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Skull pyrate Carter

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Everything posted by Skull pyrate Carter

  1. Wow, it feels weird returning to these ports. And my wife and I will be joining Petee at the fest.
  2. Hey, my ears have been burning for a while, but I didn't think it was from you guys. Sorry, but our clients have had us working 16 hour days and I've had alot of other things going on. so, I have Rogues' sketchbook, as I already told her and I should be able to get some more into it and sent by monday (could you pm your address? or do you want it to go to oderless first?) And I have a big black one. I am guessing it's yours Oderless. I will try to contribute to it and have it sent on Monday. Sorry for not posting earlier, read first paragraph. If you do need to get a hold of my, the pm's send me an email notification.
  3. I got my book and the other one.
  4. patrick, i take it you mean the end of june, since for the third time, I have NO book.
  5. cool, that's all I needed to know.
  6. i guess i'm asking is where are the books?
  7. so, umm... well. I don't have a book. The last one I had was the one which seems to be in Oderless's possession and unclaimed...
  8. Work was getting more hectic and add that to the planning of a wedding and I was late as always. even though the book I sent had no previous art. I haven't received anything...
  9. That's interesting. I do the advertising for CHOC, and have yet to hear about this. Believe me someone at work would have told me... in fact I did some piratical art for CHOC on a different install, hmm.. I'll need to ask about it at work tomorrow.
  10. Thanks everyone. No, Rumba we were not officially, we were just together. But now it's all official and what not and we are planning for next year.
  11. We are now officially engaged!
  12. Black Mab is fine. She got Billy's gift.
  13. Well mine went out a few days back.
  14. Got Gentleman's book yesterday!!
  15. I haven't received anything...
  16. once again, i'm running late. work has been non stop hectic, even 13 hour days...
  17. I got Ransom's ysterday.
  18. ODERLESS, My deepest apologies. I was wrapped in holiday and hectic work stuff, then I decided to get really sick. But as I get out of the cold I realize I haven't sent it off, as I planned to do already. I'll be shipping it out tommorrow. Once again, sorry. December is always the worst month. :)
  19. Yeah, my muse took a bit of a vacation as well. I wasn't sure what to do, but I'm sure you'll enjoy. I received Patrick Hand's book today. I love it.
  20. I'll be sending it out in the mail today. I was gone over the weekend, we had to go up north to visit Jamie's family.
  21. I know of my Viking heritage (ala WIlliam the Conqueror), and I know of a few other sea farers (two families of the Plymouth Voyage), but alas i can find no pirate heritage yet. Then again, i only have research of three generations back on my mother's side.
  22. so do i. i was going to use like an acrylic paint, but then thought I'd risk the wax.
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