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Everything posted by Duchess

  1. I worked at the this festival for eight years. Mid August can never pass without me being a bit sad I don't anymore.
  2. The writing is just as good. That same sort of smoothness in the delivery and very smart. I actually like Angel a little more, since over the years of Buffy it gets a little repetitive with it being all about her suffering.
  3. I haven't lived in a house with functioning television reception in twelve years. By the time I get around to watching a television show, it's because all of my tv endowed friends have told me I simply cannot live without seeing a particular show, and it's come out on DVD or someone burns it for me. I can count exactly what shows those have been. Spaced and Firefly have been my absolute favorites. Things I can sit down and watch over and over and get something new or different out each viewing. Buffy Angel Spaced the new Dr. Who (which I haven't watched yet) Firefly and Southpark
  4. Yep, exactly the same cast. I think it is suppposed to occur a few months after the last episode. Comes out in September and is called Serenity. I have to agree with the love assessment, Blackjohn. It really is like a science fiction soap opera in space. I view Janye as having a whole mess of loyalities and it's sort of a revolving rack and he ends up subordinate to whatever one is on the top. And he seems to change alot. I mean tough ass Janye is practically in tears at the end of Janyestown. He's really the only member of the crew that doesn't understand (at the beginning) what it means to have a family and needs to learn that loyalty.
  5. You beat me to it. I was thinking a thread was necessary. I started last night rewatching the DVD's in anticipation of the film. One of the reasons I like Jayne so much is that he's always changing. Sometimes he's incredibly perceptive other times just an idiot but always sarcastic and flippant. I have to agree that Firefly is one of the best SF things I've ever seen. The world it exists in seems very plausable and realistic. The blending of Chinese and American cultures is usually what I see into the future.
  6. Thankee Ciaran. Tis been awhile since I've had any dancing myself.
  7. https://pyracy.com/gallery/details.php?...751&mode=search
  8. Yeah, I Jayne is probably my favorite character. I thought for a while about naming one of my firearms Vera, but I haven't got anything that quite lives up to that name.
  9. So, does Vera get her name from a certain cancled television show?
  10. Aye, I think Callenish must be correct, it's the hook.
  11. If it takes you nine days to hem a sash, you have other problems of truly epic proportions. and to answer your question: The proper sash length is any you like. Tie it on wear it around a bit, see what feels good. And remember it is easier to get shorter than longer. I suggest starting long wearing it around and shortening it up to what you feel is comfortable.
  12. Aye, I had a pair of those I made of six-in-one chain maile. Just an addition to the boot.
  13. This depends on wether or not accuracy is important to you. Me, it isn't drastically important and tends to take a back seat to my pocket book. So, I use my leather bodice as a multipurpose base piece. I created the character with the accessories, the type of shirt under the bodice, pants/skirt shoes, etc... Yes it should be snug, but not inhibit breathing or create bruises.
  14. there are several other topics devoted to good places to buy boots. they are located here in the plunder section. You might like to check those out.
  15. Good to know, but not of much help. I don't even know what Ghirardelli's square is. Except a prodigious decadant chunk of chocolate. Its a plaza in San Francisco owned by the chocolatier. In addition to their own marvelous confections and ice cream shop, there are a bunch of other little stores there. Wasn't sure if you were in the Nor Cal area or not. Nope, the eastern boondocks of washington.
  16. Good to know, but not of much help. I don't even know what Ghirardelli's square is. Except a prodigious decadant chunk of chocolate.
  17. I've never heard of this, but it sounds like a great way to start off with your exact body shape!
  18. Hmm, the sticks have always worked well for me. But I come at them thinking of physics. You can't just wad up the hair shove a stick through and expect it to stay. You need to put stress on the stick and some tension on your hair. All that increases the friction and counteracts gravity resulting in the do staying done. I've now thought a while about how to show you over the internet, but cannot really come up with a way. So I promise, if I ever meet you in person, I can show you how to make it work.
  19. Yep, something like that. Or something done with a small lathe. I don't need matched sets, since I only use one at a time.
  20. Aye, but shorter. About five to seven inches long. With a knob or some sort of decoration on one end that is wider than the shaft. I'd like them decorative enough to not look like chopsticks that were cut off.
  21. I'll second this assesment. I bought a hat from excalibur ten years ago, still looks great today.
  22. I'm looking to have someone make some fancy carved wood hair sticks for me. They are my chief way of getting my hair up and I haven't been able to find any I like in the variety of stores available. I have some specifics but I'll wait on those for the interested artisans. Any interested artisans out there?
  23. Hmmm, let me think here....No one. Though hopefully in the future I might.
  24. OH! Thats a second source for the same quote! The movie I was thinking of was Deuce Bigelow. Where Oded Fehr character taps repeatedly one the fish tank trying to get his fishes to look at him. You may go ahead with the next quote.
  25. Nope, the quote might be "ehhh, Fishy, fishy, fishy." instead, I cannot recall exactly. But they fishy part is the crucial bit
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