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Skull pyrate Carter

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Everything posted by Skull pyrate Carter

  1. Sweet! hopefully it's today, I'm itching to start filling some pages. What exactly is the rule with regards to how many pages we can fill? I know with mine you can fill up quite a few for each person since it was only purchased for this purpose.
  2. Why can't we be childish? Please oh please, I am told to be an adult everywhere else especially about everything else, and now we cannot be childish with the name calling on a Pirate Pub?
  3. I only wish she was funny in personality and not just looks. (What ever happened to the camera adding 10 lbs.?)
  4. Sorry MAB, i was sure you'd be able to pick up my address from osmosis or esp or something. Sent ya a message. Good to see Oderless got mine. Okay, now we can play....
  5. I wonder if that's what I felt? I was at work and I coulda sworn I felt an earthquake, but it was kinda faint and I was getting out of an elevator, but it just didn't feel like it normally does...
  6. BLACK MAB it's cool, i am supposed to be at the faire (sometime hopefully), but just send it as soon as you can, I'm sure sketchbooks will be sent off when they can here and there.
  7. I got mine, it's smaller than an 8.5 x 11 I figured I'd help out on the size to help make it cheaper for everyone envolved to send.
  8. I will be purchasing a pair of shoes, hopefully, soon. Let me get some things in order.
  9. I didn't know that was your daughter, Ace. No wonder you all are so worried about her college fund.
  10. Aye mates, we have all the pics up and there is a bunch just from me: http://picasaweb.google.com/carterartist/O.../OjaiPirateFair
  11. I should get a chance tomorrow to post excellent pics of our "independent" crew of scallywags!!
  12. Aye!! One more day at the office and then a wonderful weekend ahead!!
  13. i missed the first round, but i'm definetly down for this one!! I live in Irvine, CA
  14. Aye, Red Jamie's "ship" comes to berth today from the Florida keys, which gives us a few days to gather provisions and set sail this weekend with Pirate Petee and the rest of our scallywag friends. We shall enjoy the Ojai docks for the entire weekend, in fact no rushing out on sunday afternoon since we all took the followin' monday off.
  15. Yeah, Oderless I have that one too. Pyrate Petee and us will be up the second weekend (Red Jamie is in Florida right now), and Ace you know we will definetly stop by. We couldn't afford to go both weekends and our schedules allowed only the second.
  16. President Bush goes into a Primary School to meet the kids. There's a question session and a boy puts his hand up. Bush asks him his name. "Stanley," says the boy. "And what's your question Stanley?" The boy replies, "I have four questions: First, why did the USA invade Iraq without UN support? Second, why are you President when Al Gore got more votes? Third, whatever happened to Osama Bin Laden? And fourth, why are we so worried about gay marriage when half of all Americans don't have health insurance?" Before Bush can answer, the bell rings. Bush informs the kiddies that they will continue after the break. When they resume, a different boy puts up his hand. George asks him his name. "Johnnie," he responds. "And what is your question Johnnie?" "Actually I have six questions: First, why did the USA invade Iraq without UN support? Second, why are you President when Al Gore got more votes? Third, whatever happened to Osama Bin Laden? Fourth, why are we so worried about gay marriage when half of all Americans don't have health insurance? Fifth, why did the break bell go off 20 minutes early today? And sixth, what the pancake happened to Stanley?"
  17. so you write a book in the past and then find it today, after the testing proves it real, there you go.. heck you could "foretell" the future and create a prophesy on how you are to be Ruler of the world or else... put sooo much detail into it that it has to be you.
  18. Q: How many feminists does it take to screw in a light bulb? A: Not funny. Q: How many male chauvinists does it take to screw in a light bulb? A: Let the b*tch cook in the dark. An 80 year-old man goes into the confessional and tells the priest, "Father, I'm 80, I'm married, I have 4 children and 11 grandchildren. Last night I sinned and had an affair with two 18 year-old girls. We partied and made love all night long." The priest says, "My son, when was the last time you went to confession?" The old man said, "I've never been to confession. I'm Jewish." The priest said, "Then why are you telling me this?" The old man said, "Father, I'm telling everyone!"
  19. cell phone wouldn't work, due to towers absence.
  20. Penn & Teller did an experiment with the whole Dihydrogen Monoxide thing. they had a bunch of hippies signing a petition to outlaw it and a bunch of people kept signing it without any thought or questions! People are the biggest idiots.
  21. Five tips for a woman.... 1. It is important that a man helps you around the house and has a job. 2. It is important that a man makes you laugh. 3. It is important to find a man you can count on and doesn't lie to you. 4. It is important that a man loves you and spoils you. 5. It is important that these four men don't know each other. Foot Note: One saggy boob said to the other saggy boob: "If we don't get some support soon, people will think we're nuts."
  22. why not set up script that stops new users from posting with the smiley face icon... it seems to be how they always do it.
  23. just because digi cams didn't exist back then doesn't mean they couldn't...
  24. I'll tell you the first thing I would do, I'd be taking back bags and bags of salt to trade for gold...
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