece of literature... I make errors frequently. Fun is the goal.

    Images from the shop? Yes please! I can always use help with images! I can often dream up a story from just looking at a picture.

  7. One Eyed Trollop
    Golden Age of Piracy
    Island of Bermuda, Flatts Village 1713
    Part 2 of 3

    One-eye Riet has offered you the chance to help her steal some pearls. If you choose to join her in this endeavor she takes you to hired skiff and tells the boatman to make for Flatts Village. Once you arrive at the tiny fishing village you notice a sloop flying the flags of Portugal. Across the stern you see the ships name, “Sao Miguel”. Riet tells the boatman to silently row his skiff toward the ships anchor chain. She instructs you to climb the anchor chain and she follows. Together you sneak into the hold of the ship and hide yourselves amid the cargo. Riet whispers the ship is bound for Cape Verde and that a passenger on this very ship holds a purse of over thirty white pearls! Her goal is to sneak up on the final night and steal the purse and together with you flee once you reach the township of Praia de Santa Maria. Once ashore at Cape Verde you can split the prize and apart company. Riet gives you a deadly smile after explaining her plans and snuggles in beside you for the voyage. Do you accept her plan or leave?

    If you choose to fight Riet she moves quick as a snake while you draw your cutlass. She throws some kind of powder into the candle on your table that makes a hideous plume of green smoke and flees in the confusion. Perhaps next time you’ll get revenge on the she-devil!

    If you choose to ignore One-eye Riet and call for another drink you discover it has already been paid for. Riet leaves but not before giving you a pouting smile. As you taste your rum you find it oddly sweet as if sugar was added. As a precaution you dump the beverage upon the tavern floor and leave by the back door. You have never trusted Riet and don’t plan to start!

    Part 2

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