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Skull pyrate Carter

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Everything posted by Skull pyrate Carter

  1. Last night ( ) by the way I love how it went to a rhyme part that ended with stain and went to Monica's dress!
  2. We be visual creatures mate. ya needs to be postin' some pics. it'd be really cool if ya did it in a panaramic view, even.
  3. when is this "not so scary" day? you can come in garb?
  4. So, Red and I were talking about holloween and dressing up. Then we talked about Knotts Holloween haunt, etc... Well, you cannot dress up there. So here's where the discussion led. March 18, 1967 was the openning day of "pirates of the Carribbean" ride at Disney, Anaheim, CA. how cool would it be if they were bombarded and boarded by us in garb? Of course we couldn't bring weapons or alcohol (where'd the fun go?) But I thought it might be an idea worth throwing out there. Especially since I know all the goth kids picked some day every year to fill the park with them all in black and such.
  5. Check yer email, ya scallywag, and be tellin me wats ya think.
  6. Aye, here's ya go: "Cause then there was this boy whose Parents made him come directly home right after school And when they went to their church They shook and lurched all over the church floor He couldn't quite explain it They'd always just gone there"
  7. It be a nice coat. Anyone have suggestions on the materials and patterns for those of us without coats but the desire to make one?
  8. aye, do ya wants yer pic on it as well?
  9. Aye, you have once again outdid me, mi boy. Dang that is sweet, here's to ya :angry:
  10. If curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back...I'll be sure to be a seein' this lil' film.
  11. Avast!! I know, I shall never say that again. However, I just wanted to get your attention. Here is the pictures from me. ((anyone know of a way of changing my name in here? I was thinking skull captain 'carter' has a better ring. I doubt it's possible, but if you can, can someone email me.)) Here be the Pictures from me.\
  12. do yas have the link to where ya found your info?
  13. I kindof skipped to the last page (442 pp?) rollerskates
  14. Call me a cheat, and I'll claim pirate. But I do believe the lass has gone to get the lyrics off of Phantom of the Opera.
  15. Aarghh!! Red and I are unsure as to wether we shall be able to go to this faire. tis already unfortunate we will not be in Vegas for Diego, but with our chests running out of gold, and me in a search for a new ship ( I graduate next week and will be pursuing a real career), things shall be a bit tricky. So, I doubt we shall be able to sail to Escondido, but I believe Petee is plannin' on it.
  16. Aye, Capt. Petee, you know well all these ruffians.
  17. Ahoy, mi mates. A blast this weekend was. My photos show the tales. It starts with nice pics goes to a blurry mess of something, then is clear again with sunday morning pictures. To all those we have met these past two fairs, I thank you for your generosity and kindness. Even Diego.
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