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Durty Mick Moon

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Everything posted by Durty Mick Moon

  1. (with apologies to those in the cold weather states, ye knows who ye are) but, it be a absolutely crystal clear turquoise blue sky wi' the long stretched out shadows o' the autumn sunshine turnin' the world golden n' amber wi' the deep cobalt sea n' front o' meself n' the tan brown rich green stately mountains a backdrop behind me n' the air be smellin' fresh n' sweet like a long lost love I once knew......(sorry 'bout the wordiness, I be Irish ye knows)
  2. yer "fancy" or yer "fanny".......(cannot believe I just said that )
  3. (well, ahem! gentlemen....bein' back ta the thread topic o' "user name's" ): the "Durty" means dirty but in a good way ifn ye knows what I be meanin', but I wish a couple o' ye's would stop puttin' in the name "Dick" 'stead o' "Mick"...I do not be wantin' some ta be gettin' the wrong impression......now ye mates kin go back to yer beads balls n' orifices
  4. God bless you, my child, all your sins are forgiven
  5. well, the question cannot be any more inane then some o' the other's here (i.e. facial shaving vs. "down there" shaving)....debating on whether to shave me beard off, some o' me women friends like it, some do not. So I be wonderin'......not that I be seriously mindin' any o' ye's opinions anyways...thank ye fer yer patronage...
  6. Aye, I be givin' it up all the time but it be sneekin' back up on me n' hittin' me o'er the head when I not be lookin' .....love, ...when ye be lookin fer it ye cannot find it, when ye give up all hope o' findin' it, it be sneekin' back up on ye like a quiet tarantula....
  7. well, PyratePhil, I thought ye a writer o' subtlety n' nuance but ye seem ta be layin' yer cards all on the table thar, mate....so be tellin' us, what be yer real feelins' .... n' Monterey Jack....are ye then a cheesehead, mate? how 'bout Roguefort or Camembert (I like "Camembert" meself)....
  8. well, now thar be the world's biggest surprise....
  9. Aye, like a dark phantom ship lurkin’ that seeps ‘tween the unprotected seams o’ yer seas o' consciousness n’ mingles wi’ the mists n’ shadows o’ yer most guarded dreams, movin’ wi’ the rhythym o’ slow waves heartbeats ….a specter that be mercilessly hauntin’ the very bowels n’ dungeons, the most remote attics within the towerin’ spires, o’ yer imagination’s citadel,…. A vague whisperin’ silhouette that barely flickers just beyond the edge o’ the path o’ vision; when ye turn yer head only left be the silent memory of a blurred image, nondescript,….like a meanderin’ echo cryin’, a lost fadin’ melody the wind be carryin’, careenin’ down a barren canyon, long yellowin’ blades o’ last twilight laid across granite walls, there be a remnant o’ a lullaby, the tune no longer be audible, smothered in a cloudy realm of an intrudin’ world…..aye, there be a presence ye feel but can not touch like the stardust left o’ the embers of dreams the mornings’ awakening has extinguished, the night’s magic, the mystery ye can not quite fathom…n’ ‘neath yer feet the steady pulse o’ all yer hope n’ a slow beatin’ o’ yer haunted heart….yea, like a ghost floatin’ thru dreams’ misty realms….uh, oh...(damn, now the bottle be empty)....
  10. Oh, well...I be seein' me mates sailin' off as I be stuck in port once agin.... ....it be a long dull next couple o' days fer Mick....keepin' hisself occupied wi' a lonely bottle o' Planter's Rum....drownin' me own misery n' anguish, oh, woe is me....have a drink fer me, mates, n' I be toastin' to ye all in the dark, shadowy confines o' me own cold lonely quarters.... ...now where be that blowup doll?.....
  11. Aye, they must o' certainly broke the mold after makin' her...one o' a kind...so's I be wonderin'...anymore likes a her where she come from?...I be meanin' she gots any single sisters who be havin' a pinin' fer a suave philosophical poet pyrate type who can lick 'is eyebrows? So's how I be feelin' (back on topic)....forlorn n' wallowin' n' despair as I can not yet be in the company o' me mates in Fresno
  12. Okay, I be volunteerin' ta read the book n' post a pyratical review....I be always lookin' fer a good read n' likes ta share 'em...meybe we kin be startin' a book reviews topic section (ifn there ain't one already I don't knows 'bout or too lazy ta find)....once read I be honest wi' me criticism (unless the author be attractive n' single n' wi' low standards) from amazon.com: now ye be owin' me a pint, luv
  13. I be sippin' a hot rich dark chocolate made with half n' half n' a couple o' good jiggers o' Morgan's Private Stock in a big mug.....hmmmmmmmm. warmin' the soul on a cool night..... :)
  14. Avast!....mate, ye are a mighty fyne artist....I be most impressed...do ye have other samples of yer work posted on the net somewheres? Ye 'ave captured the action n' spirit most admirably of the moment.....a tip o' me hat to ye....be there a better reproduction of it at another site? so's I can download it to me desktop n' see it better.....keep up the good work!...now I be goin' to check on me rum coin box savings ta see how much be left fer art ....
  15. Aye, meybe by a suave/dashing/charmin' all 'round bon vivant buccaneer? .......
  16. Touche, Diego ....
  17. Thank ye, Rumba, I ordered them yesterday....we'll see how they work out.....
  18. Aye, I be wearin' glasses....don't use contacts, have not seen any pics of pyrates with glasses, but at www.jas-townsend.com they have reproduction 15th & 18th century eyeglasses. Look in "Personal Accessories" in their catalog. I'm thinking about trying out the 18th century pair fitted with prescrip. lenses....my eyes are also very sensitive to light so I wear round gold metal framed prescription sunglasses with my pyrate garb....I catch some flack about it at times from the "authenticators" but tough crap, I can't see otherwise in bright sunlight...didn't they have tinted glass during the GAoP?....whatever...
  19. I drive a BMW.....
  20. ......smartass......
  21. Ditto the sentiments...the sooner they're back the better.....in fact if they all left tomorrow to come back that would be fine with me...how much incredible sorrow is being created over there.....wives, fathers, mothers and children with unrepairable broken hearts, it makes me sad....
  22. Aye, too bad pterodactyls no longer be around, one 'ould look good on me shoulder
  23. well, Diego ye be rackin' up the points with Rummy.... a little fanny kissin' be good fer the soul, I guess.....'specially ifn it be a nice one
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