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Mad Matt

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Everything posted by Mad Matt

  1. Although you're already conked out, setting the alarm clock ACROSS the room for tomorrow will help force you to get out of bed to get to the clock which could be strategically placed next to your workout gear. This all only works, of course, if you remember to SET said alarm.....
  2. Thanks, Tom. I think my next venture will be the P90X program once the shoulder's healed up. That's if I have enough space in my living room to do the plyometric jumps..... If the ceiling's too low, I'll find something else to do.
  3. Grillin' here, too. BBQ chicken with Mexican cornbread.
  4. Finally! Someone t' help dear William in th' kitchen. I'm sure he'll be pleased. Pass a cold non-GAoP Corona this way, luv. Aw hell, let me two-fist 'em t'nite! Glad t' have y'aboard.
  5. Best of the Beach Boys It's 95 degrees today. That, plus listening to the Boys has me in quite the partying mood. All this energy and nowhere to release it!
  6. Rearranging the house and getting ready for my daughter to show up next Friday!
  7. run Forrest run!!!!!!!
  8. It's FRIDAY, BITCHES!!!!!!!!! -Mad Matt I feel a rum bender comin' on....
  9. It's your plan, mate. I'll offer you some advice and do with it what you will (don't we ALL do that, anyways?) Wake up and do some exercise within 15 minutes of rising. Whether you do a quick run (keep your clothes and shoes handy so you wake up, get dressed and are out the door) or you decide to do your bodyweight exercises (pushups, situps, etc.). Your body is more receptive to exercise in the morning to burn fat. Plus, when you run in the morning, you'll feel energized for the better part of the day. Once you're done running or exercising, eat again within 15 minutes while your metabolic rate is still high. This will help you burn more calories of the food you are eating as well as replenishing whatever nutrients your body used up during the night sleeping, as well as your just-completed exercise session. You can still do more, later. Best of luck!
  10. I'm comin' over!!!!!
  11. Pat, you KNOW you should just get a ninja sword. Don't need no fancy "katana". What with pirates and ninjas bein' mortal enemies and all....
  12. Mister William! Welcome aboard. Yer fiddle is most welcome. Jest think - if'n ye can't really play all that well, we'll still find it useful stokin' th' fire!!!! And since yer buyin', I'll take an ice cold Corona. Thankee.
  13. I am VERY compassionate. I just don't let it creep out much as it doesn't work well with th' bloodthirsty pyrat persona.
  14. Of Course Love ya read me mind 50/50 shot. Either that or "Get Stoned" which is awesome, too.
  15. Well, I've reached my first target weight of 185 pounds. Came down from around 240 or so. Doc says my rotator cuff isn't torn, so I can start rehabilitating my shoulder. Putting on more muscle and burning even more fat! BTW - You know you've lost a LOT of weight when the shorts you couldn't fit into because they were too small, now are too big and would fall off if you weren't wearing a belt!
  16. Had a bit t' drink today, Hester? Same friggin' word! :angry:
  17. I think yer hubby'd have a problem with it if'n you were touched by me..... Very glad yer back, dear.
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