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Everything posted by Duchess

  1. So I was listening to an old recording of the NPR show "This American Life" a few months back. In this recording they interviewed a fellow who had come up with his own theory of physics (at this juncture I cannot recall the actual topic) that completely refuted all existing precepts of physics and making the whole subject understandable to the common person. All this with out ever having taken a course in physics. It struck me then that this is how most people approach physics. They come up with a theory that suits their own purposes and simply go with it. It seems to happen more frequently with quantum mechanics and astrophysics because, I think, of the plethora of publically consumable books written on the subjects. And particularly with quantum mechanics because the common person is completely unwilling to accept the fact that the acknowledged experts in the field admit that they don't understand it all. Thus the co-opting of quantum theory to justify mysticism. The reading of Feynman's lectures will pretty much point out that this: is all wrong. Or it will drive you batty. It's a tosser. Actually I think it would be wonderful to publish a collection of peoples personal theories on physics. And maybe a companion piece on peoples theories about what Physicists are covering up.
  2. Oh, that's not so impressive, it's on my shelf, living next to Hero. I was actually trying to decide between the two which to watch again tonight. I ended up with Kung Fu Hustle.
  3. OOOOooo, thats Shaun of the Dead okay. hmmm... "You shot me in the back! Did I finally make you made?"
  4. I asked around a little bit a some of the islands I've been to. It seems that the pirate history is closely tied to rum running and then into modern day drug running. The latter of which everyone is trying to avoid or down play or at least show that it's dwindling. Also mentioned was something to the effect of people not being interested in the tourist attractions located in their own backyard. ie: "thats what the tourists do, not the locals."
  5. Well, just as a bizarre point of fact, if there were no Fourier Transforms there would be no meaningfull Quantum Mechanics.
  6. Why thank you! I kind of think of it as a feel good movie without being sappy or neglecting serious issues. My siblings and I watched it a lot when it first came out on video. It even inspired my seven year old brother to dress in drag for a boy scouts meeting. Even now the film and more often the soundtrack is something that ties us all firmly together.
  7. Oh, yeah. That one really threw me when I realized who it was. Too bizarre. Is Priscilla QOTD worth watching? All I've ever heard about it was that it was weird. I enjoy weird at a certain level, but is it weird good or weird bad? (On my recent trip to Oz, we visited the place where most of it was filmed.) Hmm, I like it immensely. But it certainly isn't the sort of movie to have mass or general appeal.
  8. Agent Mitzie Elrond in Priscilla Elf Queen of the Matrix. The other one that got me most recently was Guy Pearce. In the Count of Monte Cristo, Memento and Priscilla Queen of the Desert. I was watching Monte Cristo last night and kept thinking that Fernand should be singing something, so I looked it up today. And low it was a "Desert holiday, hip hip hip hiphorray!"
  9. Oh, aye there's plenty o' those techniques. But that isn't stained glass. I guess you're looking for someone to paint on a pane of glass, which is an entirely different sort of beast.
  10. Having done quite of a bit of stainded glass work, I can tell you it will be very difficult. It will never happen as a small piece. As a medium sized piece (roughly 30"x 40") it will end up looking chunky and somewhat juvenile. If you want all that detail you should start thinking church window size and lots of money. But good luck in your quest.
  11. I seem to recall reading about ships have several different glasses with various amounts of time, 12 and 28 seconds are the two values I remember. But unfortunately I have no recollection of where I came across the information. I seems to me that any moderate amount of seconds would work just fine as long as you made the proper mathematical compensations and conversions. From a purely statistical point of view you would want the longest possible time for your line length and speed.
  12. The day is nigh! I've made all preparations and will be ditching my responsbilities tomorrow afternoon to make the four o'clock showing. Oh joy!
  13. What about a silk brocade for an outer garment/coat?
  14. Okay, heres a clue. There is an actor connection between Sahara and this movie.
  15. is it Alfie? Or Dirty rotten scoundrels? No and no.
  16. Oh, thats Sahara Is that the Clive Cussler book with Dirk Pit???? Read it years ago didn't see it yet! I enjoyed it a lot. It isn't true to the story (which was pretty preposterous anyway) but is very true to the characters. No pretensions of being other than an action joy ride.
  17. I'm sure you have a perfectly good explanation for this, but I'm buggered if I know what it is.
  18. *rolls eyes* oh, please! Everybody flirts, but if someone is married nothing is going to happen beyond just flirting. Exactly. So why assume that just because they are flirtatious and not loudly proclaiming their marriage that they are unhappy in it?
  19. Oh, thats Sahara Stand by for your next quote.
  20. Hmmm, I find it interesting that several of the people who are now decrying people who are married but still flirtatious are the exact same people who were expounding the right to be a flirt and a "player" in nonserious fashion on another thread.
  21. Chaotic Neutral A chaotic neutral character follows his whims. He is an individualist first and last. He values his own liberty but doesn’t strive to protect others’ freedom. He avoids authority, resents restrictions, and challenges traditions. The chaotic neutral character does not intentionally disrupt organizations as part of a campaign of anarchy. To do so, he would have to be motivated either by good (and a desire to liberate others) or evil (and a desire to make those different from himself suffer). The common phrase for chaotic neutral is "true chaotic." Remember that the chaotic neutral character may be unpredictable, but his behavior is not totally random. He is not as likely to jump off a bridge as to cross it. Chaotic neutral is the best alignment you can be because it represents true freedom both from society’s restrictions and from a do-gooder’s zeal. --excerpted from the Player’s Handbook, Chapter 6
  22. It's true! I chopped him up. But I didn't kill him!
  23. Yep, take it away!
  24. nope, but that was a strange movie. My parents actually introduced me it.
  25. Do you think that I'd talk to a dog? Do you think I'd ask a dog whether you're good or evil? What do you think I am? Some kind of crazy backwoods lunatic with a barn full of human skulls and a scythe that I sharpen every day in readiness for Armageddon?
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