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Everything posted by Duchess

  1. Oh, Bulletproof Monk. A movie I was surprisingly pleased with. Hold on now I have to come up with a quote.
  2. Chocolate pie on MY plate, Sir? I fear you are sadly mistaken, for that is but the ghost of a chocolate pie, lingering on in remorse. I shall have to selflessly consume another piece so that it will have company. And of course another guinness to pay Charon.
  3. Oh my Guiness and chocolate pie, possibly the very best desert ever.
  4. See, the problem is you've awed us all with such a prodigious plethora of varied costume pics! We just cannot compete.
  5. with the mary janes, you're like the quintessential pirate school girl! Lovely.
  6. So far as I know, this phrase doesn't really describe sea shanties. You might check out some of the other threads about Punk and Metal bands with nautical themes. That's about the closest I think you're going to come, though I stand willing to be corrected.
  7. If you go to the page with headstone pictures and click the Cove Cemetery link at the bottom, you're taken to a full list of the other people burried there. At the top of the list is this whole Sparrow family, they mention Jonathan life and several wives. Neat.
  8. So, I'll do an easy one now. You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
  9. I was thinking this was Princess Bride. So I went to look up a quote to post after my triumphant answer. Decided I wanted to do one from Sleepy Hollow. And low this quote was actually from Sleepy Hollow!
  10. Ahem, I'm gonna call bullshit on that one. Look at your user name and your profile, full of sterotypes and catagories. But, don't feel persecuted. That true for anyone who says those things. No one actually does with out sterotypes and labels, just as there is no such thing as altruism.
  11. Nope, but that is an excellent movie. Same sort of genre.
  12. Why is this thing not in the air? 'Cause I usually drive a Cadillac!
  13. Real Genius!
  14. As a general comment, silk is often a very "slippery" material and you may have trouble getting it to stay put. Particularly when wearing it over hair.
  15. I hadn't seen that, and it was creepy. Thanks
  16. Aye, mine reminds me of an old Japanese mob movie. Where approximately twenty minutes of the film is devoted to an underboss having to procure a fake pinky finger, after cutting his own off to atone for some indiscretion. Ultimately he ends up with the enormous thing (because it slides over the actors not actually removed pinky finger) that is about four shades darker than the rest of his hand. He then wanders around showing it off and the other mobsters are much impressed.
  17. Tan Pinky Ann I think this leaves something to be desired...
  18. WTF? Are they expecting a baby of unusual size or something? Or is that for all the video cameras? Perhaps they are expecting a ROUS instead of BOUS?
  19. Nope thats bleach. I don't even know where you would find "tea" that was so basic it would bleach you fabric. Black tea has a pH around 6 (roughly half that of bleach and neutral is 7) Alternatively if it's the water you're worried about, you're pretty much screwed for wearing and washing let alone weathering. So, I vote giver a try.
  20. risk it? Think about this for a second... You're trying to figure out a way to make this thing look old and dirty and less shiney. Not keep it in pretty pristine condition. How much risk is that? It will either work perfectly and come out evenly dark. It will work sort of and come out patchy or not work at all eliciting no change at all. Sounds to me like theres nothing to lose.
  21. Do you ever have the experience of doing something you do everyday, pretty much without thinking. And wake up one day and suddenly without thinking do it differently? This morning I was flossing my teeth and was about half way done when suddenly I couldn't figure out how to do it. Why? I had wrapped the floss around my left hand and worked to the right, when every other time in my life I've flossed I've wrapped on the right had and gone left.
  22. I think the last time I was in study hall, I spent the hour flipping pencils into the ceiling...
  23. Pynch is the name, you were looking for.
  24. You can get magnetic earings. Usually pretty strong rare earth magnets with a front and back that "clip" to your ears. Your could also go the route of ear bands. These slide over the cartiligious portion of your ear and sit at about the half way point. Try doing a google search on these.
  25. Or atleast fund the rumoured movie sequels!
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