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Mad Matt

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Everything posted by Mad Matt

  1. Start off by switching to diet. Tastes nasty to begin with, but eventually you won't notice the difference. So long as you don't go back and drink a REAL Dr. Pepper, that is. I've almost completely quit drinking regular sodas. I normally drink Diet Pepsi, Diet Pepsi w/lime (flavored stuff like that helps hide the taste and I like the Diet Pepsi/lime better than the Diet Coke/lime) and Coke Zero. Those, water, gatorade and milk are the things I normally drink. You can also look into the vast varieties of Crystal Light drink mixes, too.
  2. It would depend upon where yer puttin them cubes dearie.... Cold can cause "shrinkage". On the contrary..... Evidently you've never had the pleasure, mate. All I can say is WOW! Try creme de menthe, also.
  3. Don't live near it anymore, but the Whaley House in San Diego is supposed to be one of the most haunted places in the US. I don't believe in ghosts and whatnot, but I do find the stories interesting. If I had the money, I would like to take a trip to New Orleans and see their "haunted" places.
  4. Congratulations! I see ye finally got yer compass fixed and found this blasted place. Jest don't run tell EVERYONE about it lest we hafta spend most of arrrrrr time kickin' cheeky buggers outta here. When you start buyin', I'll start drinkin'.
  5. I don't believe in superstition at all. Having said that, I found out I may have to spend MORE money repairing my truck. Saving grace as far as superstition is concerned is that the wheel's been wobbling for the past week, not just today!
  6. Good on ya, mate! Welcome aboard. Hope that coin holds out fer a bit. I happen to be jest a bit parched.....
  7. That one was MUCH better than "Horses". Completely on opposite ends of the spectrum, I just finished listening to Kelly Clarkson.
  8. VERY good! I just solidified plans for my daughter's birthday and reserved a room at one of the Sheraton's in Phoenix. She knows NOTHING of the plans. I hope she will be very pleased with her birthday this year.
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