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Everything posted by Duchess

  1. "Here, Fishy fishy fishy." it's a bit obscure, but from a well known movie. And for whatever reason, it's the one my whole family remembers.
  2. The most recent Indiana Jones And hold one I'm thinking of a quote.
  3. Step it out Mary Boiled In Lead
  4. Ahh, this is good to see. I have been rewatching Firefly, in anticipation of the film. Very nice.
  5. Well, I'm a Gilbert and Sullivan fan, so of course I think it's a good show if it is well cast. G&S shows take a remarkable amount of liguinsitic agility and it that is there they're great. Chances are it probably is, most people don't stage these shows if there is any uncertainty in the casting. So enjoy.
  6. Like O!M!G! Like, can u beleave it?!?
  7. Also check out The Real Mckenzies www.realmckenzies.com
  8. So Charlie! Would you agree? Leon Redbones best song (but only to me i'm sure) was "Aint Misbehaving"? Nice memories there! I was actually listening to "and the angels sing" sung by Martha Tilton fronting the Benny Goodman Orchestra with ziggy Elman on trumpet! I've never heard his version. I'm partial to Lovesick Blues and some of the others on Red to Blue. So, I've just gone to put that in. Oh yeah. "We meet and the angels sing..." Good memories for me there.
  9. Yep, odd.
  10. Leon Redbone - Up a Lazy River
  11. So, from an actual desire to know and not a desire to malign, impugn or otherwise incite... Do you find that the expansion and contraction of a wooden astrolabe (from wetting and drying) affects the accuracy?
  12. Thank you Mission! I think one of my favorite things about Shaun of the Dead was watching for all the Spaced actors/actresses to show up. And sure enough they did! I haven't watched any of the extras yet. I seem to find that the extras make the movie less interesting, with a few very rare exceptions. I really just want the experience the magic of storytelling, I don't want to know who was whining on set, who did or did not do their own stunts, etc.
  13. So, are ye a topless pirate then?
  14. Well, I think you might just get to keep that virtual nickel.
  15. Is that from one of the "God's Must be Crazy" movies?
  16. Nifty. It reminds a great deal of a WWII gas mask bag I carried for years until I wore all the canvas out. Duchess
  17. Okay (photo) graphic evidence. Center lady, an exceptionally well fitting bodice. http://www.joatmon.com/renpics/pics/MOM&DAUG.jpg ill fitting not really a bodice or anything at all, this one is only medium bad. http://www.caffeineod.com/shawn/ren/mini-1...05-0516_IMG.JPG You know it's odd, I see prime examples of what not to wear for a bodice, quite frequently in person, but I've searched all over the web, and it seems that no one has photographed them. I wonder why? Duchess
  18. Here's what happens with bodices: If it looks like it goes under the bust or that is what you want, if you have any mammaries at all, you will have absolutely NO SUPPORT. Be prepared to flop over the top, out the sides and everywhere else inertia will induce your breasts to go. Simply wearing a shirt will not solve the problem, shirts are not meant nor designed to do that. To avoid this problem you need a bodice that comes up at least half way over your bust. It is this support from the bottom, sides and front that produces the ogle worthy cleavage and not dangerous squishy pendulums subject to the capriciousness of physics. No matter how great you look with them out and amuck, you'll look ten times better with them properly displayed. I promise. Duchess
  19. These folks do fabulous work as well http://www.pendragoncostumes.com/
  20. Did you notice that in several of the captions it says Chow Yun-Fat is also going to be in the movie? It didn't come up on IMDB though. Duchess
  21. No no. They just aren't singing what I'm always hearing in the music. Kind of like when a movie is made from a book you really love and the characters just are not how you "saw" them, but the rest is great. That's what I've always felt about that piece of music and the singing. And of course I like my version better. Duchess
  22. Yeah. I think I'll give this one up. The quote is from 13th Warrior Ibn asks the question and Herger replies, about hunting the nameless evil. Duchess
  23. Interesting. I've always been opposed to the chorus myself.
  24. Haha! Now, welcome to my playground! Thanks Rumba Duchess
  25. So the real question is do you prefer Ride of Valkaries with or with out the chorus? Duchess
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